Sentences with phrase «worse example below»

This dress was alright but you'll see a worse example below.

Not exact matches

Below, I have outlined some good and bad examples of messages and have given some tips on how to send an effective message on an online dating site.
In the example below, we will lead a child through the words starting with ba - word family, starting with bad.
Most teachers get the worst of both worlds — they earn lower salaries while they work and forfeit retirement savings when they leave (watch the short video below for examples on how this works in practice).
In our 95 % confidence example the worst 5 % would be all the values below our VaR.
In the example below, we see how some asset classes used for diversification purposes actually performed worse than the core S&P 500 during major market downturns.
In the image below, I marked the bullish divergence (green), the bearish divergence (red), and an example of bad divergence (gray).
Take a look at the examples below to see just how much a bad credit score could be costing you, and how much you could save if you were to work on improving your credit for future applications.
Dorothy (pictured below) is a visual example of a sweet little Chihuahua who was covered (yes covered) in fleas so badly her hair had fallen out.
Wi - Fi performance in Killing Floor 2 below, and an example of the (really bad!)
Andy Revkin asked the same question and Jim's answer below says it all in the clearest and most beautiful way... The blog you attached is a prime example of what gives bloggers a really bad name; somebody with no idea what he is talking about is spouting absolute nonsense, making no distinction between what is essential (the facts he conveniently omits) and what is pure noise (which he is concentrating on exclusively). . .
And it was recognized those actions were a crap shoot (Where good science and policy goes bad: de-salinization plants in Oz rather than managing episodic flooding, drilling 20,000 ′ below a seafloor 5,000 ′ under a precious biosphere to seek oil that is abundantl available on dry land, for examples), but can anyone name a project of doubt on the scale of this one where unspeakable trillions are to be spent, redistributed, productivity disincentized, where people's lives across the world will be thrown into uncertainty, where this trans - generational mindset will, by design, crush the willful and spirited energy and creativity of human kind until it is finally overthrown democratically or otherwise?
Far worse than the problem of «time wasted» when bogus / biased medico - legal «experts» are caught is the problem of wrongful decisions based on their bogus / biased «experts» in all the many cases when they are not caught (see example below).
Below are two examples of a job duty described with them (good) and without (bad).
We all have our bad fashion days, but below are some examples of truly unlucky / misfortunate wardrobe «malfunctions» of actual job candidates.
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z