Sentences with phrase «writ large over»

Eastwood's red - state sensibilities are writ large over the project.
While its basic premise may amount to The Dirty Dozen in hot pants, the influence of Tarantino is writ large over Suicide Squad.
With the philosophy of Rene Descartes (1596 - 1650), the nature of reality was no longer seen as writ large over the universe only to be discovered by the exercise of reason but rather was what the human mind perceived, interpreted, made it to be («Cogito, ergo sum.

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The fact that England had this Holy House, that it was Mary's land, that it honoured marriage as Pope St Gregory wished, led over centuries to that long continuity of our institutions, in which Christian values became writ large in national life.
«It would be a disservice to women's equality agenda if there weren't an equal commitment to making sure it gets done in the Assembly and the Legislature writ large,» she said, adding, «It shouldn't derail over the rest of the business of this body.»
These were writ large all over the audio and visual footage of the riots — verbalisations of entitlement to take what one wants, anti-social beliefs that the police are legitimate targets for violent assault, feelings of exhilaration and excitement from destroying with impunity.
But Cuomo, who has refrained from a sustained criticism of President Trump save for blasting his immigration policies, pivoted to a far bigger villain for him: the Republican - led Congress and a «hyperconservative» ideology that has taken over the party writ large.
The bill's approval comes amid heightened concerns over the safety of drinking water in the state writ large.
Astorino said he wanted to see the Republican - led Congress take up immigration reform writ large, a potentially heavy lift given the stalled process in Washington over the last four decades.
The debate comes as the presidential campaign and the national debate writ large are convulsing over questions of race and gender in the United States.
De Blasio and city officials have said broadly that one of the most significant drivers of the increase in homelessness citywide has been income inequality, writ large: stagnant wages for workers combined with rising rents over the past decade.
Go for a morning jog over hilly terrain and the very landscape is likely to be the result of tectonic plate movements, powered deep under our feet in great part by radioactive decays like that of the humble americium writ large.
As politicians copped - out of genuine climate action at the international climate talks in Paris, over 2,000 activists from the Friends of the Earth International federation, joined by thousands more from Paris sent a global message for climate justice and peace, writ large across the city.
As politicians cop - out on genuine climate action at the international climate talks in Paris, over 2,000 activists from the Friends of the Earth International federation, joined by thousands more from Paris sent a global message for climate justice and peace, writ large across the city.
This is a land where battles over water and energy are writ large, where climate and severe weather dominate life.
Their victory over the Empire doesn't liberate the galaxy — it turns the galaxy into Somalia writ large: dominated by local warlords who are answerable to no one.
For instance, research has shown that Asian Americans show more cross-situational inconsistency across different relationships than do European Americans, and yet they do maintain consistency in self - descriptions — within each relationship — over time (an across - time consistency often found in dispositional research, writ large, English and Chen, 2007).
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