Sentences with phrase «worse than labor»

The pain from my fever was worse than any labor pains I ever had.
I thought I had to go to the ER because it felt worse than labor itself.
I'd almost say they were worse than labor because they lasted a couple days instead of just a couple hours.
It was the worse than labor.
It was worse than labor, far worse.
Only, these gulags are imagined to be worse than any labor camp Stalin ever dreamed up, and this punishment for thought crimes way beyond anything found in the book 1984.
Are novels written fast better or worse than those labored over for seven years?
Nothing is worse than a labored large painting.

Not exact matches

It's no secret that women have it worse than men in the workplace: Consider that women today earn just 78 cents for every male dollar, according to the Department of Labor.
Job growth ground nearly to a halt in May, with the U.S. labor market having its worst performance in more than five years, the Labor Department said Frlabor market having its worst performance in more than five years, the Labor Department said FrLabor Department said Friday.
Productivity declined at an annual rate of 0.6 percent, even worse than the 0.5 percent drop initially reported, the Labor Department reported Thursday.
The primary drivers behind this bearish movement were the release of a worse - than - expected US labor report and a Philadelphia Fed manufacturing survey disclosing falling employment and a declining new orders outlook.
God provides for those who labor in His vineyard 1Ti 5:8 But if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel.
The contractions (which feel more like really bad menstrual cramps than labor contractions, for the most part) are what your uterus shrinking back to normal feels like.
Please show me where induced labor pains are worse than spontaneous labor pains of the same frequency!
Weaning cold turkey can give you mastitis — which was worse for me than two unmedicated labors — and can also make your hormones drop so strongly that you could get thrown into PPD.
So, initially a high risk mom may have a worse labor morbidity chance but in the first 24 hours - her baby would be less likely to die at home than it would in the hospital.
The whole concept of pain in childbirth is so mishandled that many women today falsely believe based on their own (or others») bad experience that there is no way to manage labor so that pain is really nothing more than stretching, discomfort, or hard work.
In Australia too, Tony Abbott has just won the election despite being seen as a worse potential prime minister than his Labor opponent.
While less well off than other outer Melbourne electorates, Calwell still contains significant numbers of young home buyers who reacted badly to Labor's handling of the economy in 1990, and to the Liberal Party's campaign on interest rates in 2004.
«No matter how you cut it, there is no worse pick for labor secretary than Andrew Puzder, and I'm encouraged my Republican colleagues are starting to agree,» the New York Democrat said.
Beyond the currently dysfunctional labor market for science jobs, something else that badly needs disrupting is the pernicious ideology that sees scientists seeking off - campus careers as failed academics rather than as experts who are very valuable to the right employers.
Soon, the bodies begin to pile up... and suburbia faces a horror even worse than wearing white after Labor Day.
Opponents say it can interfere with learning the basics and holding part - time jobs, puts an unfair burden on students, that it's the responsibility of parents to guide their children's moral and ethical development, and that, at worst, mandatory service is no better than slave - labor.
By socio - economic level, low - income boys tend to drop out earlier from the educational system and enter into the labor market sooner than their wealthier peers even though they face higher unemployment rates, lower income and worse employment conditions (Amarante, 2011; Bucheli, 2006).
«[Clinton's] labor credentials are significantly worse than her main challenger in the Democratic primary, Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders,» wrote Huffington Post blogger and former NEA member Ben Spielberg, who also pointed out that Clinton once served on the board of directors of Wal - Mart.
Were teachers allowed to bargain for themselves or even form a rival union, Big Labor would face its worst nightmare, even more abhorrent than a right - to - work country — competition.
Worse can happen is RIM exporting products that costed them less than usual (they would not come here if labor was as expensive as, woud they?).
The bad news is that it is much more labor intensive and time consuming than spot on type treatments.
Naomi Klein (with whom I am furious for the big green worse than deniers nonsense, but who makes a whole lot of sense otherwise) to Canadian labor union.
Some economists say government should tax «bads» like emissions rather than «goods» like labor and capital.
This is particularly important as such errors may convey different information than you intended or in worst case scenario, discourage the recruiting officer from reading the resume that you labored to create.
There's nothing worse than not having an employer respect the labor you perform and not offering a competitive salary to you and your coworkers.
The FFCWS studies add to a large body of earlier work that suggested that children who live with single or cohabiting parents fare worse as adolescents and young adults in terms of their educational outcomes, risk of teen birth, and attachment to school and the labor market than do children who grow up in married - couple families.
I'm sure some tenants are worse than others, but I'm curious overall how much more labor intensive is S8 over higher income properties.
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