Sentences with phrase «wringing over»

Recruiters report that despite the hand - wringing over how immigration policy might look under a Trump presidency, Silicon Valley's appetite for talent hasn't abated.
After a shooter killed 17 people at a Florida high school, many have expressed frustration at the political hand - wringing over gun control and calls for prayer.
Some of the current hand wringing over the epic rise in patent litigation of late focuses, as a result, on the USPTO.
There is so much lawyer infighting, posturing, debating, and basically hand - wringing over losing market share to competitors and technology.
There was a lot of press and hand - wringing over the passage of the Texas Legislature's latest version of tort reform.
That sense of community is important if we are ever going to put to rest the perennial hand - wringing over the lack of professionalism and collegiality amongst lawyers.
Just a short reaction to the hand wringing over the Lomborg advert on the left of the TOD page.
I am exhausted with elitist progressive depressive hand wringing over everything.
Nuclear is absolutely needed not just to stop the hand - wringing over climate change but to free mankind from the erstwhile shackles of fossil fuels, which by comparison, is dirty, expensive, inefficient, dangerous to mine, transport, and refine, and fraught with geopolitical dangers and uncertainties.
Today, when there is much hand - wringing over the value of an art education, it feels more timely than ever to reflect on an institution that asked pertinent questions about art, pedagogy, and their relationship to a more democratic society.
In the commercial photo or image service industry, Instagram followings seem to have quite a bit of influence, and there's a lot of hand wringing over this.
Since the announcement, there has been a lot of teeth - gnashing and hand - wringing over what this will mean for members of both chains popular frequent stay programs.
Pet store owners have been doing a lot of hand - wringing over the past several years as they've watched grow its market share in a variety of consumer products categories, wondering when the online mega-retailer will perfect the practice of affordable, same - day delivery of pet food.
Every few months there's a media report bemoaning the state of literature: hand - wringing over e-readers; fearing for the future of the bookstore; issuing dire warnings about Amazon and Apple.
Fine was saying that hand - wringing over print vs. digital needs to give way to questions of books vs. the rest of the entertainment world, much of which has been digitally driven for quite some time.
Whatever the actual figure, it's a problem for a small percentage of publishers and until it's rolled out I don't see the point in hand - wringing over what might happen.
There was a lot of hand - wringing over what, specifically, the CT6 is supposed to be — what niche it fills — in our look at the four - cylinder model a few weeks back.
Although this nation has been through three decades of hand - wringing over a «crisis in American education,» throughout that entire period national surveys have consistently demonstrated that parents respect and support their children's teachers.
Despite the popular hand - wringing over America's schools, younger students are actually performing at significantly higher levels in reading and math than they were in the 1970s, according to a new government report released Thursday.
Taken together, the articles show an evolving workforce that raises questions about the often extreme hand - wringing over teacher quality.
And then there's the most recent «plenty of money» comment from Governor Scott's office when asked about the money allocated for increased school safety and security, which clearly has most school district officials hand - wringing over yet another underfunded mandate from our state's capitol.
In the case of Regent Mittler, she did some more hand - wringing over the decision at the table, but ultimately decided to align with the status quo which had advanced some very questionable «facts» to make their case.
In many charters, incredible growth, success, and graduation rates can be overshadowed by a Board hand - wringing over demographics when a charter doesn't look exactly like a highly segregated district school.
Hand wringing over Americans» obsession with sports at the expense of academics is a hardy perennial in education writing, social commentary, and even sketch comedy.
(If it ain't broke, etc.) Yet all the news about flat NAEP results and bleak PISA and TIMSS scores, to say nothing of the hand wringing over international competitiveness and waning social mobility, don't seem to have penetrated very far into the public's continued faith in their local schools.
The inner workings of Ben Bradlee's newsroom are a churning, riveting, sometimes mundane series of events that hop from hand - wringing over the tone of coverage for the Nixon wedding to sending an intern to New York to scope out what the Times is working on.
Loud and obnoxious but not in any way that's worth much hand - wringing over, Zack and Miri is the pinnacle of laziness in every single respect.
If anything, Yehezkel does so much hand - wringing over his decisions (the film's favorite shot is Revach's worried face in close - up) that the atmosphere feels too funereal.
For all the hand - wringing over the production and its delays, it'll likely do pretty well, box - office-wise.
Despite hand - wringing over coal's demise in the United States, the fossil fuel will still dominate the global energy sector.
The exchange prompted a new round of hand - wringing over the deteriorating relations among Democrats in the Senate, who technically hold a majority but whose divisions have effectively given power to the Republicans.
You will earn no respect for your hand - wringing over the civil rights of other people.
Coming on the heels of former Assembly Sheldon Silver's indictment, Skelos» legal troubles have prompted a fresh round of journalistic hand - wringing over Albany's supposed «corruption tax.»
All the hand wringing over South Africa turns to hand washing when it comes to condemning black Africa.
The advent of coalition has both created and reflected a new era of broad consensus where the biggest battles are over tweaks to the benefits system and hand - wringing over cuts which all the parties would, more or less, be obliged to implement.
Even more disturbing was all the hand - wringing over children's high intake of sugar - sweetened beverages, as if the dairy council really cares about kids» health.
There's a lot of hand - wringing over children born to couples that aren't married.
Given the cultural hand - wringing over decreasing marital rates, divorce and stepparenting, and the rise in non-nuclear families and non-marital births, her proposal to create a legal status seems to make a lot of sense; family law has not kept up with the vast changes in the marital landscape.
Not one Washington fan among the 77,137 who exited here on Sunday night was hand - wringing over Cousins or their team.
New England is 7 - 2; hand - wringing over the team's early - season struggles feels like it happened in another lifetime.
Obviously, there was a lot of hand - wringing over the 2 deadline deals (on both sides of the argument).
Incessant hand - wringing over the fate of the novel or of reading in general draws our attention to all the wrong places.
Hence, there is little hand - wringing over fund raising.
Taco Bell has been somewhat cryptic about the test menu and few outsiders have tasted the food, prompting hand - wringing over whether Taco Bell plans to compete head - to - head with companies like Chipotle and Qdoba Mexican Grill (JACK.O).
With all the recent hand - wringing over technology stocks due to regulatory concerns, some of the biggest winners are well - known FANG stocks.
There's been a lot of hand - wringing over the past few years about the declining rates of entrepreneurship in the United States.
It's that time of the market cycle again where we have to stop the hand - wringing over tech valuations.
The current round of hand - wringing over pensions got its start in late 2007, when the British Columbia and Alberta governments appointed the Joint Expert Panel on Pension Standards to examine the existing retirement system.
Ours is an era of perpetual hand - wringing over the jobs market.
There's always some hand - wringing over kids» excessive candy and sugar consumption over Halloween.
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