Sentences with phrase «worried about democracy»

Don't worry about Democracy, create an OILigarchy.
With an AI in charge we wouldn't have to worry about our democracy being stolen, sold, rigged, gerrymandered, or given away.

Not exact matches

More broadly, some people worry about how all this number - crunching will affect democracy, in America and elsewhere.
Well, if you're a tech company, then it's much easier to regulate your product without worries about infringing on free speech and freedom of the press, particularly if it can be proven that Facebook is bad for mental health and perhaps even for democracy.
Moreover, the Institute on Religion and Democracy is worried about some of the people who headed the NCC effort and are now in charge of the loot.
There is worry about various things that the Chinese government might do that would have negative consequences, including repressive measures, but democracy as such is not a focus of anxiety.
What worries us about liberal democracy is that political leaders, especially democratically elected ones, find it difficult to admit their mistakes.
«I am worried about the future of our country with foreign influence in our elections — it goes to the very wellspring of our democracy,» Schumer said in a statement.
PM is right to worry about the decline of local newspapers - but the current voting system is also damaging democracy
We have seen opposition in the UK parliament from economic libertarians like Peter Lilley, who worry about TTIP's effect on sovereignty and democracy.
«So, yes, David Cameron, Ed Miliband and Nick Clegg, if you are worried that a strong SNP is a threat to all that is deeply undemocratic and unfair about the Westminster notion of democracy, then all I can say to you is this: you had better believe we are.»
«We have to start worrying about the stability of our democracies,» says Yascha Mounk, a political scientist at Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
The authors worry that democracy is threatened by the ease at which disinformation about civic issues is allowed to spread and flourish.
DK: It was so clarifying to see these questions repeat, to hear Harry Waters [who did the play in San Francisco] worry about how Belize handles «Democracy in America,» and then to hear Nathan Stewart - Jarrett, who's opening it on Broadway, have the exact same problems and issues and to realize these are not problems that the text solves.
While critics worry about how money relates to school reform and the entities attracted to participating, they also highlight concerns about democracy and diversity.
If you care about our public schools and our democracy, you should be worried.
What I have started worrying about is pissant progressives who advocate suspension of democracy, centralisation of power, curtailing of free market, economic «degrowth» and re-education camps for deniers.
And the current worries about the Trump administration's direction are justified based on past experience, according to Michael Halpern, deputy director of the Center for Science and Democracy.
Carrington worries about the bit of hate mail he gets from deniers, conveniently ignoring missives sent the other way, and the casual disregard for democracy evinced by environmentalists as a matter of course.
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