Sentences with phrase «worth listening»

Which demonstrates just how absurd is the suggestion that only climatologists have views worth listening to.
You got bashed for even suggesting that climate scientists might be worth listening to.
UPDATE, 5/18/11: Huntsman is now getting bashed by the right wing for suggesting that climate scientists might be worth listening to.
I don't think anyone worth listening to would say that climate change is not happening; the most important data we need are on the following:
APSmith, of Energize America, is an extremely knowledgeable and thoughtful individual well worth listening to and pondering.
No, I think anyone who doesn't know the difference between the «scale» of a plot and the «unit of measure» is probably not saying anything worth listening to (repeated the error three times in a few hours despite being corrected by several posters).
You err, I have grasped the fundamentals well enough to see that many hide the fact they don't know the basics by playing the «superior because so very well educated in science card» and worse, refusing to engage and distracting from this by the use of the ad hom technique that those questioning them have nothing worth listening to because they don't have science phd's coming out of their arses.
Not that they are right, mind you, and not that we should do anything in response to their warnings, but just that there are enough climate scientists saying the same thing that it might be worth listening.
He's worth listening or indeed watching.
IMO the only people worth listening to are in the 3 to 6 range.
The readers validated what I already suspected, which was that Dr. Curry was a scientist's scientist, and well worth listening to.
Sceptics are not worth listening to if they're just going to mirror the excesses of the environmental movement.
I certainly don't agree with Bjorn (or the Copenhagen Consensus) on everything, but I always find him worth listening to.
One of the real pleasures for reality - based observers of the Obama Administration is the number of thoughtful members of the Administration members, who are not just worth listening to, but who can make seeing the world in different ways an interesting and enjoyable experience.
Suffice to say at this point: the fact that there is a healthy number of skeptics trying to be heard indicates to me that something is worth listening to on their sides.
Moreover, most people worth listening to at any point on the putative spectrum acknowledge that the science with respect to ECS is provisional.
They LITERALLY think that in quantified science anyone's opinion is worth listening to.
And at its core (again, if you will) is whether we truly believe that science and scientists are worth listening to.
Maybe thwy thought rocks worth listening to.)
People who make successful predictions are worth listening to.
the latest sciencefriday had an interesting segment on vehicles — really worth listening to for both content and some revealing tones.
On that front, too, it's worth listening to former Secretary of State George Shultz.
And for strongly related material listen Vendar Decarions interview link on unforced variations its a bit long but definitely worth listening to.
Given how factions seeking forest protection, poverty alleviation, water equity, women's and indigenous rights, carbon markets and other specific goals have latched onto the treaty process, it's worth listening to him.
Farman is worth listening to on this topic.
Whatever he has to say on Nauman is worth listening to.
(In this Artelligence podcast, Helly Nahmad tells an relevant story about the Giorgio Morandi market worth listening to.)
This is very cool and worth listening to.
As you're figuring each puzzle out, you hear a conversation between Bayek and Khemu, all of which are worth listening to.
Every track is worth listening to and worth owning, there are epic themes, emotional pieces, and beautifully composed ambient subtleties.
The tutorial stage music is also worth listening to because the piano is used so well.
The moody «Night Safari» is well worth listening for its ethereal ending harp and string fade alone.
Despite a few redeeming qualities though, Richard and Alice is a disappointing experience that doesn't provide a lot of entertainment, and doesn't seem to be saying much that is worth listening to in the end.
Seriously... this soundtrack is worth listening to from start to finish.
Like any grassroots movement it takes time to garner the attention of the masses, but make enough noise and people will start paying attention, and if the noise is worth listening to and the product worth watching, they'll stick around.
In an attempt to cover even a fraction more of it, we've each collected a few more songs we think are worth listening to.
Metal Gear Solid Vocal Tracks is a testament for the great music that has accompanied the games during the past 17 years — each one of them is easily recognizable and worth listening to.
Hmm rockstar is as bad as bungie and treyarch... insomniac well better.Now Rocksteady would be some devs worth listening to... make it happen Sony.
He had few complaints with the album, only describing «Opening ~ Bombing Mission» and «Assault of the Silver Dragons» as «bland», but still worth listening to.
You've yet to make a point worth listening to without tossing in a load of troll alongside it.
The sound, well there seems to be no sound that is worth listening too.
A similar music style serves to tie the game's two worlds together, and should certainly place highly on any list of game soundtracks worth listening to.
But this is K - Pop, and you can always guarantee such a high volume of output from all the gazillion labels these days that some of it is bound to be worth listening to.
If anything, it just shows how important it is for us to be unbiased, to hold this administration accountable, and show the American public why we're worth listening to.
The truth is that there's always another side of the story worth listening to.
As doggy / human communication goes, this is usually worth listening to as it often means they need to go outside, their water dish is empty, the house is on fire — you know, anything that they want you to deal with now, not in a few minutes.
Well worth listening to as Tom talks about characteristics of businesses he likes and doesn't like.
Unless we have a change in management at the Fed, where they are not trying to manipulate markets through their words, but maybe one that said little and acted quietly, like the pre-1986 FOMC, they really aren't worth listening to.
I will provide two links and allow others to decide for themselves if this character has anything to say worth listening to, for other than comedic value.
When he says something it is worth listening.
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