Sentences with phrase «worship services»

Their service actually precedes their worship services at the new site.
To consolidate the congregation he quickly: (a) collapsed the two ill - attended Sunday worship services into one, (b) removed 221 inactive persons from the church rolls, and (c) reduced the administrative board from 55 to 15 members.
Practicing means respondents who self - identify as Christian, say their faith is important to them, and attend worship services at least once a month.)
«he regularly dranked strychnine during worship services» on top of handling poisonous snakes!
A few years ago I attended one of the few legally sanctioned worship services in Pyongyang.
In the ensuing centuries, some Protestants worldwide not only required many hours of worship services each Sunday, but also made it impossible for absentees to have any fun.
What has been banned — in such cases as Engel v. Vitale, Murray v. Curlett, the landmark Schempp case of 1962 — worship services mandated by the school authorities.
- Christian liberal arts college which forced at least two professors to resign for legalistic reasons - Non-denominational church in which several of us who were leaving after a Sunday School class to attend worship services at another church were confronted by the main pastor in the parking lot who literally blocked our exit until we satisfied his curiousity about why we were leaving.
In suggesting that there are two forms of civil religion, the priestly and the prophetic, Martin Marty judged that the former was exemplified in Nixon's White House worship services and alliance with Billy Graham, the latter by Senator Mark Hatfield's criticism of America's involvement in Vietnam at a presidential prayer breakfast.
If you have any role in the design of worship, or the choice of music for use in congregational worship, or if you are sleeping with somebody who does, think very seriously about what would it mean for the design of our worship services if we took seriously that one of the major purposes of worship is to become a thin place where our hearts are open.
Drawing on a consumer model, such congregations will hold multiple and different styles of worship services each Sunday to appeal to the varying liturgical tastes of adherents.
Reports about a local church usually fix upon such regularities as worship services and committee meetings, not upon the plot that unfolds and twists.
He added that he regularly drinks strychnine during worship services, to show God has power over poison.
Then there's the so - called «glory cloud»: a sparkling gold cloud that seemed to appear at the side of the stage during several worship services and which was even captured on amateur video.
He enjoyed handling snakes during worship services, but it's a tradition that has killed about 100 practitioners since it started in the east Tennessee hills in 1909.
After all, for the last 10 years, his mega-hit «How He Loves Us» has been a staple of contemporary worship services and Christian radio, and has been covered by the likes of David Crowder, Kim Walker - Smith, Todd Agnew, Flyleaf and countless others.
Three different studies in different denominational traditions show that lament psalms and songs of lament are conspicuously absent in our liturgy, our hymnals, and our worship services.
This will be my second year observing the church calendar and incorporating seasonal liturgy into our worship services at The Mission.
I enjoy Sunday morning worship services.
Let me recommend that those who are responsible for planning worship services, test their services against these potential contributions to personality growth and health.
The latest numbers show that about 52 percent of those who attend worship services weekly disapprove of Trump, compared to 48 percent who view him favorably.
They've been holding outdoor worship services on campus all week and are sponsoring an afternoon - long Christian music concert on Saturday.
Some of our worship services are so clean and antiseptic, led by grinning preachers and praise bands, talking about how happy Jesus makes us, that we forget that the Spirit prompts us to «groan» at our sin and the suffering all around us (Romans 8:22 - 23).
Many people may feel disillusioned with church worship services, especially when our worship words say one thing but our experience says something else.
Rev. presently the ministry is having Sunday worship services, Bible study as well as weekly activities.
It should be noted here that we are not referring to one of those highly chorerographed opening worship services at a church convention or large youth gathering where the music sends chills along the spine and the speaker is «out of this world.»
Paul ALWAYS spoke of ORDERLY worship services... you got LOTS to learn sir
To gather her data, Harding plunged into Falwell's evangelistic empire in Lynchburg, Virginia, by attending worship services, mingling with congregants, visiting Falwell's Liberty Baptist University and interviewing other pastors.
Hence their worship services and other «religious» activities have frequently been transformed as if they were means of upholding the morale of a group in society whose special interest is the maintenance of the ideal and program of the good life in the public affairs of the day.
Evidently, some arguments among men and women over false doctrine were disturbing worship services.
Family worship services and family ministries are attempts to cope with a cultural transition that threatens the viability of the present organizational structure of most congregations.
While there is a place for high quality worship services broadcast on true mass media, such programs require a great amount of careful planning and considerable cost, and are tailored to meeting the need for a kind of national worship experience in which those not in church can participate.
Cable is an excellent way to provide very low cost, simple production coverage of worship services for the elderly, the shut - ins, the hospital patients, and people who are «shopping» for a church.
I would like to see worship services come alive with joyful cries of humans made ecstatic by hope of a new world.
The changes are to English translations of the original Latin of the Roman Missal, which guides Catholic worship services.
All of those countless hours of sermons and worship services will help when Legend takes the stage as Jesus in the televised musical, but even when the curtain drops on Easter Sunday, that message will stay with him, because that's still what fuels John Legend — the singer, the activist, the father — in the real role that he was always born to play.
The participant would be urged to attend worship services, participate in Bible studies, meet with a mentor for spiritual guidance, go to prayer meetings, participate in meditation, and go to special retreats, with spirituality as the prime goal of the meetings (pp. 314 - 15).
Fu said: «Some officials even force themselves to stay in Christian homes overnight to prevent them from midnight secret worship services.
Several women's groups turned from primary concern with the institutional church to community projects, as a result of the «new flavor» developed in the groups through interpersonal deepening.20 It has been my experience that many larger church meetings, including worship services, can be enlivened by incorporating small group communication and awareness experiences into the proceedings.
If these are clips of people in public worship services it would be more like watching a video of an orgy than two people in their bedroom.
«We're getting ready for Advent,» he says, «and we are putting together some special worship services.
To outsiders, Pentecostal worship services have long been a sight and sound to behold and hear.
But aside from that this potential can be used for good (such as orienting us as a community to bring practical expressions of God's love to the world, such as pursuing social justice) or for evil (such as when we turn our worship services into corporate naval gazing that never moves beyond the intention to touch the world — there is far too much of this kinda BS pretending to be worship of God, the Bible would call this idolatry).
If your congregation will permit lay readers during the Sunday worship services, plan to meet each quarter.
I didn't become Catholic because I like my parish community or find the worship services spiritually fullfilling (although to me they are).
As the pipe gets larger, videos on the Web will soon match the sound and video quality of broadcast worship services.
She witnessed no examples of chaplains proselytizing during worship services.
Only 27 percent of the teen population expressed reluctance to have parents and teens in worship services together.
however, the congregation voted that people of all races would be welcome at their worship services.)
I feel a warm glow and a sense of affirmation when I learn of churches which are eliminating sexist language from their worship services and liturgy, of ministers who are studying and preaching about feminist theology and the Mother - Father God, of consciousness - raising groups and task forces on sexism in the church.
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