Sentences with phrase «worse than regular sugar»

High fructose corn syrup is no worse than regular sugar.
I did use coconut sugar, which is supposedly lower on the glycemic index... so slightly less bad than regular sugar.

Not exact matches

It is slightly «less bad» than regular sugar, but definitely not something you should eat every day.
And on the matter of HFCS itself: Whether or not people believe that HFCS is any worse than regular table sugar, the fact is that any refined sugar not only has no nutritional value whatsoever — it's actually an anti-nutrient, which means your body uses up valuable resources to process it.
Many of the low - fat foods contain added sugar for the improvement of the taste, which is actually a lot worse for your diet than just consuming the regular percentage of fat in products.
Alternative sweeteners are not bad, but the idea that they are better or healthier than regular sugar is incorrect.
But that cookie can actually be worse than a regular cookie if it has extra sugar to compensate for the lack of gluten.
Many natural sugars are marketed as healthy, but they are just as bad (if not worse) than regular sugar.
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