Sentences with phrase «worse greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide»

Now, there are a lot of environmentalists who absolutely object to fracking because their attitude is sometimes it's done really sloppy and releases methane that is even a worse greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide.

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Those trees are going to fall down and rot and turn into methane, which is much worse than carbon dioxide,» he said, noting that by turning wood chips into biofuel, his company would actually be reducing greenhouse gases from the atmosphere.
That's bad news for the atmosphere when the gas in question is methane, the primary component in natural gas that is a much stronger greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide.
Worse, thawed permafrost can release its carbon as methane, which is more than 20 times as potent a greenhouse gas as carbon dioxide.
Methane is roughly 84 - times worse than carbon dioxide in the short (20 - year) term, so EDF's counter translates methane emission to carbon - dioxide equivalent (CO2e), which is the standard measure of greenhouse gases.
The sustained burning of biomass not only releases the greenhouse gases carbon dioxide and methane but also large quantities of carbon monoxide and particulate matter... during major fire years the air quality in Indonesia is many times worse than that in the worlds» most polluted cities.
The Hannaford grocery store will be the first in the country to use a CO2 transcritical system that will use carbon dioxide (CO2) as a refrigerant rather than HFCs (hydrofluorocarbons)-- super greenhouse gases thousands of times worse for the global climate than CO2.
They happily convert carbon compounds in their food to carbon dioxide, and also to very substantial quantities of methane, which is much worse than carbon dioxide as a greenhouse gas.
That's six billion bloated bags of good and bad bacteria, some of which aids digestion but some of which steals the cows» half - chewed grass and corn and emits massive amounts of methane, a powerful greenhouse gas that captures about 80 times more heat in a 20 - year period than carbon dioxide does.
To make matters worse, the towering Kunlun, Himalayan and Karakorum ranges that surround the plateau act as a chimney for water vapour — which has a stronger greenhouse gas effect than carbon dioxide — to be convected high into the stratosphere.
CO2e is derived by first determining how many times worse than carbon dioxide a given greenhouse gas is over the next century, and using that as a multiplier.
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