Sentences with phrase «writing it down in»

«I wrote down in 1975, when I started the company,» he explained, casting his extraordinary foresight as nothing more than a simple vocalization of what should have been obvious to everyone, «that there were two focuses of technology in terms of building computers.
Write it down in detail.
If tasks are written down in front of you, you decrease the chances of them being overlooked or forgotten.
The new science of Francis Bacon and Isaac Newton discovered truths that had never been written down in books.
«And in other sales, various specific limitations were written down in terms of usage, including «may not use data - driven pattern recognition for use in face recognition or predictions of this type.
So I decided to just write them all down in one place.
Because these were far more likely to be written down in the United States than in China, and because most economists agree that the difference is very large in GDP terms, the failure to recognize bad loans in China is by itself more than enough to invalidate any PPP adjustment.
Improved profitability in the company's core banking businesses trumped a huge write down in the value of the Morgan Stanley Smith Barney (NYSE: MS) brokerage operation.
Write it down in a book and then when you get together with your quiet moments, say to yourself what could I have done different, how come I went wrong, where did I go wrong?
The Kingdom of God is not about mere words written down in a book that so many classify as just another piece of historical literature.
What if, once a crime was committed, it is written down in the pages of history as a wrong that could never be righted?
I immediately wrote it down in...
I immediately wrote it down in my journal when I heard it because I've said this when confronted with incredibly bad news or when going through a crisis.
Many are unwittingly the pawn of atheists, agnostics, evolutionists, astronomers, or accept whatever is spoken or written down in a book or online article, considering it authentic without seriously considering if it is true or has merit because it is popularly accepted.
And they were able to read it in language written so that anyone, even, as Tyndale wrote, «the boy who driveth the plow,» could understand it.1 The Word became, as Ong says, silent.2 That silence has had profound influence on the way we think about religious language, but it is well to remember that when those translations into the vernacular were made, they were not written down in the language of print.
As of yet no Intelligent design creationist has given anything but «faith» or «words» written down in a book equivalent to many other «holy» books with different and competing gods all throughout history that also have no verifiable evidence.
Addition: In contrast to the Koran the Bible has an inner proof for its genuineness: In the New Testament we can read about the fulfilment of a lot of prophecies, written down in the Old Testament.
My friend will write it down in my little notebook.
Even though these people will live extremely short lives, I will punish them for eternity if they don't do what I say (or really what some of them really late in the game, like a million years after they've been around, write down in a book) or in fact, even if they just don't believe in me.
Those traditions have been written down in the Gospels, the Acts of the Apostles (which are older than most gospels), and other writings that, while did not make it to the Canon (Bible), serve as important historical references.
@fred — the book of numbers is indeed referred as one of the books of moses, it wasn't written by him — there is actually (at least in the bible) 5 books of moses — in reality there is i think 25 books of moses — he didn't write them... oral traditions... they were write down in parts, then added together later.
She sometimes wrote them down in the dark, but there was no need to change the characters.
Just how much of it was passed along solely by word of mouth, and how much had been written down in fragments before any of it was put together consecutively, we have no sure way of knowing.
The only reason 2,000 years later the believers believe this is because what was written down in some old book that was written for humans by humans.
The Gospel that Jesus preached was never written down in any book.
According to Antony Mookenthottam, it is probable that the ancient church in India had developed some theology of its own and this theology is not written down in books but it is implicit in the life, experience and traditions of the community.
But to be a flagrant persecuter of the Truthful teaching if Christ Jesus and His Words written down in the Gospels is for all of us to reflect upon and find mediations to ponder about!
Revelation is not fundamentally a codified set of beliefs written down in Scripture or doctrinal formulations.
I wrote down in my journal that day that I was so NOT like Christ in this manner.
It's all black and white and written down in the BIBLE!
wrote these down in the middle or the night half asleep.
God wrote down in the Bible the way God wanted church done.
And while some discrepancies should perhaps be expected in descriptions of very unusual events that were written down in the form we have them some fifty years after these events, this can hardly serve as an argument for their accuracy.
Write it down in a little book.
To this day, that's still exactly how I prefer my BLTs — simple with no fuss — but everyone once in a while an idea for an untraditional BLT creeps into my head, gets written down in my trusty food journal and loiters there until the time is right to bring it to life.
I came across this recipe, aptly named «Perfect Pancakes», on a food blog about a year ago, and wrote it down in my little recipe notebook without noting the source, which I though I would never again find in the bowels of teh interwebz.
I got out my phone and had to write this down in my notes because it hit me like a ton of bricks at that moment.
on my 18th birthday She had written down In a book the apple pie recipee and so many others of the family favourites that I now cook all of the time — the smells in the kitchen will always remind me of her x
Write them down in the comment box below.
Was this «requirement «written down in any way?
Other phrases I have written down in the stack are «Today matters» and «Choose happiness» (both wonderfully inspirational sayings from Tees for Change), as well as «Parent consciously» and others.
Your dreams are just your body's way of sorting out problems; it's helpful to write them down in a sleep journal while they're still fresh in your mind.
Q: As far as you can tell, did couples merely talk about future goals or did they write them down in some sort of informal contract?
They wanted everything written down in an easy, well - organized way, so they too could find sanity among the craziness of raising kids.
Write them down in your journal.
Next, search for facts to prove that the worry is unlikely to happen and write those down in the notebook, too.
If your midwife doesn't have hospital privileges, you can write down in detail what you will be transferring for and how you will get there but ultimately what happens is either midwife calls 911 because something is wrong OR midwife calls local hospitals seeing who has enough staff and beds to take someone.
I have about four other names written down in the overnight bag, so I guess when she is born we will make the decision then.
When the first tooth comes out your baby celebrates this important date by taking pictures and writing it down in his / her book of memories.
You could even write them down in a bedtime routine checklist.
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