Sentences with phrase «worrying about harming»

And you don't have to worry about this harming your credit.
I don't think it will have a lot of impact on the economy and I worry about the harm of larger deficits — evidence says that if it pays for itself it won't be while this Congress is around — but it does try to go more directly at the problem.
If you're searching for an effective and low - cost way to hold your baby on the front of your body without having to worry about any harm coming to him or her even when you need to take care of other things with your hands, check out the LovedByMoms Large Forward - Facing Hands Free Baby Wrap.
We are worried about the harm suffered by children in all sorts of ways in private law cases, which makes them unrecognised children in need.
Since these monitors are completely safe, you never have to worry about them harming your baby, or you.
you could use a bassinet next to the bed if you were worried about harming your child; and carrying your baby in a carrier while they are sleeping during the day helps bonding too.
With the Infantino Cuddle Up Ergonomic Hoodie Carrier, you can keep your child close to you either on the front or the back of your body without having to worry about harming your back in the process.
In small amounts, there's no reason to worry about harming the baby.
AFAIK he isn't, so from a political pov he had not much to worry about harming (as long its not criminal content), while giving him some clean appearance.
This makes it a great choice for anyone who is worried about harming their dog with a hard plastic frisbee.
Within the group that is sure global warming is not happening, «the dismissives,» the percentage worried about harm to developing countries drops to zero.
«It's definitely a bit of a contentious issue — not just polite conversation,» says Scambos, who continues to worry about the harm a dispute like this can do in a time when many science fields are increasingly subject to political polarization.
And a coalition of environmental organizations worries about harm to nontarget marine life.
The results indicate that almost half of the PCPs reported that they would not worry about the harms of tight glycemic control for an older patient at risk for hypoglycemia.
Yet, when I shared my achievement with my parents they were worried about me harming my spine and bone mass.
The best part about these is that since they are all made using natural ingredients, there is no worry about harming the skin.
Publishers aren't stupid; they know they can sell more ebooks at a lower price and make money doing so, but they worry about harming existing partnerships.
This would be similar to how the dream codes work, so you would not have to worry about any harm being done to your town while you are away.

Not exact matches

We've talked and worried for years about the potential harm to businesses that unforeseen results and unintended consequences can cause, especially when the companies involved are new and relatively immature.
If I were a moral Babist, I'd worry more about ridding scouting of «Pedophiles «serving as scout leaders who do far more harm than so - called pre-adolescent gays!
There is a great deal of justified worry about how the advance of gay rights will harm religious liberty.
The report also found that one in five young parents worry about the prospect of their child self - harming or feeling suicidal and only 10 per cent of parents would turn to a children's charity or a church for support.
Praying and worrying about how god feels about it is really misplacing where the harm is occurring — which is squarely between the husband and wife.
Some research has even suggested that viewing traumatic images in the news can cause PTSD - like symptoms, such as panic attacks, anxiety, worrying about future harm, and reducing our self - confidence.
Don't worry if you feel afraid It's been around for years Thousands more that can't be named Are interested in rears Don't worry about Hell No harm will come to your soul We're not all pentacostal But everybody's got an a.sshole...
Here's why Edwards and many of his colleagues are worried about our city's tap water and how it might be harming thousands of unknowing families.
The triangle frames hold up to 80 KG, which a big amount so you don't need to worry about your infant get into any kind of harms in that way.
Mothers can listen to their unborn baby sounds whenever they feel the need to without worrying about causing harm to the baby.
I know you mean no harm or ill will, but the fact you're questioning a future with an otherwise great sounding man because you're worried about money in retirement regardless of he, by your own admission, is doing the best at everything he can is the keynote idea behind this entire article.
Never has there been a better way to stay with your child throughout the night without worrying about causing harm.
If this medication is safe for babies to take directly, then it's easy to assume that you can have some of it present in your breast milk without having to worry about whether or not it's going to seriously harm your child.
Did they decide not to vaccinate their kids because they were worried about the possible harm, or was it a religious decision?
Babies don't suffer long - term harm from having colic, so skip adding even more stress to your life by worrying about your baby's long - term well - being.
This is because these diapers are not made with any harmful chemicals so you don't have to worry about that nasty stuff leaking into the ground and harming the earth.
Moms can take necessary medications without worrying about they will harm their baby by passing it through to the milk supply.
Don't worry about the soft spot; it is actually tough underneath, and you can do no harm as long as you're gentle.
«It's just so heartbreaking for moms,» says Mary Tyler Johnston, a new mother who lives in Manhattan, «to have to worry about these things, and to feel like you might be harming your child.»
You never want to have to worry about your car seat mirror harming your baby.
Benefits of Refillable Baby Food Pouches It's second nature for parents to worry about how the world could be harming their precious children.
It's second nature for parents to worry about how the world could be harming their precious children.
Drinking alcohol while nursing isn't usually recommended, but when you indulge in non-alcoholic beer you don't have to worry about bringing any harm to your little one.
If you find yourself persistently worrying about being a good mom, you cry for no reason, have trouble making decisions, sadness consumes your thoughts, you get ideas to harm yourself, or you lose interest in people and things that you enjoy, then talk about these things to your doctor.
It's nothing to worry about, and will do you no harm at all, but obviously it could be embarrassing if you are constantly sporting a wet patch on your top, so stock up on some breast pads, and line your bra with them if you are experiencing leakage.
BLOOM worries that pulse trawling harms nontarget marine life; fishing groups in other EU countries, meanwhile, are increasingly angry about competition from the Dutch pulse trawlers.
They may be worried, perhaps with cause, about harming their career prospects.
The lack of information about the long - term safety of drugs prescribed for children is a special worry, both for drugs that may be used for decades for chronic conditions and for drugs for which short - term use may be found to harm children's growth and development months or years later.
For this reason, many people think we should focus first on compensating people harmed by these processes — Pacific islands whose shorelines are gradually disappearing underwater for instance — and worry about extreme weather events once the science has caught up.
Sexual activity can be a concern for many heart attack patients who worry about exertion triggering another heart event, but data on the harms and benefits of sexual activity in heart disease patients is limited.
Some are worried an oil spill would harm protected species while others are concerned about the cost after oil prices more than halved in a year.
In light of Brexit, US policies on research or the Turkish government's crackdown after the 2017 coup, scientists worry about larger political developments that could harm international science.
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