Sentences with phrase «wracking thing»

Going through the interview process is perhaps the most nerve - wracking thing ever.
Job Fairs don't have to be a bad / scary / nerve wracking thing.
We all know that it can be a nerve - wracking thing to begin this journey.
It's definitely a nerve - wracking thing.
Buying an infant car seat is going to be one of the most nerve - wracking things that you do as a parent.
«Recreating the Towers was one of the most nerve - wracking things we had to do because of the cultural and emotional hold they have for people,» Baillie says.

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Even if you have all the conviction in the world, there are few things more nerve wracking than trying to convince people who can help you take your idea to great heights that they want to be in business with you.
Countless hours of studying, nerve - wracking cold calls during class, intense competition with classmates... honestly, it sounds like just about the worst thing you could put me through.
It was always going to come back to bite us and when Blackpool re-emerged from the dressing rooms with fresh intensity and grabbed an early goal, things became very nerve - wracking indeed.
It's always nerve wracking wondering if you will be well placed within the venue, who will be next to you, will it be busy, will the customers like what you make, have you made enough of one particular thing!
There are few things more nerve - wracking than trimming a tiny newborn baby's little translucent finger nails which is why newborn kittens are common to just completely avoid the risk of them scratching their little faces with those razor sharp newborn nails.
It may be nerve - wracking but the things you can do may never seem like enough.
I was admitted through the ER, where I was strapped (continuous monitor and IV fluids) to a hard bed, and all sorts of uncomfortable things ensued: I was sick over the side of the bed, wracked with contractions my doula and husband could not assist with, peppered with questions by interns (why did they need to ask me my level of education at that moment?)
While you can always have guests bring some of the things you need, planning it out well in advance gives you peace of mind in what can be a nerve - wracking, emotional time.
First dates can be many things: fun, exciting, nerve wracking and even terrible.
First dates can be a nerve - wracking experience, and often one of the biggest things people worry about is what to wear.
First dates can be very nerve wracking, especially when things do nt go as planned.
A lavishly costumed, location - enhanced thriller, Red Sparrow carries itself along briskly enough (even with a 139 - minute running time, the most indulgent thing about it), but it's never especially brain - twisting or nerve - wracking.
If that's not nerve - wracking enough, there are some very strange things happening at the family's rural gathering.
I could now enjoy the simple things I worried about doing with my old car — the smallest of tasks seemed nerve - wracking, going to the grocery store without worrying my car wouldn't start after, everything was an issue with my old car.
Zack finds himself in a country teetering on the edge of anarchy, wracked by tribal and sectarian violence, but even he is surprised by how quickly things come apart.
There are few things in life as potentially exciting and nerve wracking as getting that first job out of college.
Being responsible for another living thing can be a little nerve wracking, but also exciting at the same time.
This is both exciting and nerve - wracking, but if there's one thing everyone can agree on, it's the fact that adopting a dog will only impact your life and well - being in the most positive ways.
Strangely enough, after wracking my brains on this for a good long while, the closest thing in «real life» to being a Game Designer that I can think of is parenthood.
For smaller studios without the payroll to hire a plethora of beta testers, the first few weeks of a product's life can be nerve wracking - with developing rushing to fix the myriad of things that can go wrong with computer code.
It's difficult and nerve - wracking to shift your perspective on things that used to be fundamental, but flexibility is a long - established business skill — and one your firm should exercise in the New Year.
It can all be pretty nerve - wracking, especially for career changers where things aren't so cut and dry.
Talking about these sorts of things can be nerve wracking!
Despite change being nerve wracking, there is consolation in the constancy of simple things.
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