Sentences with phrase «worst outcomes support»

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«In our view, investors would be well advised to see the outcome of Cyprus both as a reflection of how future stresses will be handled (support sovereign creditors, haircut bank creditors) and a reminder that efforts to shift the liabilities associated with legacy bad bank assets in both Spain and Ireland onto the ESM [European Stability Mechanism] balance sheet are unlikely to be successful,» the IIF says.
In support of this model, multiple studies have shown the association between infant negative reactivity and later psychosocial outcomes such as problem behaviour and self - regulation to be moderated by parental behaviour, so that highly reactive children fare better than others when they experience optimal parenting but worse than others when they experience negative parenting.41 - 46 Further support is found in studies indicating that interventions targeting parental attitudes and / or behaviours are particularly effective for children with a history of negative reactive temperament.47, 49
At the same time, while it may be tempting to assume that some outcomes are worse because of the risks imposed by this system, we have little to no data to support that assumption.
These become a safety net that flexes through good times and bad to support individual pupils, families and communities, but also a trampoline that magnifies the outcome when pupils make an effort.
CAAB, Vice President of Shelter Research and Development, ASPCA September 2014 We've been told giving pets as gifts leads to bad outcomes — but research doesn't support that belief.
He slammed those who support a «fundamentally immoral» policy of delivering a hothouse climate to future generations, especially since avoiding the worst outcomes requires means redirecting at most 2 % of our wealth.
More than one - half of all respondents thought that self - represented litigants obtain outcomes that are worse than litigants with legal representation with respect to child support, spousal support and the division of property.
It was hypothesized in terms of discriminant validity that worse outcomes would be found in boys, younger students, those who did not comprehend the spoken language well, students whose mothers had lower educational level, those in need of special education support, and those repeating the same class.
Johnston, Wallerstein and Blakeslee: Joint custody and frequent visitation exchanges have been demonstrated not to further the children's post-divorce adjustment except in cases in which both parents support such a plan, and in fact, may lead to markedly worse outcomes for cases in which the tensions between parents remain high.
In fact, several studies have shown that depressed patients with co-morbid personality disorders indeed have worse treatment outcomes; however, it is notable that other studies do not support this finding.
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