Sentences with phrase «worry about the algorithm»

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Worried about Google's new algorithm?
«The longer you stay on the page and the more processor power you donate, the more algorithms get solved, which earns cryptocurrency... If you're ever worried about power consumption, simply turn down the amount of processing power you're donating.
Many pay - per - click advertisers don't outwardly worry a great deal about click fraud these days, trusting instead in the barriers and detection algorithms that search...
And in the newsletter intro this month I talked a bit about FB Algorithm changes and still maintain this is nothing for advocacy / campaign social to be worrying about... again, if you are overtly being promotional enough to get dinged for this, you deserve to be, imho, but here's the official FB announcement for this particular algorithm tweak: News Algorithm changes and still maintain this is nothing for advocacy / campaign social to be worrying about... again, if you are overtly being promotional enough to get dinged for this, you deserve to be, imho, but here's the official FB announcement for this particular algorithm tweak: News algorithm tweak: News Feed FYI.
If I did the entire sign up process on my own, I would have doubted the accuracy of my answers and worried about it leading to an off matching algorithm for my profile.
At eHarmony there are no ghouls or trolls to worry about as all matches are generated using the eHarmony matching algorithm and are based on what you want in a partner as well as what traits matches best with your personality.
As a matter of fact, a vast majority of users are worry about the user interface, communication options available on the site, the efficiency of search algorithms, privacy options accessible to them and the strength of the membership base.
Parents accustomed to the «classic style» of teaching math — long worksheets of standard algorithms with one or two word problems at the bottom — worry about the unfamiliar presentation of their kids» homework, and many opponents have delighted in picking apart often inscrutable questions.
That said, I can see her method would be helpful in two specific ways: a) potentially more buzz and / or Amazon algorithm friendliness, and b) forcing authors to focus on production first and not worrying about promotion until later in the series (as there would be nothing released to promote until 5 books in).
Plus, if you drive any and all traffic you have to Amazon then as a new author you can take advantage of Amazon's internal sales algorithms to have your book rank higher for more exposure, without the need to worry about delivering the e-book.
A possible return to an emphasis on finding your true fans and building a relationship with them rather than just worrying about scoring big with the Amazon algorithms.
However, I worry about the public's expectations and what becomes of the algorithms it helped birth.
«People worry about the impact of these technologies, which are already part and parcel of many clients» operations, but there's a lot to consider, legally, when, say, it's proposed to engage in trading using a new algorithm.
Natural language processing algorithms have improved greatly, so users can ask richer, more semantically complex questions instead of worrying about syntax for the computer's sake.
While everyone tends to worry about their websites when an algorithm update is looming, one benefit is that it often forces you to make improvements.
This means you can create your own sidechain projects using the Stratis» algorithm without being worried about its safety;
Users will have to worry about making their posts good enough to be chosen by the algorithm or their posts could be de-prioritized.
Those building pegged off - chain or sidechain systems needn't worry about on - chain limitations, as Monero's dynamic block size algorithm grows and shrinks the block size limit based on the on - chain demand.
The company says it is not worried about the drop, since the US market is already so saturated, and because it attributes the decrease to its own, purposeful moves to revamp the News Feed algorithm.
I'm not at all worried about Bitcoin Core changing the proof - of - work algorithm.
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