Sentences with phrase «worst rain storms»

Maintained a perfect driving record, despite driving through three of the worst rain storms in local history.
Last night we had a pretty bad rain storm with winds that managed to push our covered deck furniture clear across the other side and even the grill moved a few feet away from its original location!
They have cleaned but it is a continuous concern because we live in Florida and we have bad rain storms in the summer.

Not exact matches

The worst storm to hit the U.S. since 2004 and by some estimates the largest rain - storm in U.S. history, Harvey has had a profound impact on the nation's largest oil - producing and oil - refining region.
It stormed really bad here last night, thunder, rain and hail.
Meteorologists warn the worst is yet to come, with the storm expected to dump 200 to 300 millimeters of rain in a single day — two to three times the country's normal rainfall for an entire year.
What if it is raining out side, (or worse, endless snow storms) how can you do the cardio workout?
Now imagine the worst - weather - day in history — and then I'm not talking about the Monster Storm — on which rain keeps pouring and pouring from 6AM in the morning till midnight, but regardless to that you have to be up and ready to shoot at 8AM — it's winter — in a botanical garden where the only space to change is some sort of basement laboratory — without heating — jumping into Resort and Spring / Summer pieces, and not let any of this spoil your pretty face... What in the world has to happen to turn all of this into something fabulously freaking fantastic?
Admittedly, hurricanes don't generally bring their full force down on Cary, but even the «leftovers» of a bad storm can cause significant damage from rain, wind, and other types of losses.
Two studies of the storm that overwhelmed Houston last summer say global warming made the rain much worse.
As Climate Central notes, «a series of Pacific storm systems is producing sorely needed rain and mountain snowfall in California, which has been suffering from one of its worst droughts in at least 500 years.»
The I'm - not - calling - it - a-friggin-Frankenstorm (aka Hurricane Sandy) is by all accounts, from the near hysteric mainstream media to the more sober yet appropriately serious, concerned (and usually more accurate than everyone else) folks at Weather Underground, a big deal, with potential devastating rain, wind, and high storm surges made worse by the coincidence with the full moon.
We may yet find that climate change was responsible for how bad the Pakistan floods were, for how much rain fell, but for now, it looks like a similar atmospheric blocking action that kept storms pretty much in one place, the same action that made eastern Russia have the long deadly heat wave and Siberia have an opposite cold wave.
From hurricanes with strong winds to bad storms with heavy rains, unexpected weather can cause serious property damage and financial harm.
The worst situation during winter storms or in days of freezing rain is to encounter skid or slide while you are in the road.
Admittedly, hurricanes don't generally bring their full force down on Cary, but even the «leftovers» of a bad storm can cause significant damage from rain, wind, and other types of losses.
It is an old roof but started leaking when we had a really bad wind and rain storm recently.
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