Sentences with phrase «worst kind of pain»

That's the worst kind of pain after your partner bears their heart, soul, and body.
If you go long enough with having a sense that your life has purpose, but you don't find it, you can suffer the worst kind of pain: being consciously separated from who you really are.

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Any kind of pain that originates in the head is the WORST!
I suffered from some kind of bout of bad luck though, with the minivan nearly leaving without me and all the pads and gloves I chose were completely worn out: I was whipped in the face by a loose strap, my knuckles were in pain because of a lack of padding in an old glove and, the last pair, finally my size, had the least sticky Velcro ever.
Sad to say but fear the worse, even more frightening kind of don't care anymore, the Fossil will remain in charge so more pain coming our way.
Moms having any kind of medication reaction, as pain can be serious if not well managed and sometimes side effects of medication are worse than the pain of recovery.
As it was, I was lucky in that there were no medical problems, but my home birth midwives weren't very nice and the pain was so bad and so overwhelming that I ended up feeling kind of shell - shocked when it was all over.
The disease is characterized by profound fatigue and disability lasting for at least 6 mo, episodes of cognitive dysfunction, sleep disturbance, autonomic abnormalities, chronic or intermittent pain syndromes, microbiome abnormalities (1), cerebral cytokine dysregulation (2), natural killer cell dysfunction (3), and other symptoms that are made worse by exertion of any kind (4).
Fibromyalgia sufferers often become less and less active as the pain takes over, scared to do any kind of movement that could make the pain worse.
As a teenager I experienced the worst kind of period pain — the blackout and vomiting inducing kind that kept me in bed for a day or two at a time.
Most patients I have seen over the years that have had a bad bacteria, parasite or candida yeast infection present with some kind of digestive symptom which often includes varying degrees or different kinds of abdominal pain, cramping, bloating, gas, diarrhea or constipation and / or various forms of digestive irritations.
Bad hair days are kind of my thing as of late (trying to grow out hair is a real pain... champagne problems I guess).
All kinds of things can happen when you travel, but a broken tooth, lost filling, or sudden tooth pain can be one of the worst travel emergencies — certainly one of the most uncomfortable and painful.
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