Sentences with phrase «wounded by abortion»

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Forty - five leading pro-life advocates, including Gary Bauer of the Family Research Council, James Dobson of Focus on the Family, Clarke Forsythe of Americans United for Life, Wanda Franz of the National Right to Life Committee, and Ralph Reed of the Christian Coalition, signed a much heralded joint «Statement of Pro-Life Principle and Concern» published in First Things in 1996 in which the primary legal complaint was made that Roe «wounded American democracy» by removing the issue of abortion from «democratic concern.»
There is some connection between him having abandoned a child of his to die, by an abortion that never happened, to his having abandoned and now wounded a cat.
Nor, can you vote for the Mormon high priest whose opinion on abortion changes direction like the wind!!!!! Don't be deceived by this wicked and greedy man's lies.
But many evangelicals wound up feeling betrayed by Carter's liberalism, and Reagan's courtship of first - generation Christian right leaders, as well as his conservative rhetoric on issues like abortion, sent hordes of evangelicals to the GOP.
In a nation where about one out of every three women has had an abortion, one bright light in pastoral outreach to women wounded by the culture of death is the Rachel's Vineyard retreat.
Whether the man actively encouraged an abortion or stood by and allowed it to happen, his identity as father, and therefore as protector and defender of his family, is radically wounded.
Thirdly, by owning the part they played in the abortion experience and learning to forgive, they are offered real hope that their wound can not only behealed but also be a tremendous grace.
His winds up the bit by concluding (in comic style) that abortion is OK, because life «really isn't all that important.»
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