Sentences with phrase «worse than the place»

Wenger could do a lot worse than place his faith in Holding; the 21 - year - old has already shown us how good he can be and he will only improve further in time.
He says, «Each place was worse than the place before».

Not exact matches

It's quite possible that the only thing worse than being in an unfamiliar place is being there without the stuff you need.
She goes on to say that «some places and people will treat you worse than others.
Even worse, 3 % of our retail economy takes place online — less than half of that of the United States and one - eighth of the levels in the United Kingdom.
«The problem has been getting worse in many places, including New York City, because housing prices are rising faster than wages.
It disappeared faster than a bad Fall sitcom, leaving me to wonder why the only place I ever saw a pair were on my doctor as he conducted my appointments, complete with a note - taker on the other side of the connection (so many... jokes... can't pick... just one).
Buffett, who has ordered that most of the money he is not giving away at his death should be placed in an index fund, also said active investing as a whole was «certain» to produce worse than average results.
In such cases, people typically end up feeling worse than they would have, had they not been asked to voice their opinions in the first place.
Worse than that, many times the tasks we complete aren't very important in the first place.
«If we get to a place, we'll have to ask ourselves — is a negotiated settlement a better or worse outcome than if we litigate.
This means that every single person on this planet, from a newborn to the pre baby boomer generation, from the most advanced countries to the worst places on earth, from the top 1 % earners to homeless people have spent more than $ 3 on Apple products (and services) last year.
Let's face it: there are far worse places to brush up on your job skills than on a beach in Costa Rica.
Plus, the city has fewer establishments than most other places in our rankings, making it one of the worst cities to find your dream job.
Let's think worst case — should the currency collapse in your home country... and should a bank run ensue... and should the government mandate that all banks then close for no less than a week... and should subsequent food shortages take place... and should no clean water be available... and should the electricity and heat not work... and should violent protests, riots, and widespread looting erupt...
So in the worst case of a favorable signal that immediately reverses, we would briefly find ourselves about 84 % hedged rather than 100 % hedged, and would then place those hedges right back on.
But it's hopefully some consolation that there are worse places to be left without a paycheck than Madison — and that when Madisonians say they stand ready to help, they can actually mean it.
As usual, I don't place too much emphasis on this sort of forecast, but to the extent that I make any comments at all about the outlook for 2006, the bottom line is this: 1) we can't rule out modest potential for stock appreciation, which would require the maintenance or expansion of already high price / peak earnings multiples; 2) we also should recognize an uncomfortably large potential for market losses, particularly given that the current bull market has now outlived the median and average bull, yet at higher valuations than most bulls have achieved, a flat yield curve with rising interest rate pressures, an extended period of internal divergence as measured by breadth and other market action, and complacency at best and excessive bullishness at worst, as measured by various sentiment indicators; 3) there is a moderate but still not compelling risk of an oncoming recession, which would become more of a factor if we observe a substantial widening of credit spreads and weakness in the ISM Purchasing Managers Index in the months ahead, and; 4) there remains substantial potential for U.S. dollar weakness coupled with «unexpectedly» persistent inflation pressures, particularly if we do observe economic weakness.
A murderer is no worse than an adultry, and especially a liar, all liars gonna have they place in the lake of fire... so in saying that, get ready to go to hell WORLD... the END
Wan na go to a better place next time, with nothing but heavenly good stuff, then fill your file folder with good deeds, because some day, yes, it will be opened and reveiwed and judged, and next time, you will be downloaded as you deserve, to a better place, or a worse place, than this one.
I just hope I can keep on the righ side of things and leave the world a better place than it was for me being here, not worse.
The Vision document has four main elements: equipping children academically and emotionally for the world; providing places of healing for children who have mental health problems or who've suffered bad experiences; providing a welcoming place for all rather than just Christians, and; upholding the dignity and respect of each individual, who is made by God.
It is worse right now than what is «average» with the worst ebola outbreak in West Africa, people killing each other over their interpretation of the «one true God» in places like the Central African Republic, Nigeria, Syria, Iraq and of course Israel and Gaza, not to mention Vlad and Sergei with their itchy button fingers on SAM launchers in the Ukraine.
Wan na go to a better place next time, with nothing but heavenly good stuff, then fill your file folder with good deeds, because some day, yes, it will be opened and reviewed and judged, and next time, you will be uploaded (or downloaded) as you deserve, to a better place, or a worse place, than this one.
Whiteheadians seem able to imagine such ecstatically spanned unities - across - time on the so - called «microscopic» scale of the «specious present,» but give up on the idea as the scope of the temporal disclosure space is widened to the scale of human lifetime and of generations.7 But worse than this from the point of view of Heidegger's temporal problematic, by submitting the ecstatic unities of their «specious presents» to the before / after ordering and metric properties of linear time, at least in terms of their mutually external relations and arrangements, they give back ontologically every advantage they gained from the use of an cc - static - temporal disclosure horizon in the first place, even though it was only the single horizon of presence.
Wan na go to a better place next time, with nothing but heavenly good stuff, then fill your file folder with good deeds, because some day, yes, it will be opened and reveiwed and judged, and next time, you will be uploaded as you deserve, to a better place, or a worse place, than this one.
The difficult yet incredible message of the cross: the very place we are most clearly shown what we deserve (worse than bear - mauling judgment) is the very same place we are shown the love & mercy of God (he takes what I deserve).
I am not that much worse than you are nor you than I, but leave him in the room and there is no place to hide.
Contrast the alleged actions of this alleged Coptic Christian with that of Muslims killing and maiming Coptic Christians and blowing up their places of worship... INSULTING Coptic Christians in far worse ways (literally «insulting» them TO DEATH) than is done (or ever could be) in this or any other film.
Not only was it dangerous to have a significant body of Americans giving virtual support to an imminent nuclear war but, worse than that, these beliefs were to be found among people in high places.
Then he doesn't love us that much he just leaves it to luck like if the child is born in a good family christan family then chances are very high that he will go to heaven but to a bad family and also god knows better than me that if he destroyed satun and did whatever i mentioned in my commented the world would have been a outstanding place to live in if god can send his son to suffer then why not destroy satun or give him life sentence in hell or even better why din't he paid attention while making Adam and Eve and even if he din't why din't he renoved the tree of knowlage from the garden of Eden then he woundn't have to tell Adam and Eve not to eat any fruit from that tree
I see more vividly than before that our redemption requires that this power come to us, and through us, in healing and liberation, advocacy and friendship, love and sisterliness, in the most badly broken and frightening places of our life together and as individuals.
There are so many places on earth where people currently live that are worse than any hell you can imagine.
The practical effect of his ruling is that it leaves Obamacare's mandate and penalty scheme in place but under a different name, but it is worse than that.
I'd like to suggest that's because it's been done badly, from a place of fear rather than love; not because it's bad in and of itself, irrespective of the culture anyone might find themselves in.
Then he turns back again and now he brings with him» that unclean cleverness, the wisdom of the desert and the empty places, that unclean cleverness — that now drives out the spirit of indolence and of mediocrity «so that the last stage becomes worse than the first.»
He is repulsed by their superficial, skin - deep faith because, as C. F. D. Moule says, «Externals are worse than useless, unless the heart is in the right place
Quran (2:191 - 193) «And slay them wherever ye find them, and drive them out of the places whence they drove you out, for persecution [of Muslims] is worse than slaughter [of non-believers]... but if desist, then lo!
As the storm hits many of same places that have been battered by hurricane Irma, Hull said the repetitive damage is worse than weather in previous years.
One of the worst places for church is in public education, at least when the church is presented as anything other than a pathetic historic relic from less enlightened times.
The world isn't a worse place because people with beliefs different than mine exist.
Slay them wherever ye find them and drive them out of the places whence they drove you out, for persecution is worse than slaughter.
It was not our country's place to judge that, when other nations were caught in such upheavals and were moving away from both political and economic oppression, communism was worse than any available alternative.
Quran (2:191 - 193)-- «And slay them wherever ye find them, and drive them out of the places whence they drove you out, for persecution [of Muslims] is worse than slaughter [of non-believers]... but if desist, then lo!
And yet you are sure, as I am sure, that were the world confined to these hard - headed, hard - hearted, and hard - fisted methods exclusively, were there no one prompt to help a brother first, and find out afterwards whether he were worthy; no one willing to drown his private wrongs in pity for the wronger's person; no one ready to be duped many a time rather than live always on suspicion; no one glad to treat individuals passionately and impulsively rather than by general rules of prudence; the world would be an infinitely worse place than it is now to live in.
For the novel's real hero, Lancelot, at his worst anyway, they are little more than a near occasion of sin: «I have been away in strange and desert places, sometimes quite alone, sometimes in a boat with nobody but God and the whistling sea,» he tells Arthur after his failure with the Grail.
Made a vat of «The Lady from Naples Red Sauce» from first book (p. 69) in prep for the GF Allergen - Free pizza I'm going to make this week with my GF Pizza Crust (p. 169) and the Daiya dairy - free (soy - free and nut - free) cheese I purchased from Whole Foods yesterday during the EARTHQUAKE (thought shelves were going to fall on me, though there are worse places to be buried than Whole Foods).
But, as Deshon puts it, «There is nothing worse than having a great place that doesn't make you a penny.»
You pour an egg into the ring, you lift the ring expecting a muffin size fried egg... no, it sticks and you end up with a sloppy egg mess worse than frying the egg alone and placing it on a muffin... good idea, horrible production.
Well, worse than floppy — in pieces all over the place and stuck to the pan.
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