Sentences with phrase «wrest meaning»

Far from being a withdrawal from faith, the highly empiric position of Wiltshire Church in fact represents a familiar way by which human society everywhere has attempted to wrest meaning from the chaos of life.
It must keep its eye on heaven, but it must not fail to see the world at hand and seek to enable persons to wrest meaning and significance from their lives in it.
Artists in the following decade continued experimenting with line and grid — questioning the very act and object of painting as they wrested its meanings from the dominance of gesture, as exemplified by Abstract Expressionism in the post-war period.

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To do so would mean wresting the institution and all its constituencies out of their traditional norms and expectations, and this meant an exceptionally effective and decisive chief executive.
But understood in the context of our joyful «play,» this advice to work takes on a new perspective.0 ur toil is not meant to master life; it is not for the purpose of wresting the key to salvation from life itself.
(The word for Jacob's wresting partner, ish, could mean man, or God, or the evil part of Jacob himself.)
That means little to no Vitamin D (whatever we could wrest from dietary sources).
This policy will be the single - greatest mechanism to wrest #Power from the utilities and place the means of production in the hands of #California homeowners.
The poor Second Amendment has been the butt of a lot of tortured analysis, part of the fascinating (and to my mind somewhat bizarre) attempt of American judges and lawyers to wrest useful and elaborate meaning from a collection of 27 words — and three commas.
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