Sentences with phrase «worse than the school»

I hate the press, they are worse than school children, he said this and he thinks that, what do you think about hes comments?
With a scholarship, these lower - income families venture into the private school sphere with confidence that wherever their children land it will not be worse than the school left behind.
Yesterday, CREDO released a national study on charter schools which suggests that about 3,000 of the nation's 4,700 charter schools are worse than the schools they are designed to replace.
These numbers mean that schools that have more ELL students do significantly worse than schools that don't have as many non-English proficient students.
The vast majority of students from closing schools are transferred to receiving schools that are struggling just as much as or worse than the schools that closed.

Not exact matches

The situation is worse, if anything, among accountants than it is among securities dealers, says John C. Coffee Jr., a Columbia Law School professor and a leading authority on securities enforcement issues.
What's worse than getting rejected from all five business schools you applied to?
The Scott campaign, meanwhile, has run TV ads accusing Crist of raising tuition at state colleges and leaving K - 12 schools in worse shape than when he took office.
«We go to school and are taught reading, writing and arithmetic for [however many] hours a day and then taught that getting a good grade is better than getting a bad grade.»
No high school in Baltimore County is in worse shape than Lansdowne High.
Less than two weeks after the worst mass school shooting in Florida history, teachers and staff returned to the campus of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School for the first of two work days with a rainbow shining in the disschool shooting in Florida history, teachers and staff returned to the campus of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School for the first of two work days with a rainbow shining in the disSchool for the first of two work days with a rainbow shining in the distance.
Others, like Ethan Mollick of the University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School of Business, say that the overall failure rate of Kickstarters is pretty low, that scam rates are even lower, and that crowdfunding does far more good for innovation than bad.
These ideas come from our own childhood, whether good or bad, from the media and from seeing the experiences of our friends and relatives: pushing prams with sleeping babies along the riverside, teaching our children to walk, training them how to draw with crayons rather than eat them, answering cute questions, making star charts, walking them to school.
Well considering your writing sucks, your reading comprehension is worse and your facts are completely wrong (starting with the US being the world's lowest and ending with Hitler wanting to only kill jews) I was insinuating that your education was so terrible it must have been on another planet because I have more faith that a public school in Rwanda could give a person a better education than the one you apparently received.
She had to wear long winter underwear and heavy overshoes in bad weather; she remembers vividly how in grade school her teachers would let her start getting ready to go home five minutes earlier than the rest of the class because of all the layers she had to put on.
Is the institution of marriage in worse shape than the schools?
To call those who actually reflect on their own spirituality and make conscious efforts to live based on a moral compass, rather than as herded sheep, self - obsessed is not only pretentious but a reflection of your indoctrination in the school of those who believe out of fear — which is worse?
But Tchividjian believes that Protestant churches, groups, and schools have been worse than Catholics in their response.
They cite first - hand accounts of children returning to school in a worse educational, health and developmental state than when they ended the previous term.
Yet Catholics have fared much worse than any of the Protestant congregations studied, including those supporting private schools.
When the kids head back to school, packing lunches often becomes the most dreaded part of the day (even worse than that early alarm!).
The Huskies» non-football teams could be stuck in no - man's land if other American competition leaves for the Big 12 in more sports than one, and anything that harms the school's basketball programs would be a bad thing.
Both schools pull in more athletic revenue than the majority of front - line Big 12 candidates, but they have way worse men's basketball programs, smaller fanbases, less academic funding, and lower university rankings than the league's averages.
Sometimes kids from worse backgrounds, with worse high school grades, did better than kids from decent homes, with decent grades.
But it's a huge jump from high school to college, just as it's a huge jump from college to pro, and high school refs are no better and no worse, relatively speaking, than the players and coaches they officiate for.
They have thrived at seven different schools between them, and their versions of bad teams are still better than almost everybody else's good versions.
Ok he had a howler vs soton, but other than that I cant really think of any games where he was particularly bad (I do miss some games due to school).
It was a hard decision to make, but it was better to make it in high school than to stretch out the drama, up the ante on the tension, or in the worst case scenario: to burn out and to lose my passion for learning at a school where I really didn't belong.
Probably because that kind of change is hard, and demonizing the little guy — the local student nutrition director and local radio DJ last year, or the small restaurant operator and local school superintendent this year — is easier and less risky than taking on the real «bad guys» — the elected officials, the giant Agribusiness players, the networks that broadcast all of those fast food and junk food ads to our kids and also, oh yes, broadcast Jamie Oliver's shows....
For example, you could say, «I know you hear bad language at school and on the bus, but I expect you to behave better than your peers and to find more appropriate words to use when you're angry or trying to make a point.»
While I say in the post that I sometimes felt I was making school food look worse than it was, inadvertently, there were other times when my camera exposed some real problems.
You leveraged this opportunity to educate your readers about the regulatory components that impact this situation rather than jumping on the «school food is bad» bandwagon.
There is nothing worse than getting a call from a teacher or an administrator indicating that your child has been bullying other kids at school.
Do you really, honestly think that a trained obstetrician is likely to be worse at resuscitation than a high school graduate who passed a correspondence course?
Research has shown that the children of same - sex couples, whether adopted or biological, fare no worse than the kids of straight couples on mental health, social functioning, school performance and several other life - success measures.
The bad is that fewer than one in five children eligible for the program nationwide use it - 2 million a day last summer, compared with the 12 million who get free or reduced - price meals during the school year, according to federal estimates.
«The economy is worse than in school year 2004 - 2005, and their own experience tells them that participation drops when you increase prices,» Pratt - Heavner said.
Specifically, in the Munster, ID and Caroline County, MD school districts where percentages dropped off after the prices went up — Did those students switch to a la carte and spend less than $ 2.72 on food that was nutritionally worse?
In fact if the hours are longer than at nursery, a new school will probably make things worse.
You may end up putting your child in a worse setting than what you'd find in the public school - and you'd be paying a lot more for it!
I suggest that families stand up against the true culprit, general bad eating habits (soft drinks, morning cereals — Cocoa Puffs, etc.) and reliance on electronic entertainment, rather than scapegoating the odd cupcake at school.....
Rather than having parents and teachers punish bad behavior without addressing the causes, therapeutic boarding schools get to the heart of the matter and work on healing emotional, behavioral and mental health problems that each teen is facing.
There is nothing worse (NOTHING) than when you have to get up at 2 am, exhausted, stumbling into the kitchen and start boiling water in a pot old - school style to warm up your baby's pre-made (or sometimes NOT) bottle of refridgerator cold formula or breast milk as he / she screams bloody murder for milk.
If school lunches are a problem, you may be inadvertently reinforcing your children's bad eating patterns rather than changing them.
In a report released earlier this year, the commons education committee also found «no convincing evidence of the impact of academy status on attainment in primary schools», adding that while «some chains such as Harris have proved very effective at raising attainment... others achieve worse outcomes than comparable mainstream schools».
If you relate this with the issue of education, you will discover that these two states have the worst cases in terms of children's school drop - out rate with more than 50 percent drop - out rate.
I think it's far worse than that, with shades of Gentile's corporatism); that it has continued the conversion of competing and / or divergent centres of power into a recursive bureaucratic autarchy, emptying out the wider polity of any sort of dialogue or dialectic, shades of Gentile again, and that socially and fiscally it has been profoundly regressive, continuing the marketisation of the severely wounded NHS and of education, also badly bleeding, treating school and university students as «product», not as people; adopting a broadly Powellite attitude to migrants (useful economic fodder, mustn't change the culture, «British jobs for British people»); devising the catastrophe of PFI / PPP within a broader neo-liberal agenda, and so on.
The fight over control of the Senate came into relief this month when a prominent political donor and charter school benefactor, Dan Loeb, wrote on Facebook that Stewart - Cousins has been worse for people of color than the Ku Klux Klan.
Awutu D. A. JHS «A» had previously been reconstructed but the «B» block was in very bad shape, it looked more like a chicken coop than a school.
Loeb in a since - deleted Facebook post wrote Stewart - Cousins has been worse for people of color than the Ku Klux Klan due to her stance on charter schools.
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