Sentences with phrase «worth listening to»

But when most everyone seems to be saying the same thing, perhaps it's worth listening to.
You've been consistently showing your partner that you treat them like they're worth listening to.
If you haven't heard the episode 44 with Tammy van Hollander yet, it is so worth listening to.
He was reticent initially but then thought it was well worth listening to together.
«We do not believe in ourselves until someone reveals that deep inside us something is valuable, worth listening to, worthy of our trust, sacred to our touch.
This communicates to your teen that you believe they have good ideas that are worth listening to, and that their opinions and beliefs matter to you and have value.
People perceive those who understand them as smart and caring, and therefore, as also worth listening to.
Really worth listening to his 10 minutes TEDx talk:
People need to know who you are, and that you're worth listening to.
Some people get a kick from bringing others down, and they are those who are not worth listening to.
Let me tell you that after discussing a bit with them, I realized they knew very little, it wasn't really worth listening to their answers.
«I'm not sure if this is a risk that coinbase minds, but when Peter Todd discusses bitcoin security flaws, they're worth listening to,» — Jeremy Gardner
«I'm not sure if this is a risk that coinbase minds, but when Peter Todd discusses bitcoin security flaws, they're worth listening to
When an industry expert speaks, they are worth listening to.
«Alfonso Calderon is incredibly eloquent and worth listening to,» wrote one man on Twitter.
Soundcloud is where people can rap or sing about their hometowns, and it'll get attention if it's worth listening to.
Cook went on to powerfully argue that «equality is a right» and offered advice that is worth listening to, even if you graduated a long time ago:
For this reason and more, I think the «nerdy» financial advice you receive at NerdWallet may be well worth listening to and the helpful comparison tools will arm you with information to make informed financial decision in your personal and business life.
As MacEwen sums up: «Essentially, the firms vowed to behave as though associates (a) had opinions (b) which were worth listening to.
The recordings are a program on Resonance FM, an internet radio station of the London Musicians Collective, also worth listening to, by the way.
Denise Howell's other shows on theGigaVox Media Network are worth listening to as well.
Not all are worth listening to, and there's no similar topic breakdown, but there are podcasts on «Government & Organizations,» «Business,; and, of course, «Technology»; you can search all topics if you want to see if there's something more focused on trials and litigation.
BBC 4 did a show in 2005 on the topic and made it a very engaging 30 minutes, well worth listening to (in WMA format) as part of your podcast routine.
They want a few sentences of context for why your expert witness is worth listening to, and then they want what they want: your witness to help them understand what really happened.
Others should be free to determine for themselves whether we are worth listening to.)
He may have some insights worth listening to: His ideas have been published by the technology trade publication Information Week, the Information Systems Security Association Journal, and even technology research firm Gartner.
Worth listening to.
It's a very folksy business model that he has and his customers are big businesses that do manufacturing, industry, traditional businesses, so he's very much in the same vein as say a business lawyer or an estate planning lawyer who's going after wealthy clients so I thought he was worth listening to.
If you are a lawyer who blogs or who is interested in getting started, these are two shows worth listening to (if I say so myself).
We want to say something worth listening to.
As a man who struck it rich developing wind energy, who went from living in a truck to building some beautiful urban wind turbines, he's usually worth listening to.
:) Seriously, when posting something like this please paste in the first paragraph or two and a link (not a copyright problem, BTW), or at least some kind of summary, and maybe something about the authors if you think they're especially worth listening to; otherwise, I think it's pretty certain that nobody's going to follow up, however useful the article may be.
If you were to provide actual data showing the GHG emissions from a single trip to a mall to purchase a household - worth of LED lightbulbs exceeds the GHG reductions achieved by operating those LEDs for their rated lifetime instead of incandescents, your argument might be worth listening to.
If Will is trying to make the point that Crichton's book, while fiction, is nonetheless worth listening to because it draws on real scientific knowledge, it is a rather weak point, since as we have discussed elsewhere, State of Fear is notable mostly for what it leaves out.
If the representatives of a majority of the Earth's population are taking a «hard - edged approach» on this issue, that probably means something worth listening to.
So he's right until proven wrong, and nothing you say is worth listening to until you repudiate that sabotage.
Which demonstrates just how absurd is the suggestion that only climatologists have views worth listening to.
You got bashed for even suggesting that climate scientists might be worth listening to.
UPDATE, 5/18/11: Huntsman is now getting bashed by the right wing for suggesting that climate scientists might be worth listening to.
I don't think anyone worth listening to would say that climate change is not happening; the most important data we need are on the following:
APSmith, of Energize America, is an extremely knowledgeable and thoughtful individual well worth listening to and pondering.
No, I think anyone who doesn't know the difference between the «scale» of a plot and the «unit of measure» is probably not saying anything worth listening to (repeated the error three times in a few hours despite being corrected by several posters).
You err, I have grasped the fundamentals well enough to see that many hide the fact they don't know the basics by playing the «superior because so very well educated in science card» and worse, refusing to engage and distracting from this by the use of the ad hom technique that those questioning them have nothing worth listening to because they don't have science phd's coming out of their arses.
IMO the only people worth listening to are in the 3 to 6 range.
The readers validated what I already suspected, which was that Dr. Curry was a scientist's scientist, and well worth listening to.
Sceptics are not worth listening to if they're just going to mirror the excesses of the environmental movement.
I certainly don't agree with Bjorn (or the Copenhagen Consensus) on everything, but I always find him worth listening to.
One of the real pleasures for reality - based observers of the Obama Administration is the number of thoughtful members of the Administration members, who are not just worth listening to, but who can make seeing the world in different ways an interesting and enjoyable experience.
Suffice to say at this point: the fact that there is a healthy number of skeptics trying to be heard indicates to me that something is worth listening to on their sides.
Moreover, most people worth listening to at any point on the putative spectrum acknowledge that the science with respect to ECS is provisional.
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