Sentences with phrase «wrists straight»

«To avoid carpal tunnel syndrome,» Cruzan said, «learners must keep their wrists straight — no breaking at the wrist, either up or down.
Keep your wrists straight and your elbows beneath your wrists with your arms tucked at a 45 - degree angle.
If you have ever been to a commercial gym, it is likely you have seen many different variations: feet up on the bench, feet on the ground, elbows flared, elbows tucked tight, wrists bent, wrists straight, head on the bench, head off the bench, etc..
Keeping the elbows slightly bent and wrists straight, lift the arms up to shoulder level (palms face the floor).
Keep your elbows in tight so they don't push out to the sides, keep your wrists straight and your spine in neutral.
This will alleviate pressure on your wrists because it keeps your wrists straight.
Keep your wrists straight throughout the entire movement.
Lift without rounding your back and keep your wrists straight.
With your elbows below your hands and your wrists straight, unrack the bar and take a small step backwards.
Keep wrists straight and strong.
Ensure good technique, with your wrists straight Warm up well — don't hit out too hard too early.
That tiny little bend allows you to keep your wrist straight as you apply — something that's much easier for those just starting their liquid liner journey.
Keeping your wrist straight, use the knuckles to press into her pain.
can you straighten that out, you got your wrist straight.
This holds your wrists straighter and reduces the stress on them.
In order to keep the wrist straight, try to position the bar as low in the palm as possible while still being able to wrap the thumb.
Keep your wrist straight but not tense.

Not exact matches

The aim eventually is to allow doctors to get health data straight from Fitbits on their patients» wrists.
WRISTS Your wrists should be straight and supported by some padding on the desk or keyboard hWRISTS Your wrists should be straight and supported by some padding on the desk or keyboard hwrists should be straight and supported by some padding on the desk or keyboard holder.
Check out the video above as it's much esaseir to see what's happeing than to describe it, but basically you just need to get your forearm and wrist in a straight line and it really calms down the inflammation that builds up in those muscles.
Turn his hand around and now gently massage the back of his hand with straight strokes towards the wrist.
Standing on the banks of the Beaverkill River near her fabled fishing school in New York's Catskill Mountains, she raises and points the tip of an 8 1/2 - foot rod just over her shoulder, gives a sudden backward snap of the wrist and sends 40 feet of line sailing straight back behind her.
Flip the wrists so that the palms face outwards again and press the dumbbells up, so that the arms form a straight line and the weights are positioned above the head.
Tap 1: Start in high plank position with both arms straight and wrists directly below the shoulders.
Grab a wrist roller with a pronated grip, straight up and hold it straight out in front of your body.
Place your right palm down onto the mat or a block so that your arm is straight, with the shoulder stacking over the wrist.
As you inhale, flex your shoulders and raise the weight straight out in front of you while keeping the elbows extended and wrists neutral.
Begin in a plank position with your body forming a straight line and your shoulders directly above your wrists.
Extend your arms straight forward and out from your body with your wrists flexed, and twist your arms from side to side with your body twisting in the opposite direction.
Come into a plank with arms straight, wrists under shoulders and feet hip - width apart.
How to: Start in a plank position with wrists directly under the shoulders, body in a straight line from head to toe (a).
How to: Using a mat underneath you, start on your hands ands knees, with your arms straight and your wrists directly under your shoulders (a).
Come into a straight - arm plank with wrists under shoulders and feet hip - width apart.
Keeping your arms very straight, curl your toes under and lift your hips up and back away from your hands, creating one straight line between your wrists, shoulders, and sit bones.
Bring your wrists under your shoulders with your arms straight.
How to: Start in a high plank position, wrists under shoulders and forming a straight line from head to heels (a).
If you can handle it, use the straight bar, but if you have issues with your wrists it's ok to use the EZ bar.
The straight bar chin up with your palms facing your body places too much stress on the wrists, elbows, and shoulders and should be eliminated from your program.
Keep your wrists neutral and your knuckles pointing straight up and maintain a tight grip to avoid hyper - extending your wrists.
With the thumbless grip, the bar automatically rests lower in your hands and your wrists are forced to stay straight, resulting with zero pain and an increased power transfer from the forearms to the bar.
Be sure your wrists are below your shoulders in a nice straight line.
To fix it, grip the bar low in your hands (griping it too high causes your wrists to bend), close to your wrists, keeping them straight, and wrap your thumbs around the bar using the full grip.
According to many bodybuilding experts, curling with an EZ - bar is better than a straight bar because it naturally puts your wrists and elbows in a more comfortable position than the latter.
There should be a slight bend at the elbows, which should be higher than the wrists at all times, and the back should remain straight.
Although this exercise can be also performed with a short straight bar, using an EZ bar makes it more comfortable for the wrists.
In addition, bent wrists make it a whole lot harder to bench press, because the force you generate when you press the bar can't go straight into it like it does when your elbows, wrists and the bar form a straight line.
Straight Wrist: Your wrist should be in line with the rest of yourWrist: Your wrist should be in line with the rest of yourwrist should be in line with the rest of your arm.
While in this position, keep your body straight, your belly tight and your wrists aligned under your shoulder.
Keeping the wrist as straight as possible, curl the plate up towards the forehead and lightly make contact.
Keep wrists and elbows against the wall and raise them six inches straight up, then lower to start.
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