Sentences with phrase «world views the character»

Two, how the world views the character

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According to studies conducted by Jayne Gackenbach, a psychologist at Grant MacEwan University, «people who frequently played video games were more likely to report lucid dreams, observer dreams where they viewed themselves from outside their bodies, and dream control that allowed people to actively influence or change their dream worlds — qualities suggestive of watching or controlling the action of a video - game character
The interrelated legs of his tripod — the development of an ethics of character and virtue grounded in a view of the self that is unclear and that lends itself to a substantialist interpretation, an essentialist understanding of the Christian story, and a separatist position on the church - world — are mutually dependent on each other for their internal consistency and coherence.
Whitehead adopts a more orderly, systematic view of nature, one whose structures are capable of giving rise to a unified, rational mind, while at the same time preserving the open - ended, fluid character of the natural world which is so prominent in our experience and which Nietzsche so rightly embraced.
Hauerwas» pacifism, in my view, is pivotal in his response to modernism and the concomitant capacity of humans to commit omnicide; it is crucial to how he develops an ethics of character and virtue, the Christian story, and the relationship between the church and the world.
Later chapters will explore ways of analyzing the expressive nature of the congregation: how it views itself and the world, how it behaves symbolically, and how it communicates its character.
For God is the center of the Christian world view and the Christian world view ultimately takes its shape and character from the nature of God.
I agree, of course, that the naïveté may arise less from the obsolete world view than from the peculiar character of Christian experience, but that is just what my existentialist interpretation is intended to show.
By claiming a scientific character this new world view has been able for several centuries to disguise its ideological nature.
Next, Landry helped the committee conduct a series of cottage meetings that uncovered the world view and character of the congregation, along with what symbols and rituals have become important for them.
As social scientists assist pastor and people in developing a rich fund of the stories, traditions, world views, character, symbols, and rituals of a congregation, chances for God's Word impacting the congregation in profound ways are greatly enhanced.
In its desire for openness of mind and for adjustment to the trends and needs of the day, Modernism, both in its theological and practical forms, has intentionally or unconsciously adopted a philosophy and a world - view which are dramatically out of accord with the character of religion and of Christianity in particular.
While the chief playwright of the Western world is, according to this view, fully implicated in the crimes of his culture, The Merchant of Venice and Othello, plays that offer characters and incidents with a plausible relation to contemporary concerns, undermine any such judgment.
This view, according to which Jesus is an absolutely novel historical event owing nothing to his past actual world, stresses that in his «kingly character» Jesus is «complete in Himself.»
The study team that seeks to identify a congregation by its character must, like the researcher looking for setting or world view, assume the role of observing participant, a posture that takes nothing for granted.
Now, all the effective components in this picture — the instructional interactions and the events with a specific character, into which they are drawn together — have the character of intentions, so we are already, in our basic view of science, in a world in which conceptions of Value are at least not foreign and maybe are inescapable.
Apart from some traditional philosophical influences, this is due mainly to the fact that relativity excluded the universal cosmic «Now» as the substratum of absolute simultaneity; and since such «Now» was naturally viewed as a boundary between past and future events, its elimination was interpreted as a denial of the successive character of the world.
Whitehead's view of the pre-cognitive character of our fundamental relatedness to the world led him to warn against an «excessive trust in [the] linguistic phrases» (PR 12/17) with which we attempt to describe the world.
With his mysterious past and his completely amoral view on the world, it's like a character from It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia somehow ended up in Scranton, where he spends his days stealing, slacking off and getting other people fired.
Mr. Men and Little Miss characters offer a trendy, fashion - forward way for your readers to tap into their sense of humor and let the world know exactly how they view themselves.
The characters» conflicted views of their troubled world make for a read that still feels fresh today.
While the Walking Dead is a bunch of characters (who nobody cares whether they live or die) sitting around talking about their feelings and who should be in charge for 8 episodes (with an occasional zombie forced in, for no apparent reason), Z Nation actually shows a full world view (with more than Walking Dead ’s
The added issue I had with Sonic Forces» story is that it's filled with practically every Sonic character we've seen over the years, yet they seem to do little more than talk to you over the radio during levels and have their faces appear next to text boxes, moving the story forward when in the world map view.
Character designs are gritty and realistic, more so than their respective games have portrayed them; it's a twisted view of a usually family - friendly world, and this is achieved without altering the original designs too much, barring one or two minor exceptions.
«She plays a very, very big part in the movie and represents a certain point of view of the worlds that we experience in that movie, but Doctor Strange, without a doubt, is the character we follow through the movie,» said Feige.
It's full of sharp dialogue and entertaining characters and fuelled by a wryly enlightened view of our world and how it can be at once cruel and caring.
Linkle from the upcoming Hyrule Warriors Legends & Ravio from A link Between Worlds can become playable Characters... View Article
We found [that] to do those characters justice, to do those points of view justice, to make T'Challa's world seem important, there was no room for anything else.
The material here more closely resembles his efforts on «Scott Pilgrim vs. the World» than «Project X,» at least in the sense that he's lending a sensitive or sympathetic edge to all of the characters» shenanigans, and it proves that he's got a voice as a writer that articulates honestly the point of view of young characters in a pop - culture - saturated society.
It's that tension, enhanced by Villeneuve's constant surveillance of every space these characters inhabit, as if viewing the world through their military vigilance, that keeps the film walking the knife's edge and keeps the audience riveted to every scene.
The Orpheon is a series of videos dedicated to sharing a deeper view of the worlds and characters of the Metroid games.
At the recent press day, Core, Ramirez, Bracey, wingsuit stunt pilot Jeb Corliss, professional free climber Chris Sharma, Alcon producers Andrew A. Kosove and Broderick Johnson, and 2nd unit director Philip Boston talked about how they went about creating the ultimate sports movie, how the actors viewed their characters and built the bro - mance, the challenges of coordinating a production that shot around the world in 11 countries and on 4 continents, why all the 2nd unit work was shot prior to the first unit work, why vision and authenticity were paramount, why the imagination, energy and focus required to shoot a film in camera is much greater than when visual effects are used everywhere, and why it took courage to make this film.
This is a well - written, beautifully directed film that fills a real world with people — not merely characters — who each have distinct points of view and approach life and / or death with very different perspectives.
A big part of the reason why comes from the film playing more like a comical character study with a world events backdrop, letting us see the craziness that would be front page headlines through the filtered and skewed view of a man whose own political views stemmed more through favors and paybacks than through heartfelt convictions.
Universal's classic monster movies all existed in the same world, Kevin Smith built his View Askewniverse that was connected by shared characters such as Jay & Silent Bob, Quentin Taranito's movies all have little connections to each other, and they even shared some connections with the interconnected films of Grindhouse co-director Robert Rodriguez.
«This is the first time I've watched 20 films in 10 days, and I love movies, and the one thing I really took away from this experience is how the world views women from the female characters that I saw represented,» Chastain said.
Mills uses voiceover from the point of view of each character, mainly Jamie, telling us things that happened in the past and what will happen in the future, while expressing his observations of a world that rapidly changes around all of them.
Their characters seem to adopt a dim view of the world, where everything is disposable, where self - image can be warped with just under 140 characters on Twitter, but Tragedy Girls never accepts a passive stance, instead its sarcasm and lampoonery is reflective, and god knows the world we live in today needs a look in the mirror — even if it's of the funhouse variety.
There's a surer sense of world - building at play in Catching Fire, not only through looks at the other districts, but in characters» expression of their world view.
For all of the controversy surrounding the movie for fear that young males will begin setting up fight clubs of their own all around the world, the theory is countered directly in the movie as Ed Norton's nameless character comes to view his dimwitted, class - conscious Fight Club cohorts as complete morons.
The measure of a film like this comes through how much we can identify with the main character, and though her nonconformist views on life and love are radically different than what most would opt for themselves, she makes a certain sense in this uncertain world.
Most of Miyazaki's films focus on a girl protagonist on the cusp of teendom and accordingly they assume the world view of such a character.
Users can then chat with our 17 characters, view exclusive content, play games, view photos and videos, and connect with other kids around the world.
From the start, WKCD aimed to spread a more capacious view of «what kids can do» — a vision that made room for real - world problem solving, teamwork, character and citizenship, learning from mistakes, creativity, social justice, and contribution.
We strive for growth in students» character measured by positive changes in behavior and world view.
[11] Yet another writer approvingly traces the whole field back to the bleak world view of Thomas Hobbes: it is «an obvious assumption of character education,» writes Louis Goldman, that people lack the instinct to work together.
Its generally large file sizes can use up precious storage and processing power in mobile devices; and it's limited in its ability to «reflow» to suit different screen sizes (anywhere from a couple of dozen to 100 or more characters wide), an important issue in the ebook world where the same ebook might be viewed on a large computer screen or a small mobile phone screen.
«One, how the character views the world.
Ryan North: She's very empathic — good at seeing the world from the point of view of other characters — which I think is PROBABLY a good thing to have when you've got literal superpowers?
Some of us like our heroes and heroines to be admirable holding to high moral standards or exemplary behavior, others look for characters they can identify with because of shared tastes or world views, and others want their characters to be compelling and capable of making the reader care what happens to them, often to the point of staying up way past bedtime to read just one more chapter.
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