Sentences with phrase «worse than jeans»

There is nothing worse than jeans that are the wrong length.

Not exact matches

While panty lines are fine in a pair of loose jeans, there's nothing worse than feeling self - conscious about your VPLs (visible panty lines) mid-yoga class.
I needed to weed out two (or more if I wanted to wear something other than jeans) so those jeans that made me feel badly when I stepped on the bathroom scale?
There's nothing worse than wearing a pair of uncomfortable jeans, right?
There is nothing worse than saying goodbye to your favorite brands during pregnancy (except maybe saying goodbye to high waisted skirts & jeans).
There's nothing worse for a guy's style than wearing the wrong kind of jeans, but sometimes we're scared to try out new trends that...
Sometimes nothing feels better than a great fitting pair of jeans and nothing feels worse than a bad fitting pair of jeans.
In fact depending on your body shape it could be worse than trying to find jeans.
When you're sitting down for hours, nothing is worse than wearing a tight pair of jeans and being miserable.
I also know if I continue to resist my gluttonous vices, it will lead to much worse feelings of self - loathing and anxiety than I will feel when I buy a larger pair of jeans.
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