Sentences with phrase «worth sacrificing for»

Anything worth owning his worth sacrificing for, and we believe your home and family are worth the sacrifice to protect with mortgage protection insurance.
To do something that matters, something that actually helps people in the most concrete sense, something worth sacrificing for.
But for some of us, traveling is simply a necessity worth sacrificing for.
Building the sport internationally is a reward worth sacrificing for.
However what are we all here for if there is not something greater or other than our individual selves worth sacrificing for?
Sometimes the debts we commit to are worth sacrificing for, many times they are not.
Obviously, the downside of this is that it has to be used within one day of opening, but well worth the sacrifice for feeding your baby fresh, natural food.
This consumes a good amount of space in our tiny Euro freezer, but it well worth the sacrifice for the weekday convenience it offers.
You usually lose the benefits of the card like free checked bags when you do that, but it's worth the sacrifice for the flexibility of using your miles on an airline you really want to fly on.

Not exact matches

«I do not think it is worth sacrificing future investment returns for an action that is simply symbolic,» he wrote.
Whether it's salesman of the year, rookie of the year, or most improved, if you're motivated by recognition or contests, then ensure you frame your resolutions for 2018 around an incentive that is worth making sacrifices for.
And for others, the hours, stresses and sacrifices in personal relationships are not worth it.
While aiming for a high credit score is a worthy goal, sometimes a lower credit score in the short term as a result of consolidating debt may be worth the sacrifice to save money on interest payments and pay off your debt faster.
I am saving 60 percent of my income and my net worth is on track with your models, but Real Estate is so far out of reach today for me without sacrificing my retirement accounts being maxed out.
But for many investors (including younger investors with relatively long time horizons), sacrificing some liquidity in exchange for mitigated risk and higher potential returns is a trade - off well worth making.
And I will note that the movie's final passage focuses on an urgent question — Is romance worth all you have to sacrifice for it?
Yet the only God worth worshiping does not require that we lie, sacrifice critical thinking, or believe nonsense to find salvation for selves or civilizations.
To honor the God - knowing leaders of the past may indeed be worth while, but why, in so doing, should you sacrifice the supreme experience of human existence: finding God for yourselves and knowing him in your own souls?
Dr. Eliot really was appealing to the motive of the Cross; he was sending those boys away saying to themselves, whether they ever put it into words or not, «I have been sacrificed for, and my life is worth too much to throw away.»
Careerism and status seeking, the sacrifice of present fulfillment for some every - receding future goal, no longer seemed worth while..
some that with out self thought knowledge who called themselves athiest are really confused and truelly believe what they are saying even when wrong they believe to be telling the truth now that is not all atheist some are really cruel and mean to deceived others - those who are not stading in solid ground are those worth reaching out to - cause they need to know truth from false testimony... those who trully know God can not depart from him but there are those who blindly fight their way away from him... evil is blind and can't see the presence of god — that was God's course for rebelion... only a pure soul can be reach by the creator now that is not that easy to keep so its only through faith and the acceptance of jesus sacrifice for the human race that is posible to find the way and acceptance required by God in his second agreement to menkind... jesus was the lamb who took all our sin so even with a blind soul one can find the way to the creator and at one time if any find themselves in the presence fo the lord our God the reason we are here...
Such a tendency has always existed within the church, but in the challenge for individuals to develop self - discipline, to exercise personal sacrifice, and to perform social or community service, the church has always offered a supportive, affirmative group within which these characteristics can be sought without total loss of personal worth or personal disintegration.
Homo Voluntatis can not give an account of a freedom worth sacrificing, and even dying, for.
What is really true in any society is what is worth killing for, and what citizens may be compelled to sacrifice their lives for.
some that with out self thought knowledge who called themselves athiest are really confused and truelly believe what they are saying even when wrong they believe to be telling the truth now that is not all atheist some are really cruel and mean to deceived others — those who are not stading in solid ground are those worth reaching out to - cause they need to know truth from false testimony... those who trully know God can not depart from him but there are those who blindly fight their way away from him... evil is blind and can't see the presence of god — that was God's course for rebelion... only a pure soul can be reach by the creator now that is not that easy to keep so its only through faith and the acceptance of jesus sacrifice for the human race that is posible to find the way and acceptance required by God in his second agreement to menkind... jesus was the lamb who took all our sin so even with a blind soul one can find the way to the creator and at one time if any find themselves in the presence of the lord our God the reason we are here...
However for some of us, sacrificing for a cause is worth more to us than our personal happiness and comfort at any given time.
Therefore, is it worth me sacrificing a bit of sleep for more me time?
In the LDS faith we don't get paid for our service, and I truly mean this, it's worth the sacrifice and something we believe is our duty to serve each other and those around us without pay.
You may have to change up your eating habits for a bit but it will be well worth the sacrifice when they put that little darling into your arms.
They claim a year's worth of paper towels and your little brother's shirt as sacrifice, and after the whole thing is said and done, you have whiffs of vinegar stalking you for days.
Van Gaal may feel it is worth sacrificing results for the time being as he looks to build this philosophy into the club; it may be a case of short - term loss for long - term gain, but will he get that time?
It is the only way out of dying ordinary, and worth the price, despite the odds, to sacrifice their lives for a passing chance.
nice to see you crawl out of your hole just in time to offer your 2 cents worth once again... unlike yourself I started following this team long before Wenger arrived on the scene and will continue to do so long after he's gone... in his earlier years I admired the cerebral elements he brought to the EPL, which at that point was more brutish than beautiful, and I respected the seemingly tireless efforts of Arsene, Dein & staff to uncover and develop talent without sacrificing the product on the field... likewise I appreciated that such a youthful manager wasn't afraid to bring strong personalities and / or world - class players into the fold without being fearful of how said players would potentially undermine and / or dilute his authority... unfortunately this all changed about 10 years ago and culminated in the removal of all our greatest players, both young and old, without any real replacements coming in... from Henry to RVP to Fabergas and Nasri, it was easy to see that this club was no longer interested in competing at the highest levels... instead of being honest, minus the ridiculous claims regarding the new stadium, Wenger chose to side with management and in doing so became the «front man» for this corporation pretending to be a world - class soccer club... without the «front man» this organization would have been exposed numerous years earlier, so his presence was imperative if the facade was to continue... it's for this reason and more that I despise what this once great man and Kroenke has done to my beloved club... the gutless, shameful and manipulative way they have treated the fans, like myself, is largely indefensible and this is why I felt it necessary to start offering my opinion in a public format... trust me, I resisted the temptation for many years but as long as the same shit continues to exist I will voice my opinions and if you don't like it maybe you should look for a different team to pretend to follow
Is anyone worth sacrificing picks for?
Unfortunately, that is precisely the kind of logic that also pushes football players back on the field with concussions — they are not really worth treating as independent human beings with feelings and values, but rather pieces that can be sacrificed, in whole or in part, for the greater good of winning.
He Wants Me to Make All the Career Sacrifices For a new mom with a fulfilling career, after a generation of feminism, her sense of self worth may be tied to what she accomplishes outside the home.
That's the sacrifice we make for parenthood, and boy, is it worth it.
I have been on a mission to find a book that takes over my life, a real page turner worth staying up late reading and sacrificing my precious evenings binge watching Netflix for.
The home birth community seems to be inhabited by singularly callous people, who find that it is worth ostracising and ignoring loss parents, sacrificing other people's (and sometimes even their own) babies, and protecting dangerous midwives, all for the sake of avoiding any kind of discussion whatsoever of the risks and benefits of home birth.
I do think that babies should be with their mothers for as long as possible and that that is worth financial and professional sacrifice.
Meanwhile, for the West, the region remains peripheral, and not worth sacrificing relations with Russia for.
It is always said that before anything of worth happens in the physical, it must be settled in the spiritual.It happened in the spiritual realm but sacrificed my fingers for it.»
Offering to pay more than the cheap items were worth earned the trust of the seller, and the strategists also made the most profit overall: they sacrificed comparatively little on cheap deals and paid a pittance for expensive objects.
So for the male, it's a sacrifice worth making.
But for those who are determined to beat the odds, what they gain in the end will be well worth every sacrifice and effort along the way.
Of course not all of these seminars proved worth sacrificing valuable lab - time for, and whilst most of the speakers were very professional one notable exception spent much of his talk describing the clinical depression his previous job had caused!
Relationships come and go, but excellent health and a great physique are things that are worth making a sacrifice for.
Such a sacrifice for a fourteen year old girl — was SCD worth it if her ileum is that damaged?
Kate has taught me the importance of listening to my body and convinced me that visible abs and toned arms are not worth sacrificing my health for, which, after all, is why I like being physically active and eating well» - Regina
- It might seem like a punishment for most food lovers, but at the end of the phase, the results are often worth all the sacrifice.
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