Sentences with phrase «worried about the medication»

I love the idea but still would be worried about the medication.
If you're worried about a medication, or have been told that you can't breastfeed while taking a medication, you can call their hotline 806-352-2519 or visit for the most up - to - date information.
I gave up breastfeeding after only a few weeks because of sore nipples, and I was worried about the medication I was taking getting through my milk to my baby.
Some of our clients hesitate to take their animals to a conventional veterinary emergency hospital because they are worried about medications and harsh chemicals being administered to their dog or cat.
People worry about medication side effects.

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It's bad enough we have to worry about spam emails promising discount medications and other shady deals.
If you are worried about the cost of medication you might need, you can use a prescription discount code to save a large percentage on the cost of anything your doctor prescribes to help you feel better.
Many parents worry about their child being placed on medication for ADHD.
If this medication is safe for babies to take directly, then it's easy to assume that you can have some of it present in your breast milk without having to worry about whether or not it's going to seriously harm your child.
Do you need something to help you deal with fatigue and bloating but find yourself worrying about your baby when you take medications while nursing?
Parents go through excruciating conflict, ambivalence and worry about using medication with their children who are suffering from a psychiatric or neuro - biological illness.
Many mothers worry about sedation medications or anesthesia affecting their infants but, if you have a healthy baby, once you are awake enough to hold and nurse your baby, the anesthesia has left your system enough to not be an issue for baby (1).
One was on reflux medication for months and I was always worried about hurting his gums with the hard plastic syringe.
With co-sleeper you won't have to worry about it in case your follow the guidelines on safe co-sleeping and don't use cigars, medications that make you sleepy and alcohol.
Moms can take necessary medications without worrying about they will harm their baby by passing it through to the milk supply.
I guess this problem provides a distraction from the rest of the labor if you're spending the time worrying about what your medication is doing to your body.
They may also worry about falling behind in school or have concerns about the side effects of OCD medications.
You can also ingests medications including oral contraceptives without worrying about what may get into your supply or affect your volume.
If you have depression or anxiety, which are two of the most common mental disorders, you might worry about the side effects that medication can cause.
Intravenous liquids are given to keep the woman hydrated, and should she need medication further down the road, it can be administered directly to the woman without having to worry about inserting the IV at the time.
Do not be held back by worries about the safety of the medications as there are drugs that you can take and still breastfeed.
These large gaps are causing some experts who worry about whether or not American kids are being overmedicated seek to show that several factors are at play — parents looking for fast solutions, medication becoming more normal for people's problems, different parenting styles, the prominence of drug companies and much more.
Plus, if a parent is nursing, they may worry about the health of their baby if they go on medication.
If you are one of those moms who always keeps a small bag stocked with first aid supplies, travel sized medications, and baby toiletries, stick the spare nightlight and bulb in there as well, so you don't have to worry about forgetting it.
The eighth patient in the study had a malfunctioning chip that did not release any medication, which might lead some to worry about potential for accidental release of excessive dosages.
«Many parents are concerned that their children may not be gaining as much weight as they should because [ADHD] medications can decrease appetite in the short run, but these results would lead me to be much less worried about that now,» says corresponding author F. Xavier Castellanos of the Phyllis Green and Randolph Cowen Institute of Pediatric Neuroscience at New York University Langone Medical Center.
[pagebreak] Slideshow: Sleeping Pill Side EffectsWhat you should and shouldn't worry about Read moreMore about sleep medication
If you worry about the use of antibiotics in agriculture and the rise of antibiotic - resistant bacteria, grass - fed animals receive less medication (and sometimes none).
Pomegranate juice extracts are being prescribed as an alternative therapy to arthritis sufferers in the hopes that they will experience relief from their symptoms without having to worry about uncomfortable or downright debilitating side effects from medications.
People sometimes worry that testosterone is not safe because of all the stories they read about people who use this medication illegally.
You don't need to worry about your allergic reactions to some supplements as you won't take any particular medications to gain more height.
I'm sorry for the rant but I don't know what to do when I went to the doctors I seemed to know more about this than they did which worried me and now I know they'll just put me on some medication which won't work.
And, diabetes can cause a great deal of stress, as well, having to poke fingers for glucose, watch the diet, worry about complications, take medications, and have poor control even though following a medical practitioners advice.
Dr. Stephen Amira, a psychologist at Harvard - affiliated Brigham and Women's Hospital who specializes in CBT - i, says that many of his patients have tried sleep medications in the past but are concerned about the side effects or worried about depending on them too much.
If you're thinking about giving your dog CBD because you're worried about the side effects of a prescribed medication, you might try a few of these alternative remedies — or just discuss your concerns with your vet.
If you are in a job where your employer covers your healthcare, there might not be too much to worry about but if you are jobless, it is going to be hard to get the required care / medication that you need to stay healthy.
The small steps that you take today, tomorrow, and for the next 30 years will ensure financial freedom for your golden years, and the peace of mind that comes with not having to worry about being on a fixed income and having to choose between buying medication or food.
My doctor has upped one of my medications as I have trouble sleeping worrying about this.
Now you don't have to worry about that greasy spot that topical medications leave on your dog and rubs off on furniture, or more importantly, on your kids.
I would not worry about a client using cheese or a small amount of peanut butter or similar things to help with administration of medications even after a bout of pancreatitis.
Don't delay if you're worried about your pet — call your vet or, out of hours, your nearest Vets Now pet emergency clinic or Vets Now 24/7 hospital with as much information as possible regarding the medication (name, strength, amount ingested).
I was not worry about the money, but for my dog being on medication all the time.
If your pet gets so upset that you are worried for his / her health, please talk with your veterinarian about anti-anxiety medications that may be helpful.
Through us you do not have to worry about buying pet medications online from unsafe sources.
One of the things you don't have to worry about is the cost of vet visits and medication, as the rescues and shelters pay for that.
If you worry about giving your dog medication and the effect it has on their body, then don't.
Are you a senior worried about how you're going to pay for food, supplies, medications or medical treatment for your senior pet?
This makes it easy to buy prescribed medication directly from your vet, without having to worry about cost.
Concerns about using medications are valid and can include questions about the financial burden, how the meds might affect the dog's personality, worries about side effects, and even personal biases against medication use in general.
Unfortunately, many pet parents opt to skip making a vet appointment because they are worried about the expense of the office visit fee and any additional care or medications that may be needed.
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