Sentences with phrase «writers and publishers sell»

In the press release, Amazon does note that «writers and publishers sell their previously published work via Kindle Direct Publishing», which means that we will probably be seeing more previously published content in the series.
With Singles Classics, writers and publishers sell their previously published work via Kindle Direct Publishing, which will earn them up to 70 % royalties from the sale of every copy and allow them to retain the rights to their work.

Not exact matches

When a big - name writer such as Rowling — who, let's face it, is the biggest there is — goes solo and decides to sell her own ebooks independent of any publisher, that contributes to two things.
The writer relates how he sold the book based on a 100 - page sample, and had Hollywood throwing money at him within two days of its acceptance by a publisher.
First: A writer sells a publisher a manuscript and there is a contract between the publisher and writer.
We indie writers are trying to sell to people who also read print books, and Big Publisher books, and we need to look as good as those do.
The indie writers who are now wanting to go with a traditional publisher because — duh — they will get this huge advance and will be sent on tours to sign their books and will soon be playing poker with other best selling authors ala Castle.
Agents and publishers liked the writers» manuscripts, but for whatever reason didn't think they could sell them.
Publishing expert Alan Rinzler explained in an interview at Forbes, «By definition, the old model of the author platform was the writer's public visibility and reputation that the publisher's publicity department used to promote and sell the book... We insisted on a stellar track record in book sales and appearances on radio and TV.
But in those rejections, there's hope for the indie writer — if you can develop your own platform and show that you've sold a few thousand copies of your self - published book, it's very likely that you will catch an agent or publisher's attention.
Case in point the claim in your OP title that «self - publishers» and «authors» are mutually exclusive is patently absurd, as is your arbitrary claim that selling «a thousand copies» suddenly makes a mere writer an «author».
none of this daydreaming over Starbucks nonsense — also gives writers and publishers a better chance at the Holy Grail: a novel that sells well, yet isn't completely cut off from critical praise.
Your bio says you're an e-reader and tech article writer... get back to us when you sell your first 200k worth of books through a traditional publisher, otherwise you just sound like you have sour grapes.
What the publishers did at Frankfurt was hump the right to sell their writers» work in other territories and languages, often pocketing a substantial portion of the earnings for themselves (the ever - paternalistic French were among the most egregious, raking off 50 percent of the take).
Hugh is a writer that every self publisher should meet and hear because his educational background has little to do with his writing and he only recently began selling his books.
Hi JJ, yes of course, it's always easier to sell rights to books that are already selling well — but sometimes it's possible that you've written something that fits precisely into a foreign publisher's requirement and it's easier for them to buy the translation rights from you than try to commission a writer in their own country.
Getting published by a traditional press might give a writer a bit more «legitimacy,» but the writer still has to put as much if not more work into the process, especially post-publication when the book is suppose to sell and make the publisher a lot of money.
Authors, writers, publishers of eBooks, audiobooks and short texts can... A) sell their eBook through their author page on XinXii - without author contract - in real - time, without technical skills - with an own authorpage and online shop - enter all information such as description, tags, cover, price... - upload an eBook in one or multiple formats: PDF, ePub, mobi, doc, xls... - high royalties per download - consolidated real - time sales reports - keeping full editorial and copyright control or B) sell their eBook through their author page on XinXii and additionally on major eBook retailers - we convert eBooks to the ePub and mobi format for free - we distribute to the leading eBook - shops all over the world for free - we provide consolidated sales reports Readers have... - the opportunity to discover new titles in all categories and genres - an easy access to a huge variety of content - can instantly download after purchase - have the opportunity to rate and comment on eBooks
As soon as indie writers get their collective heads out of the imaginary castle they are defending and start realizing that ALL DISTRIBUTION CHANNELS that a traditional publisher uses for paper books is open to them now, without problem, the indie writer can make a ton more money and sell far, far more books.
There's a whole bunch of great quotes on what writing actually involves, and why most writers can't sell manuscripts to agents or publishers.
For those of you who don't know, the bankruptcy clause in writer's publishing contract is not valid, and when your publisher drops into bankruptcy, your book is an asset of the company and is treated like one and can be sold off to anyone for any purpose and you have no say over anything.
Hugh Howey is a writer that every self publisher should meet and hear because his educational background has little to do with his writing and he only recently began selling his books.
How and why Beth got started with short stories and how writing and selling them helped her improve her craft, gain confidence as a writer, and eventually find an agent and a publisher.
But in public, I mostly see people advocating for the traditional publishing world who come across as mired in 20th thinking about publishing and selling books, ignorant of the self - publishing world, making sweeping assertions which they can't support, making the mistaken assumption that the writer's best interests are identical to the publisher's best interests, clearly unaware of how many traditionally - published writers (including bestsellers) are engaging in self - publishing (and comparing the experiences and numbers with their under - contract books), and / or contemptuous of writers and dismissive of readers.
This unprecedented event for intermediate fiction writers of all genres featuring international best - selling author Davis Bunn will go deep into the technique and structure needed in your fiction to make it grab the attention of publishers and readers.
If more top - selling authors forge ahead with similar self - publishing moves, that could weigh further on publishers, which depend on their big money - making best sellers to pull in the majority of profits, and help fund lesser - known writers.
If an agent is to assess whether you have potential as a writer, have something they can sell to publishers, and if you might be a good fit with their list, you'll also need to send them your stuff.
Jane Friedman, former publisher of Writer's Digest and current columnist for Publishers Weekly defines author platform in her wonderfully succinct way, as «an ability to sell books because of who you are or who you can reach.»
This week's topics included reality competition shows for writers, the level playing field for self - publishers, the recent layoffs at Kobo, the scenarios in which a publishing contract make sense and selling directly to your readers.
We offer services that span the entire professional life of a writer, from guidance on the process of selling a book to agents and publishers, to advice and contract reviews, to resources on marketing, branding and promotion.
A one time author - overnight - becomes a publisher and sells their publishing services to writers.
As Barnes & Noble was the major sponsor of the event, they had the exclusive right to sell books and ebooks at the event, meaning that Autography and other writers or publishers were unable to sell ebooks on site.
Maybe it was just the pure vicarious thrill of «discovering the hard facts of the writer's trade,» reading of the glances of «cold disdain» thrown down upon Lucien as he walks in his cheap frock coat and out - of - fashion «Nankeen trousers» amidst the beau monde; or Lucien greeting the sobering facts of the mercantile chicanery of publishers, for whom «books were like cotton bonnets to haberdashers, a commodity to be bought cheap and sold dear.»
I still do, because in my opinion, the best writer is a writer who has choices, who can move into a future and write what he or she wants, and sell it either directly to readers or to a publisher.
«Apple has sold more iPads in the last minute than there are comic - book stores in America,» said Mark Waid, noted comics writer and co-founder of digital - comics publisher Thrillbent, explaining why he felt it necessary to explore the world of digital - first comics.
A one time author — overnight — becomes a publisher and sells their publishing services to writers.
One of these writers is self - published and published by Samuel French (plays which they will only receive money on if the play is produced) Self - publishing, they had problems with Trafford because they never received an accounting of how much the publisher sold, etc..
Big publishers have stopped taking risks on new writers, and focus on what's going to sell.
Softcover books: writers, authors and publishers could publish (print) their books (hardcover was an option for authors but Amazon didn't offer distribution) via the Createspace platform (and before that Booksurge before they merged with Createspace) then distribute, sell and fulfill their books from the largest online bookstore in the world: Amazon.
Poynter was prompted to write Self - Publishing Manual after many other publishers and writers began asking him about the secrets to his success in selling so many books as a self - published author.
Creators «I thought I was writing the last Marvel comic book,» writer Brian Michael Bendis says of his first visit to the Marvel offices; the publisher had just declared bankruptcy and all the filing cabinets had already been sold.
When most writers talk about publishing a book, they are usually thinking about traditional publishing — getting an agent, and then having your book sold to a publisher for an advance.
The road to publication can be long and difficult (perhaps even more so for specifically Catholic fiction writers, as this is a niche market and not many publishers are willing to take a chance on whether Catholic fiction will sell well or not), but if you work hard and do your research, publication is attainable.
For a novice writer penetrating the world of book publication, it is not uncommon that dreams of being a Hemingway can easily be dashed by overly cautious book editors and publishers who are often more interested in selling books than immortalizing an author.
For big best - selling authors — and even occasionally first - time writers whose publishers have taken a risk — the author's advance may be so large that the author effectively gets a higher slice of the gross revenue.
What the publishers did at Frankfurt was hump the right to sell their writers» work in other territories and languages, often pocketing a...
That's why all writers» royalty statements have a reserve against returns, and why publishers often didn't know what a book sold until two years after the book was published.
I have watched in horror as indie writers (making great money) have fallen for this myth by suddenly turning and selling to traditional publishers, even though they would make more money and get to more readers just by continuing on what they were doing.
Find out what you need to do to turn out a viable book project — one that sells to publishers and to lots and lots of readers — and to become the type of writer who can be a successful author — one who produces successful books.
I've read from other writers that this is a big deal with traditional publishers, and that, if you can't sell first publishing rights anymore, deals will be a lot worse.
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