Sentences with phrase «wraparound services in»

And they strongly support wraparound services in schools to mitigate the effects of poverty.
«Democrats amended the platform to: support community schools with wraparound services in struggling neighborhoods; implement restorative justice and alternative discipline practices; invest in engaging STEM curricula; explicitly oppose high - stakes testing as a means to close schools or evaluate educators; support a parents» right to opt their children out of tests; and support and respect all educators and school employees.

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Working With Families: A Collaborative and Empowering Approach — Weber Community Center, Los Angeles, CA — workshop for a clinical team working with Full Service Partnership / Wraparound families in South Central Los Angeles focusing on working with families, including a discussion on family systems theory, family therapy approaches, and creating therapeutic alliances with the whole family unit.
De Blasio has expanded wraparound services citywide and it has produced results, but the GOP and IDC are still withholding billions in funding for needy schools.
The drug, which has rapidly spread across the country in recent years, was the subject of a large package of programs and policies outlined on Tuesday, including easing access to treatment, expanding wraparound recovery services and limiting opioid prescriptions for acute pain to seven days, with some exceptions.
Community schools with wraparound social services got a statewide funding boost of $ 175 million as elected officials in both parties embraced the model.
The study, «Assessing the capacity for social determinants of health data to augment predictive models identifying patients in need of wraparound social services,» was published in the Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association.
Help can include targeted, high - quality professional development; curriculum improvements; additional time for student learning after school or in the summers; establishment of wraparound services, including community school models; redesign of schools to support personalization and more authentic work in classrooms and internships; or pairing of struggling schools with successful ones serving similar students.
In particular, I've been focusing on understanding the degree to which Head Start might be more or less effective depending on where centers are located — in urban versus rural settings, in communities with high versus low levels of wraparound services and resources, in high - versus low - crime neighborhoodIn particular, I've been focusing on understanding the degree to which Head Start might be more or less effective depending on where centers are located — in urban versus rural settings, in communities with high versus low levels of wraparound services and resources, in high - versus low - crime neighborhoodin urban versus rural settings, in communities with high versus low levels of wraparound services and resources, in high - versus low - crime neighborhoodin communities with high versus low levels of wraparound services and resources, in high - versus low - crime neighborhoodin high - versus low - crime neighborhoods.
I didn't see anyone react to that by saying «everyone knows in - school factors are irrelevant» or «that book money would be better spent on wraparound social services
Community schools are typically opened in low - income neighborhoods and include wraparound health and social services for both students and parents.
First, many of the wraparound services offered in the HCZ are provided through the school and are thus available to HCZ residents and nonresidents alike.
But if we are to build on those, and on growing momentum for investments in early childhood education, wraparound services, and systems to develop and support educators, we must seize this moment, not blow it!
The committee will continue to emphasize work on mental health and wraparound services and promote human and civil rights for all in the face of a changing presidential administration.
In 2012, Chicago teachers went on strike for, among other things, smaller class size, art, music and wraparound services for children.
Say Yes to Education coordinates a citywide collaboration of government agencies, schools, nonprofits and others in Syracuse and Buffalo to make «wraparound» services available for all public school children K - to - 12, along with the promise of paid - for college education to those who graduate from high school.
These improvements, known as «wraparound services,» have been successful in other turnaround efforts, notably the Harlem Children's Zone in New York, where families get free access to an array of health and nutrition counseling as well as after - school programs, truancy prevention, literacy programs, financial advice and domestic - crisis resolution.
Whether in partnership with the City of Hayward's police Department & their Youth and Family Services Bureau, the Mayor's Office, the Hayward Area Recreation & Parks Department, or the Alameda County Health Care Services Agency, Hayward Unified works closely with various community partners to provide wraparound services to students and families following a full service community schools phiServices Bureau, the Mayor's Office, the Hayward Area Recreation & Parks Department, or the Alameda County Health Care Services Agency, Hayward Unified works closely with various community partners to provide wraparound services to students and families following a full service community schools phiServices Agency, Hayward Unified works closely with various community partners to provide wraparound services to students and families following a full service community schools phiservices to students and families following a full service community schools philosophy.
ELOs include traditional afterschool activities with an academic focus, but also incorporate activities such as internships with employers, independent study in alternative settings, classes on college campuses for high school students, and wraparound support services.
«I think if ASDs can be done the right way, it's a good thing,» Brandon told N.C. Policy Watch, explaining that he's worked hard to develop provisions in the bill that would force charter operators to develop strong community buy - in and provide wraparound services that can help students outside of school hours.
In addition to solid academics, Americans want their schools to provide job training, more explicit focus on social - emotional skills, and «wraparound» services like health centers and afterschool programs.
A new paper from the Center for American Progress takes a look at the increasingly talked about «wraparound services» for children in low - income communities, and the connections to teacher efficiency.
Tom Wyatt, a parent from Passyunk Square Civic Association, spoke about the effort to draw on neighborhood resources in developing wraparound services at Jackson elementary.
They discussed the positive impact of community schools and how the schools, using research - based and proven methods to bring in wraparound services, have elevated both the level of learning and positive impact on the surrounding communities.
Never one to mince words, Chicago Teacher Union president (and member in good standing of the International Socialist Organization) Jesse Sharkey proclaimed, «The banks owe us a rebate of hundreds of millions of dollars, which we should invest in 50 sustainable community schools with robust wraparound services, restorative justice programs, low class sizes and sufficient staffing levels.»
In Miller's opening statement, he focused on the importance of federal support for school wraparound services, saying that states, districts, and schools «have lost their federal partner» in caring for disadvantaged students» needIn Miller's opening statement, he focused on the importance of federal support for school wraparound services, saying that states, districts, and schools «have lost their federal partner» in caring for disadvantaged students» needin caring for disadvantaged students» needs.
In order for dual - language programs to be successful in these settings, schools have to address broader issues such as teacher quality and wraparound services for families in need, Flores saiIn order for dual - language programs to be successful in these settings, schools have to address broader issues such as teacher quality and wraparound services for families in need, Flores saiin these settings, schools have to address broader issues such as teacher quality and wraparound services for families in need, Flores saiin need, Flores said.
One such bill is SB 1552 by Altamonte Springs Republican David Simmons which would encourage school turnaround efforts in which districts extend their school days by at least an hour, provide students with wraparound services, or give charter - like autonomy to their principals.
CISNC is unique in that it is a member of the national Communities In Schools network and as such, CISNC provides integrated student supports or wraparound services to propel student success in more than 300 schools across North that it is a member of the national Communities In Schools network and as such, CISNC provides integrated student supports or wraparound services to propel student success in more than 300 schools across North Carolina..In Schools network and as such, CISNC provides integrated student supports or wraparound services to propel student success in more than 300 schools across North more than 300 schools across North Carolina....
In this role Eric led and supported a state - wide non-profit network dedicated to the effective implementation of evidence - based Integrated Student Supports or wraparound services.
K12 will provide comprehensive wraparound services targeted to individual student needs and for the benefit of the school community: development of strong community within the virtual academy; access to the best and most current virtual instruction curriculum, assessment and instruction based on solid research; customizing each student's education to their own individual learning plan; academic success at the school and individual student levels resulting from teachers» instruction and constant monitoring of student growth and achievement with interventions as needed; national and local parent trainings and networking; frequent (i.e., every two to three week) teacher / parent communication through emails and scheduled meetings; establishment of unique settings for students and parents to interact; connecting students on a regular basis with students across the United States in similar virtual academies and across the world through networking and K12 national competitions (e.g., art contest and spelling bees) and International Clubs; access to the entire K12 suite of services and instructional curriculum (currently including K12, Aventa, A +, and powerspeak12) to include world languages, credit recovery courses, remedial courses, and AP courses; participation in a national advanced learners programs; a comprehensive Title I program that will provide additional services for students; school led trips, for example, visits to colleges, grade level specific trips such as student summer trips overseas, etc.; School prom; school graduation ceremonies; national college guidance through a network of K12 counselors; school community service opportunities; student developed student body council; school extracurricular activities: possibilities would include the development of a golf club, chess club, bowling club.
They will also likely include providing wraparound services and other supports to address the topics spotlighted in the recommendations of the other two committees.
Webb's commitment to wraparound services stems from his own experience growing up in poverty.
Schools across the country are increasingly turning to wraparound services after recognizing that earlier efforts like creating new schools and putting pressure on teachers to boost test scores were not sufficient to help children living in poverty.
Even as we sit here today, too many low - income students across the country sit in crumbling schools without access to the experienced and effective teachers, rigorous courses, and wraparound services that they need to have a chance at success.
With that in mind, we do not reject the idea of wraparound services, but rather embrace them, provided that the depth and quality of these services remains the same as they would be at an original school.
Further, 76 percent of Americans said local school systems are justified in seeking additional public funding to pay for these and other «wraparound services
Meanwhile, Demond Means — who's running this alternate program for troubled schools — says investing more in wraparound services will be crucial to improving struggling MPS schools.
The focus in Baltimore is on supporting and expanding community schools and wraparound services for disadvantaged students.
McCabe, until recently, operated a brick - and - mortar school for pregnant teens, but has transitioned in the last year to offering wraparound services through other public high schools (Halpern, 2011; Swaby, 2016).
BayLegal's 120 + staff members provide wraparound legal services in housing preservation, domestic violence and sexual assault prevention, economic security, consumer protection, and healthcare access.
From the article — «We are increasingly thinking that there's room in legal tech for a Red Hat in legal — companies that really focus on development of software by providing wraparound services, but offer their software open source,» Michael J Bommarito II said.
I am also fortunate enough to work collaborately with another therapist and Psychiatric Nurse Practitioners to provide wraparound services for clients all in our beautiful office space.
Leyla Faw Stambaugh and others, 8220; Outcomes from Wraparound and Multisystemic Therapy in a Center for Mental Health Services System - of - Care Demonstration Site, 8221; Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders, 15, no. 3 (2007): 143, 8211; 55.
I also provide in - home and in - school wraparound services.
Rather than refer to other services, they often engage in wraparound advocacy, utilizing community resources and providing comprehensive case management.
Person - centered planning tends to be used in the IDD field while wraparound is more common in mental health, juvenile justice, and children and family services.
Summary: (To include comparison groups, outcomes, measures, notable limitations) The study evaluated the implementation of Wraparound services for youth in foster care with severe emotional disturbance (SED).
How can the child welfare agency increase foster placement options, so children can be stably placed close to their school of origin (i.e., partnering with schools and community agencies in foster parent recruitment and wraparound services to help maintain placements)?
Recent success in improving graduation rates among all students, regardless of the challenges they face, provides evidence that targeted supports, including wraparound services, school counseling, intersession programs, Saturday school, family engagement, home visits, tutoring, and social - emotional learning result in more students walking across the graduation stage.
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