Sentences with phrase «worries are in the future»

Use it to remind yourself that all worries are in the future and likely will not come to pass.

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Steven Cook, senior fellow for Middle East and Africa Studies at the Council on Foreign Relations, said higher oil prices lessen all the worries from 2015 and 2016 about the Saudi government's ability to maintain its commitments, but the consolidation of power in the hands of the Crown Prince also is significant for the market and investors as his reform program is widely regarded as critical for Saudi Arabia's future prosperity.
«What I tell people is No. 1: they shouldn't be worried about the future,» Johnson said at The Feast social innovation conference in New York City.
EU citizens living in Britain will worry for their futures until their right to remain is guaranteed.
Soon after the campaign was funded, Kickstarter banned all future synthetic biology campaigns amidst blowback in the media and worries among members of the scientific community that the Taxa project would create a precedent for «the unsupervised release of GMOs,» according to the Verge.
It's true that focusing on the present helps you get tasks done faster, but working on your next day's to - do lists will help in two ways: First, you'll help your future self by setting a prioritized list of items in advance, and second, you'll be clearing your mind of tasks you don't need to worry about today.
Even if your financial situation is solid, you can worry about large, sudden expenses, or about the impact of rising costs in the future.
As people worry about Dropbox and's future, companies large and small are getting into the pure storage game; a business backbone in the cloud
But now, with the ACA's future in limbo, he and his wife are watching the action in Washington and worrying that they might have to return to jobs with benefits.
«What would be an effective way of allaying this kind of worry in the future
Critics have worried that the Fed has missed opportunities to normalize policy, but Yellen said «the risk of falling behind the curve in the near future appears limited, and gradual increases in the federal funds rate will likely be sufficient to get to a neutral policy stance over the next few years.»
What's more, of those who did buy recently, nearly two - thirds said they chose to buy because they were worried about how much higher the price would be in the future if they waited.
Meghan Markle, who will soon be Britain's newest royal, won't have to worry about money anytime in the near future.
I will address this question in my future post on LinkedIn strategies, but for now, if you're just starting out you don't have to worry about this.
But while worries about humans» rocky adjustment to an AI - filled future are understandable, it's helpful to also remember that advances in AI are producing tangible — sometimes even jaw - dropping benefits — today.
Before you spend too much time worrying about a severance agreement in your own future, be aware that cooperation clauses for mid-level employees are rare.
It found that corporations that promote their philanthropy and corporate social responsibility are actually more likely to act irresponsibly in the future, because they may feel moral license to worry less about potential wrongdoing.
So there's that, and the worry would be that future issues with any European bank could be resolved in an as - yet - unknown way with respect to which bondholders take losses and which don't.
I have a student loan coming in, so I don't have to worry about where my next check is coming from [student loans work differently in Britain — they're paid back as a percentage of future earnings once a certain income threshold is reached and are generally taken directly from paychecks like a tax, producing far less repayment anxiety].
Are you not worried about future Puerto Rico's in US municipal bonds?
I was talking with a retiree earlier this year who was worried about interest rates rising in the future.
However, it's easier to save when you know you are saving with a purpose — to buy your freedom (now, and in the future) from worry and indentured servitude to your bills.
Instead of being fully present in the hospital, I was also worried about the future of my job.
U.S. stock futures are trading more than 3 % lower as investors worry about a sharp drop in Chinese stocks after Friday's falls of more than 3 % for U.S. indices.
That could mean investors are moving money out of stocks and into bonds in anticipation of disappointing earnings; or that foreigners who are worried about their own economies are looking for a safer haven in the U.S.; or that expectations of future inflation have declined, allowing long - term interest rates to come down a little.
The risks associated with future toxic waste from the oil sands are, in some ways, more worrying than the much more widely known global warming ones.
With the software laid down, it's also a safe bet there will be advances on the idea that blockchains can and should connect in order to assuage businesses wary of investing in the wrong tech, or being worried about getting boxed out of future business opportunities.
When we're in the trenches commuting to work, pushing through the daily grind, worried about money and our future, it's important to step back and question whether the time we are giving up for the money is worth it.
So should worries about the impact of higher CPP premiums be allowed to stand in the way of better income security for future generations of retirees?
It baffles me that they would worry about political backlash for reducing or removing this private school funding from wealthy parents groups that I'm positive have never voted NDP nor would they in the future.
If you are looking for a business where you don't have to worry about its profitability in the future, then maybe you have to start...
One central issue with ARMs is that borrowers worry that rates will rise in the future.
March is expected to see some recovery, but trade does remain a major source of worry for the Canadian economyExports have struggled, and with global trade agreements like NAFTA left up in the air, the future is less than certain.
Let's suppose that would be true, then one could say: «Why should I worry about a day, which is so far away in the future
«She's never really dealt with the kinds of economic issues that a majority of the women in this country are facing in terms of how do we feed our kids, how do we send them to school and how do we — why we worry about their future
I think stress, at its core, is feeling worried about things that aren't going your way presently, didn't go your way in the past, or might not go your way in the future.
Sitting in the pleasant sunshine of an April afternoon, my friend and I worried about the future of Israel, which may turn even further to the right if the Likud government is retained in the election.
In her previous incarnation the minister's wife worried about these things only on occasion and was assured that the Lord would take care of her in an uncertain futurIn her previous incarnation the minister's wife worried about these things only on occasion and was assured that the Lord would take care of her in an uncertain futurin an uncertain future.
Again the trouble may lie in factors harder to cope with — domestic disharmony, friction in one's work, a job one loathes but fears to leave, worry about the future, lack of success in some pivotal enterprise, separation by distance, by marriage, or by death from one who is deeply loved.
If we waste the present act of being out of worry about them, we are likely to waste those later ones worrying about still later ones in their future.
Like everyone, he's worried about America's future, and he'd like to see more experienced Christian leaders in public office.
If you are worried about some demanding event in the future, try this brief daily exercise: See yourself in your imagination coping with that event in a strong, effective way.
Thus the economic and the religious issues are not clearly distinguishable in Nigeria; and that's why the country's Christians» though there has been no indication whatsoever that their right to worship might be curtailed» are worried about their future.
It's those right wing nut jobs that has so many in America worried about our future.
This somewhat optimistic prediction of things to come may not seem helpful for the here and now, because we live in an era of fear, anxiety, and worry, and our question and our text is how can we adapt now and in the immediate future to this rapid rate of social change.
Hours after declaring Sunday that he expects to be running for president within a month, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich said he's worried the United States could be «a secular atheist country, potentially one dominated by radical Islamists,» in the foreseeable future, according to Politico.
But if they do not recognize the consequences, in both thought and practice, of the present state of their beliefs, we whose bent is philosophical rather than scientific may be forgiven for worrying about what the scientific future holds.
We seem to believe in a God who will preserve our future beyond the grave, but we worry that God may not be all we need on this side.
Pete do nt worry because the future religion will unify all of us, its not the ultimate but for a long time it will be.After the dialectical process of change involving us the theists in one hand and the atheist in the other, we will arrive to merging of faith.though its beyond our lifetime, scientific methods of prediction and reckoning is ongoing
If you are one of the millions of Americans who are «a little worried about the future» and I wonder what it means to be responsible to others in today's world, then this book may be for you.
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