Sentences with phrase «worship of false gods»

The best way to meet Boswell's argument is to grant for a moment that the O.T. prohibitions reflect idolatrous worship practices, that homosexual acts are wrong because they are used liturgically in false worship of false gods and goddesses.
In addition, even if a life without worship of false god (s) is more difficult, e.g. persecution, it is not wasted on false beleif
The polemic of the prophets against worship of false gods in Israel was combined with the struggle against political and social wrongs.
Many around the world think you are going to hell because of your worship of a false god.
And then there was a different form of poverty: the «spiritual poverty of our time»; that poverty is most evident in wealthier societies and manifests itself in what Benedict XVI often called the «dictatorship of relativism»» the worship of the false god of me, myself, and I, imposed by state power, often in the name of a misguided and coercive concept of tolerance.
but biblically speaking, God has never been a fan of His people following the heathens ways in their worship of false gods or even of Him.
God had an issue with Egypt based on their idolatry and worship of false gods.
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