Sentences with phrase «worse than the alternatives»

They defend their use for some particular set of problems, and in cases where we have no compelling reason to consider Jeffreys» prior essentially worse than some alternative.
On the other hand, a mediocre team will be little more than a collection of individuals, and a bad team will actually be worse than the alternative of everyone working on their own.

Not exact matches

Some experts say a plan to eliminate the alternative minimum tax may be worse than just keeping it.
WASHINGTON — Biofuels made from the leftovers of harvested corn plants are worse than gasoline for global warming in the short term, a study shows, challenging the Obama administration's conclusions that they are a much cleaner oil alternative and will help combat climate change.
But if you're applying for a business loan with bad credit from an alternative lender, your credit score is much less of a factor than it typically would be.
If there is a parallel to draw between the 2017 Bitcoin boom and the 1637 tulip craze, it is that the vast majority of people purchasing bitcoins in December have been buying (and selling) a store of value perceived to offer better (worse) returns than the alternatives on offer.
This alternative, for better or for worse, draws a radically different picture of the human person, for instance, than does that of Aristotle.
It is an alternative from which bad Christians and agnostics alike have begun to shrink in horror, for even if the Church had no more within her to give the modern age, even so would she be a better light to men than the black slavery of the spirit which has arisen out of the East, and stands upon the shores of the West.
It was not our country's place to judge that, when other nations were caught in such upheavals and were moving away from both political and economic oppression, communism was worse than any available alternative.
The real «worst truth» here is that drone pilots still cause fewer civilian casualties than the alternatives.
It is slightly less - bad for you than normal cane sugar, but I am not using coconut sugar as a healthy alternative in this recipe.
Maple Syrup is not Paleo, but sometime you just have to have something sweet and maple syrup or raw honey are «less bad» than the alternatives.
Both Rafael and Antonio Valencia have struggled in the role and with no other alternatives the club could do a lot worse than signing Southampton's Clyne.
I hope its not going to be the cheap and nasty alternatives that we get or worse still nothing else other than Cech.
You brought this child into the world, and there are far worse things that could happen than choosing to go with an alternative food source, for whatever reason.
The timing could not have been better on her part because this past week she was struck with a bad case of diarrhea and, although challenging to race her to a toilet every half hour, it was much better than the alternative.
This is why cancer patients using alternative diet treatments as an adjunct to medicinal care often do * worse * than cancer patients who stick to just medical care.
Here's my problem with HFCS... if there is even the slightest chance that it is bad for us and our children (which, less face it... there is more than a slight chance that it is), and especially when there are healthy, natural alternatives... why risk it?
The UN Global Compact is promoted as an alternative to regulation, but it is worse than useless as it posts misleading reports from companies on its website without any form of checking and does not investigate reports of egregious violations when reported by Baby Milk Action.
Knowledgeable doctors have begun to counsel patients to continue nursing through a course of pharmaceuticals because they know that the alternatives are worse than the baby receiving a dose of the drug themselves.
It is hard to win elections by constantly repeating that the opponents are bad rather than offering voters a credible alternative.
At the time, Morano said the state's third - largest party (or largest third party, depending on how you look at it) no longer offers alternatives to the two - party system and in fact has «become just as bad, if not worse than the two major parties.»
But rather than buying into the rhetoric, the public merely seems to have learnt from the human misery inflicted by Thatcherism, and accepted wage restraint because they knew that the alternative was so much worse.
PR seems to me the worst possible alternative system, if it comes with Party List elections a la Germany / Israel rather than District elections.
Frank Morano, a long - time state Independence Party activist from Staten Island, announced this morning that he is resigning his state committee and executive committee posts, saying the third party no longer offers alternatives to the two - party system and in fact has «become just as bad, if not worse than the two major parties.»
Tooling Up Book Club: Alternative Careers in Science: Leaving the Ivory Tower by Peter Fiske, 22 May 1998 Science Careers columnist Peter Fiske discussed a book that dashes the stereotypes that scientists who go for alternative careers have necessarily had bad research experiences, don't purposefully seek out careers that are better suited to them than academia, and do not find ways to stay close to excitiAlternative Careers in Science: Leaving the Ivory Tower by Peter Fiske, 22 May 1998 Science Careers columnist Peter Fiske discussed a book that dashes the stereotypes that scientists who go for alternative careers have necessarily had bad research experiences, don't purposefully seek out careers that are better suited to them than academia, and do not find ways to stay close to excitialternative careers have necessarily had bad research experiences, don't purposefully seek out careers that are better suited to them than academia, and do not find ways to stay close to exciting science.
Recommending interventions that require struggling children to do more of what they are bad at, rather than finding alternative routes to learning that involve identifying and playing to children's strengths.
They know it's bad, but it's a lot better than the alternative
The last few winters have been worse, although they alternative between warmer than average to really cold and snowy.
But if we're counting calories, the «real stuff» is often no worse than its low - fat alternative.
Endless shortcut foods exist that promise you a quick fix to a healthy body - but so many of them are actually worse for you than a more simple whole food alternative.
Alternative sweeteners are not bad, but the idea that they are better or healthier than regular sugar is incorrect.
Unfortunately, some of the sugar alternatives are worse than refined sugar is, if that's even possible.
The Bad: Almond milk generally has more sodium than most dairy alternatives.
However, as with most chemically - altered foods, the alternative is so much worse than the original food item.
Our skin hosts trillions of bacteria good ones and they thrive in the slightly acidic environment on the skin (yes this means that baking soda baths are pseudo science / logic never ingest or bath in Baking soda it will screw up your PH even your intestines are acidic that is why vinegar works so well to balance the flora of our gut) Worse comes worse you skin will start to tear and your skin can become prone to flesh eating bacteria (yes in theory dabbing Apple cider vinegar would be the best cure than antibiotics) I have been searching high and low for anyone who has found a way to get Mg through an alternative preparation like mixing it with apple cider vinWorse comes worse you skin will start to tear and your skin can become prone to flesh eating bacteria (yes in theory dabbing Apple cider vinegar would be the best cure than antibiotics) I have been searching high and low for anyone who has found a way to get Mg through an alternative preparation like mixing it with apple cider vinworse you skin will start to tear and your skin can become prone to flesh eating bacteria (yes in theory dabbing Apple cider vinegar would be the best cure than antibiotics) I have been searching high and low for anyone who has found a way to get Mg through an alternative preparation like mixing it with apple cider vinegar.
So im chalking my extreme bad luck on the «pool» rather than the alternative lol like these really ARE my matches lol.
Other than the aforementioned bad ending, perhaps the largest flaw of this remake comes from the fact that the two would - be murderers decide that murder provides a more logical alternative than just running off together, perpetuated by Cora's belief that Nick would find them no matter where they go.
If the recent Escobar-less third season of Narcos left you pining for the notorious drug kingpin, then you could do worse than check out this alternative look at his fall from grace.
Harris instead offers two potential alternatives: 1) the improved public / charter school performance in New Orleans made the performance of the private sector look relatively worse; and 2) the curriculum at most private schools may not have been aligned to the state test, so the poor performance merely reflects that lack of alignment rather than poor performance.
Of course I was predisposed in that direction because I'm a huge admirer of Eva Moskowitz's Success Academy charter schools — more than 40 of them now, in four boroughs of New York City — which are knocking the top off state test scores and providing terrific educational alternatives for thousands of youngsters, mostly poor and minority, who would otherwise be stuck in some of the country's worst urban schools.
While opponents said that vouchers had no track record of improving student performance, supporters countered that no alternative could be worse than Washington's public schools, which in any case were in line to receive more federal aid.
The bad schools tended to be in poor areas because the poor lack political clout and possess fewer alternatives, such as sending their children to private schools, than the privileged.
The profound lack of knowledge about public education, as reflected in comments about public schools being «flush with cash» and badly underserving the nation's children, coupled with policy proposals based on these «alternative facts», pose a threat to a high - quality education for more than 50 million students.
Secondly, if two teachers are in an urban classrooms that are side by side and one gets 4 new students who are not proficient in English and their test score drops by 3 percent, are they doing a better or worse job than the teacher who gets 2 new special education students and 1 new English Language Learner, but their test score goes up 2 percent after the special education students are given the alternative test rather than the standard mastery test.
While results vary somewhat, these studies find that the students of teachers who enter teacher through highly - selective alternative routes experience better achievement gains than the students of the unlicensed teachers they replaced; comparable, or in some cases somewhat better, math achievement gains than the students of teachers from traditional preparation pathways; and comparable, or in some cases somewhat worse, achievement gains in English language arts than the students of teachers from traditional preparation pathways.
That's too bad, because at a starting price of $ 19,305, it could be a bargain - priced (more than $ 4000 cheaper) alternative to the VW GTI.
As bad as things appear for us, unless it's a sweetheart deal no one else is getting and you're allergic to entrepreneurship, staying independent is still better than most alternatives.
The screen also seems less bright and less vivid than alternatives, and the dimming on it is just plain bad — the phone doesn't dim smoothly, instead stuttering a bit as it jumps from one level of brightness to the next.
Not a bad problem to have, especially when the alternative is to not implement the SM and have less than half the investment portfolio.
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