Sentences with phrase «worst punishment»

Disbarment is the worst punishment an attorney can receive when they're accused of violating the rules of professional conduct.
Kevin and I both tried to prove what Zelda game really dished out the worst punishment to Link.
Confinement is the worst punishment for a breed of this temperament; it promotes barking, restlessness, and destructive chewing.
For sociable animals loneliness is the worst punishment that exists.
After being kicked out of her private school, The Elite Bristol Academy, she is now facing the worst punishment possible: public school.
Doyle also ends up being the only likable one of the group, or at least the one you hope doesn't get the worst punishment.
Indeed, it's hard - wired: not so many hundreds of years ago, banishment was the worst punishment possible.
For us as Christians, we recognize that the worst punishment possible is for God to let us go to our own ends (Rom.1) and destroy ourselves.
I SAID: «Ah yes, the all loving Jesus is who now at the «end of days» becomes «warrior jesus» to come deliver the worst punishment far beyond anyone could ever imagine, «just» because... they didn't believe he was their savior, etc...»
The basic ideas in the meaning of hell are alienation and separation from God by persistent rejection of him, the tighter forging of the chains of sin as we misuse our freedom, and the loneliness, remorse, and inner turmoil which are sin's worst punishment.
Of how much worse punishment, do you suppose, will he be thought worthy who has trampled the Son of God underfoot, counted the blood of the covenant by which he was sanctified a common thing, and insulted the Spirit of grace?»
29 How much worse punishment, do you think, will be deserved by the one who has trampled underfoot the Son of God, and has profaned the blood of the covenant by which he was sanctified, and has outraged the Spirit of grace?
How much worse punishment do you think will be deserved by those who have spurned the Son of God, profaned the blood of the covenant by which they were sanctified, and outraged the Spirit of grace?
How much worse punishment, do you think, will be deserved by the one who has spurned the Son of God, and has profaned the blood of the covenant by which he was sanctified, and has outraged the Spirit of grace?
1 If the answer is yes, then — someone should be able to list all the sins in order of severity, along with their corresponding punishments in hell (for if one sin is worse than another, it will have a worse punishment, otherwise, it isn't really worse).
I'm not sure double secret probation is worse punishment than losing 2 out of 3 to an atrocious Braves team.
Worse punishment came in the form of Mike's lacerating harangues.
Bill stops short of killing Amsterdam, deeming it a worse punishment that he spend the rest of his life maimed and humiliated.
Not a bad punishment for all those AGW scammers who have sucked up tax payer money.

Not exact matches

Consider, if you will: of all the punishments (or more neutrally, all the bad outcomes) that could befall a sexist buffoon, which one do you think is most fitting?
What's worse, many micromanagers are also prone to dishing out punishments.
Many are so unaware of the value of social interaction and play that they still take recess away as a punishment for bad behavior.
If it takes more evidence to accept a change for the better in someone's character than it requires to believe someone has changed for the worse, then equivalent behaviors will warrant punishment while not qualifying for reward.
As Kashkari said, bank executives and directors who made bad decisions leading up to 2008 felt little punishment.
It was God who gave instructions on HOW BADLY you could hurt your slaves and not have any punishment.
To Christians: Q3) To those considering Jesus being the Son of God: Do you feel as being more special as if you were as sons of God and that what ever you do good or bad you will not be held accountable for but rather will go straight to the heavens, paradise directly with out any judgment or any punishment?
Bad things are not punishments meted out by God for immorality or for «turning your back» on Him.
Biblical Jesus does something I find much worse than killing someone, he subjects people to eternal infinite punishment.
Can any Christian explain why they would brag about a religion that doesn't believe in rewards for being good or punishment for being bad since you can just pass the buck to someone who died 2,000 years ago.
I'm not a Christian who brags about a religion that doesn't believe in rewards for being good or punishment for being bad since I can just pass the buck to someone who died 2,00 o years ago, so I can't speak for them.
I could give you other examples, but I think these are enough to demonstrate that in practice Christianity encourages good behavior with promises of rewards and discourages bad behavior with threats of punishments, whether you're willing to admit it or not.
Maybe it is splitting hairs, but for me, the concept of punishment seems to imply the inflicting of pain upon someone else for something bad they did to you.
Primarily they do this with promises of rewards for good behavior and punishments for bad behavior.
Rep. Andy Holt said of the punishment, «Today is a demonstration that bad actions have bad consequences, and my only regret about this is it's not in the tune of millions of dollars.»
In the christian belief it's satan who deserves all the punishment for every bad thing that's ever happened.
For better or worse, the elaborate investigation of, for instance, the connections between St. Paul's teaching on justification and the criminal justice system will be totally inaccessible» and, if accessible, implausible» to anyone within hailing distance of policy discussions about crime and punishment.
All you have to do is be obdurate in rejecting the Christian god and he will inflict a punishment upon you an infinite times worse than the death penalty....
The reason we feel this way relates back to this same belief that we deserve good fortune, and perhaps also to our childhood experiences of reward and punishment, and to ideas about God doling out good and bad fortune alike.
so if you mean that irene is a punishment for the bad folks, then it's like using a nuclear weapon to hit a taliban jeep.
If we behaved for no other reason than fear of punishment by an invisible being, we'd be in bad shape.
Christianity has lost — more, I think, for better than for worse — its primal negative sanction: it can not, outside of Fundamentalist circles, scare people into faith by threats of eternal punishment.
I deplore the way parents use religion as a means of control and to threaten children with punishment and convince them that they are bad.
All you have to do is reject a belief in the Christian god and he will inflict a punishment upon you an infinite times worse than the death penalty....
This obstinacy is like the infantile notion of a child, who in his lack of judgment even sets up a cleft in the father's nature; for the child imagines that the father is the loving one, that punishment on the other hand is something that a bad man has invented.
Only, these gulags are imagined to be worse than any labor camp Stalin ever dreamed up, and this punishment for thought crimes way beyond anything found in the book 1984.
People who could barely figure out shoes, people who didn't know where the sun went at night, and if it would come back or not... People who thought that bad weather was punishment.
Discernment is not judgmentalism, it is wisdom; but discernment includes the recognition of our own sinful tendencies, including the instinctive self - righteous response, and reminds us, as Sister Helen Prejean discovered in her ministry to those awaiting capital punishment in prison that «people are more than the worst thing they have ever done in their lives.»
@In Santa We Trust: So that you know, the punishment for the one who kills in Islam is perhaps the worst for a Muslim.
Rather than a God who was supposedly behind everything bad that happened (dishing out punishment, judgment or whatever you want to call it), we find the God who loves, the God who freely gives grace and fellowship with himself.
To Christians: Q3) To those considering Jesus being the Son of God: Do you feel as being more special as if you were as sons of God and that what ever you do good or bad you will not be held accountable for but rather will go streight to the heavens, paradise directly with out any judgment or any punishment?
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