Sentences with phrase «worst thing the government»

Rushing through these proposals was the worst thing the government could have done.
In light of the number of bad things Government can do, a lot of people think that's all a feature, not a bug.
Renewing expiring Regional Forestry Agreements (RFAs) is the one of the worst things the government could do in terms of exacerbating climate change disaster.

Not exact matches

«One of the things I am doing is not just lobbying the British government but lobbying businesses to press upon their governments the fact that a hard Brexit would be bad for London and for Europe too,» Khan said.
Things really took a turn for the worse in 2000, when Mugabe's ZANU - PF government started forcibly seizing white - owned farms.
Most people will tolerate just about anything — a bad marriage, an intrusive government, a horrible boss, a job that they hate — if only that thing can make them feel more secure.
Parker Thompson told Inc., «There are obviously «bad things» that can result from [centralization], like government monitoring and censorship, catastrophic outages, etc..
The idea of paying more for privacy is unusual and would require a major shift to current thinking, but it might not be a bad deal in the grand scheme of things if it leads to keeping companies and governments out of our business.
I don't think too many Governments will try to seize your stash of these things unless things get really bad.
Too bad doing the right thing at home for the environment when the stakes are crystal clear has proven to be mission impossible for him and his government.
The alternative Neo - Liberal approach, which is that government intervention will only make thing worse is silently put back in «cupboard», to be brought out later once the situation has improved.
Just how bad would things have to get before the Harper government realizes further liberalizing the world's financial markets is not such a great idea?
I suspect that if it was making billions of dollars a year, rather than losing billions of dollars a year, then the investors might have been a bit more tolerant of bad publicity and sexual harassment and discrimination and privacy violations and theft of trade secrets and obstructing government authorities and I am sure I am forgetting some things.
«I'm not a partisan actor, but I actually think this is the worst thing that the Harper government has done for Canada,» the former co-chief executive of RIM said in an interview after studying large sections of the 6,000 - page document, released to the public last week.
The Orthodox Daft View: «Central bank lending to government is a Bad Thing and should be prohibited!»
Once upon a time, the US government wisely believed that it would be a bad idea to subject promising young internet startups to the bureaucratic morass involved in things like HIPAA or GLBA compliance.
Central banking is perhaps history's best example of government attempting to fix a problem — in this case, the instability resulting from the practice of fractional reserve banking — and making things much worse in the process.
Politicians always follow the «look busy» rule: when bad things happen, they have to be seen to be responding, even if there is little likelihood their actions will have any effect. But in this case, Harper was motivated by an additional strategic judgment. Perversely, with his re-election campaign sidetracked by ongoing revelations in the Duffy / Wright case, the Prime Minister actually wants Canadians to worry about the economy. Conservative strategists hope that will undermine voters» willingness to consider an alternative government, playing into the traditional frame that Conservatives have the strongest economic «credentials.»
The Times went further, saying that the island's total financial collapse will only make things worse: «Government workers will forgo pension money, public health and infrastructure projects will go wanting, and the «brain drain'the island has been suffering as professionals move to the mainland could intensify.»
Aside from the dangerously foolish idea that reining in excessive government spending is a bad thing, Reinhart and Rogoff are saying that even more massive government intervention should be pursued.
It's embarrassing that after a crisis that nobody saw, government policy continues pouring on more gas to fuel more speculation to get things (stocks, real estate, debt) back to the same place we were, or maybe even worse now...
While it's laudable that Cameron and others contribute to the CASA Foundation which supports mental health for children, teens and their families, the fact that the Alberta government is relying more and more on charity to fund essential public services is making things worse.
Everyone knows the provincial government inherited a tough situation... but at the same time, its unpreparedness to govern and lack of fiscal discipline are making things worse.
I assume the MLA meant things were worse for Notley and her colleagues in 2015, versus what the Klein government faced in 1993.
As long as money and the pursuit of material wealth is the basis of our society, neither government or business can be truly trusted to do the right thing... so it becomes a choice of which is worse...
Muddling up the new government - defined marriage with the biblically - defined marriage — which is the symbolic consequence of signing a government marriage document in New York today — only makes things worse.
Good Muslim, Bad Muslim — An African Perspective Mahmood Mamdani, Herbert Lehman Professor of Government and Anthropology, Columbia University Quotes; Islam and Christianity have one thing in common.
Therefore society (government) compiles laws so as to prevent bad things from happening which should be common sense... and since «common sense» has to come from somewhere... as I said, it comes from the life experience that you acquire over time... you are not born with it and you do not derive it from some magical, mythical, invisible man - in - the - sky.
«To support the Ins when things are going well; to support the Outs when they are going badly,» the latter wrote in 1925, «this, in spite of all that has been said about tweedledum and tweedledee, is the essence of popular government
Religion is fine, so is witchcraft or magic — each to his or her own, but when a government becomes infected with that belief disease then bad things happen.
In Jewish Palestine, to make things worse, the taxes were revenue for a detested foreign government, or for local rulers who were its puppets.
He does not have much confidence in the United Nations, in the politicians who run the government, or even in military force, though he does not see what else to depend on if things get worse.
Beck is saying we should shrink the size of our Government and take that money and give it to charity and many of you see this as a bad thing?
But because the different Christian sects were feuding with each other then so badly, the key founders of our government (who were fairly moderate and heavily influenced by Deism) came to realize the only way they could calm things down was to establish a secular government.
This second stage informs us that we can indeed have it all, not because all good things in life can be bad simultaneously (they can not), nor because our newly enlightened husbands will leap into the domestic breach (which Friedan agrees they won't), but because the government will make our bosses give us unpaid maternity leave and subsidized day - care slots.
Teenagers and Contraception The government's perennial «more of the same» policy makes things even worse.
Please note: Ten years after a U.S. - led war to topple a dictator and establish the rule of law, things are so bad that a U.S. government commission has named Iraq as a particularly worrisome country with respect to religious freedom.
When it comes to marriage things have, if anything, got worse since the coalition government came to office.
The government makes things even worse pumping billions of Euros into the economy to ignite fiestas throughout the year, distracting the people from their economic plight — an unemployment rate of more than 20 percent, nearly 50 percent for the young — with an endless, whirling party.
Set against this new landscape, a few encouraging speeches beg more questions than they answer — above all, about whether the government has a strategy for tackling corruption, or whether the approach will consist of a few departments doing piecemeal things while others do nothing or, even worse, allow inexperienced ministers to take Britain backwards not forwards.
The government's policies mean things could be even worse in the New Year.
Like him, I believe that overly powerful governments are a bad thing.
Governments suffer from the desperate need to be seen to be doing something, which leads them to doing any old bloody thing if only to look busy, and then making things worse.
It doesn't solve anything, it only makes things worse, and you're now forcing the government / police not just to deal with the white supremacists, but with the illegal actions of their opponents as well.
The UK government's unwillingness to go beyond tokenistic offers of resettlement for Syrian refugees is making things much, much worse.
New York State's government is one gigantic maw that eats more and more money and then spends it on things that we DO N'T need — chief among them waste, corruption, favors for the well - connected, giveaways and incentives for bad behavior.
If I were the minister, I would rather have been all over the place talking about how bad things were and how long it would take to fix them and ask people to bear with me and make sacrifices and demonstrate the sacrifices that the government too was making by asking every ministry to turn off appliances at certain times, etc..
She demanded May «assure us she and the secretary of state for education won't put personal reputations and ambition above doing the right thing for the country» and branded the last week «shambolic for the government but much worse for everyone else».
Finally YouGov asked the remainder if they'd prefer a Conservative government to a Labour - SNP deal and took away those 6 % respondents who thought a Labour government reliant on SNP support was a bad thing but would still prefer it to a Tory government.
If you think about ministers in this government and the last one who survived over doing things which were far worse, it ought to add a sense of perspective.
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