Sentences with phrase «writers of»

The writers of the New Testament themselves were already chiding Christians whose commitment to the risen Savior was less than wholehearted: Think of the writer of the Book of Hebrews or of the third chapter of Revelation.
Obviously Jesus and the writers of Scripture treat some sins as more severe than others (see pp. 5 — 8 of this article), even though Eichenwald mocks anyone who thinks this as showing «that they know next to nothing about the New Testament.»
It has always been an insoluble problem for harmonists and writers of the life of Christ; and it is clear from the way Matthew — and perhaps John — and even Luke used the materials of the Gospel of Mark that they, who were its earliest editors and commentators, did not view the Marcan order as chronological or final and unalterable — save in one section, the passion narrative, though even here they did not hesitate to make some changes in order.
It is true that the writers of the New Testament are quite clear that Christianity is a new thing, indeed a «new creation» (II Corinthians V. 17.)
From pagan writers of the early second century A.D. it can be gleaned that Christianity had spread from Judaea to Rome, possibly before A.D. 50, (Suetonius, in his Life of Clandius, says that Claudius expelled the Jews from Rome for continual rioting «at the instigation of Chrestus», a phrase which has been variously interpreted, but may refer to trouble between Jews and Christians.)
There are in fact such collections known to us, though of somewhat later date, and it is probable, as we have seen, that similar collections lay before the writers of the gospels.
The writers of Scripture sought to be faithful to available tradition, with all the limitations of oral culture, and were not necessarily averse to adjusting narrative to Old Testament prophecy, iconic stories of their culture, and theological proclamation.
Jesus was born a Jew, and his name in Hebrew was perhaps pronounced Ye · shu ′ a `, but the inspired writers of the Christian Scriptures did not hesitate to use the Greek form of the name, I · e · sous ′.
The writers of the gospels must have had some particular reason for translating it with an almost wooden literalness.
1 The writers of the other gospels might have said as much.
If as you say, it is the story of Jesus, why, pray tell is not the story as told by the writers of the Bible not good enough?
cit., Chapter V) but perhaps it has not occurred to writers of this type that there might be exciting new thinking in contemporary theology.
The writers of the New Testament take up these ideal attributes and apply them to the Church.
Meanwhile, kids are playing Led Zeppelin records backwords, Santorum should eat some moldy rye bread and hallucinate like the writers of the bible maybe he might «see» Satan too.
He then summarizes the biblical arguments offered by «the Fathers and writers of the Church» and their «explicit affirmation» of the doctrine.
Do you seriously not comprehend that what the writers of the bible might have seen as a global flood was probably very likely a local flood and due to their lack of ability to explore further, they wrote it in and added the fear factor of «be good or else»?
Writers of the New Testament (the apostles) condemned the Gnostic teachings.
Literature receives scant attention: the Nobel Prize - winning novelist Naguib Mahfouz, one the greatest Arabic writers of this century, is missing, as are most other Arabic, Persian, Turkish, and other writers.
Dr. W. F. Albright puts it this way: «To the writers of the New Testament, the Hebrew Bible was Holy Scripture and they were the direct heirs of its prophets.
If that death were all that the writers of the New Testament had told us about, our world would perhaps be as dark as Homer's.
the bible does speak of «wolves in sheeps clothing»... and — again — Christ, himself, said that not all who claim to be his followers are... the other writers of the NT also spoke of false teachers and prophets....
My constant purpose was and is to adumbrate on every subject I handle a genuinely canonical interpretation of Scripture - a view that in its coherence embraces and expresses the thrust of all the biblical passages and units of thought that bear on my theme - a total, integrated view built out of biblical material in such a way that, if the writers of the various books knew what I had made of what they taught, they would nod their heads and say that I had got them right.
These remarks do describe the effects of holiness, but I am far from convinced that they tell us what holiness means for the priestly writers of Leviticus.
(I.v.) Demonstrations of the Bible's thematic coherence were made by various writers of the British Biblical Theology school: e.g., A. M. Hunter, The Message of the New Testament (Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1944); A. G. Hebert, The Bible from Within (London: Oxford University Press, 1950); H. H. Rowley, The Unity of the Bible (Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1955).
These and scores of similar stories ought to make us cringe at the ease with which Bible - based diet books (and the writers of them) are fodder for highbrow derision, as when B. Laurence Moore in Selling God cattily dismisses them as «merchandise in questionable taste» and lumps them indifferently with «love - making manuals» and «the Christian equivalent of Harlequin romances.»
It motivates, urges and moves people to take action like very few other emotions can, it's why the writers of the bible put it in.
Jordan, isn't it convenient that the writers of the bible wrote that Jesus is definitely coming back, but didn't say when?
And as we know from the great writers of every age, the revolt against convention can be a sort of faith, a conviction as deep as what it tries to overthrow.
The writers of the book would have insured there were no stories about him sinning, lest they lose their scam.
Yet in spite of these limitations the writers of the Bible had some most remarkable insights concerning the nature of God and how he was seeking to bring his erring children to fuller obedience to his holy will.
I suggest that biographies of prominent writers of recent times will show over and over again how the idea of God as pre-empting creaturely decisions, with the resulting problem of evil, has been the flaw that has chiefly led to agnosticism or outright atheism.
The writers of the bible started the trend thousands of years ago but did not expect their musings to be taken as the Truth, who knew that people would buy this nonsense.
The 2nd Amendment guaranteed individual citizens the rights to own arms JUST AS GOOD as those of the regular soldiers they might have to oppose in an armed rebellion — the very sort of armed rebellion that the writers of the 2nd Amendment had recently successfully engaged in, defeating the most powerful military force on the planet using their own guns, which were JUST AS GOOD as what the British regulars and their Hessian mercenaries had.
In it Orwell lays down six basic rules for writers of English:
I can't find a single place where Jesus - or the writers of the New Testament - imply that it's the governments role to serve the poor.
Eric Ambler (1909 - 1998) is one of my favorite authors of light fiction and certainly one of the pre-eminent writers of spy fiction.
Why did the writers of the myth say god allegedly did it?
the vastness of this universe is beyond anything we can comprehend let alone the writers of biblical tales could even fathom in their time.
The Jewish writers of the New Testament introduced the «ecclesiastical attitude» and other distortions that led to what Rauschenbusch calls «ascetic Christianity,» a religious attitude that thinks in terms of heaven, divine intervention, and personal salvation rather than social justice.
What did Paul and the other writers of the New Testament try to impress upon the readers of their letters?
since God made homosexuals, and all these heterosexuals keep producing gay kids and we have evidence of homosexuality occurring in another animals as well as neuroscience and social sciences since 1963 stating that being gay isn't a disease but a natural orientation and since the writers of the bible would have no clue that it could be an orientation (just as they could have no idea that the world isn't flat, not up on pillars, nor is it surrounded by water, nor was the earth created from a leviathan carcass) thus it is permissible and subject to the same statutes heterosexuals are.
Same - sex acts, sure, but within the confinds of a loving and committed relationship would be as alien to the culture and writers of the bible as a Toyota Prius.
This seems to be consistent with the views of other writers of the scriptures.
robert — we can't even verify the writers of the contradictory gospels of the supposed life of jesus, though with reasonable certainty it has been established that they were not written by anyone who had actually met the fabled man.
EnjaySea I have direct evidence that the writers of the New Testament were exaggerating, fictionalizing, and lying
And if artists who play or paint can be inspired, why not writers of theology?
I have direct evidence that the writers of the New Testament were exaggerating, fictionalizing, and lying.
There can, I think, be little doubt that the writers of the New Testament regarded Jesus as divine.
Maybe we've evolved intellectually and no longer believe that God doesn't to people — maybe he never did and the writers of this tome called the bible were trying to gat a Pulitzer.
If, as many believe, God directed the people who wrote the Gospels as to what they should write about, if God thought it all that important to tell all future generations what Jesus had to say on this topic, why did he not direct the writers of the Gospels to tell us what Jesus said?
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