Sentences with phrase «worry about their rabbit»

Spinal issues are serious in any species and your exotics vet should be consulted if you are worried about your rabbit's back.
Their lower caloric density may make them a better option for bunny parents who are worried about their rabbits» sugar intake.
I am also worried about the rabbits.

Not exact matches

So instead of continuing to go down yet another rabbit hole of unwarranted speculation, I got a fudge pop from the freezer and then decided that the fact that I'm even worrying about any of this is an indication that I need to find something more productive to do with my time.
In addition to the sly humor to be found in the background of every Aardman production (labels for Costly Crackers and Stumbler's Whiskey, a wall papered with news stories about the «Veggy Monster» from «The Curse of the Were - Rabbit»), «Flushed Away» features a hilarious running gag in the form of a Greek chorus of singing slugs, who harmonize at opportune moments on everything from «Don't Worry, Be Happy» to «Mr. Lonely.»
Given the impact that Rotten Tomatoes usually has on a pic's box office results, that really isn't anything that Fifty Shades Freed and Peter Rabbit have to worry about.
In addition, because house rabbits stay inside and use their eco-friendly litterboxes, you don't have to worry about proper poop disposal like you do with dogs.
I've considered getting a second rabbit, but I worry about her not getting along with this second rabbit and it being pointless and just giving my parents more to take care of while I'm gone.
So don't leave it till its to late, get bunny proofing so you can relax with your rabbit roaming safely without constant worrying about where this naughty behaviour will break out next and spoiling time that should be shared harmoniously together.
Step 1: Have your rabbit spayed or neutered (even though you don't have to worry about unwanted litters, spaying and neutering reduces hormonal behavior and reduces your rabbit's risk of certain conditions, including cancer.)
If your rabbit has already consumed clover and appears to be okay, there is probably nothing to worry about.
Instead, spot - clean your rabbit with a damp cloth whenever necessary (rabbits are generally clean animals, so owners do not have to worry too much about hygiene).
The most worrisome health issue a Giant Angora rabbit has to worry about is the possibility of developing wool block.
So don't worry about you or your child getting lice from their pet rabbit with pediculosis (lice infestation).
Even somewhat timid rabbits are more likely to accept interaction if it takes place on the floor, where the rabbit doesn't have to worry about potential falls and can get up and go at a moment's notice.
You will be able to house pet rabbits of the opposite sex together, without worrying about unwanted pregnancies, so long as both rabbits have been spayed or neutered.
We do know that many rabbits have respiratory disease that is almost unapparent, we call this «subclinical,» and we worry about those patients when we do anesthesia as we may be unaware of how sick they really are.
Insurance is now available for rabbits and if the worst happens and your rabbit does get sick, insurance means your vet can dedicate their effort into doing all that is necessary to diagnose and treat any illness, rather than worrying about doing certain tests or treatments because of the cost.
I'm a little worried after reading all of the horror stories online about rabbits with the snuffles and rabbits with respiratory infections.
One thing you worry about with a big breed of rabbit is these rabbits were bred to develop quickly and put weight on quickly.
If you have a source of whole or ground raw, I'm thinking whole (head to feet) ground rabbit, then you can feed this and not worry too much about balance.
Every good rabbit owner worries about what to do with his or her pet rabbit while traveling.
These crunchy treats do not contain any substances that are poisonous to rabbits, so you have no need to worry about kidney or liver damage.
When he starts introducing his imaginary rabbit friend to guests at a party, his sister can no longer tolerate his inebriated antics and worries about her family being exposed to this imaginary rabbit.
(2) Worrying about low probability catastrophe scenarios takes us down a costly rabbit hole.
They often worry about adult - like things such as their parents» jobs and finances or even whether the rabbit has enough food or the world is going to run out of air.
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