Sentences with phrase «writing of the book»

In some cases, my passions don't translate into writing of books because my market research proves the opposite.
The actual writing of the book for most authors is the easy part.
If she has to get involved in the actually writing of your book or content editing, there will be additional fees.
If you can make it big in the publishing world, you can make a substantial income without much work (except for the actual writing of the book).
You must know that the dating of writing of the Book of Daniel is highly disputed, and even if you take the earlier date, the predictions are unclear... and besides that, the NT writers would have known the time was ripe to fulfill Daniel and took advantage of it.
She always uses fountain pens (except in banking or legal documents) and even writes all of her books longhand with pen and ink.
We can't consult with those who wrote any of the books of the Bible.
In a blog post on The New Yorker's book blog, Kelly Bare writes of the book's «small but worshipful following» — the 71 - year - old story has never been out of print.
I kept writing some of their book titles mentioned and received insight into how their handled Mary Anne's illness.
If you put that much thought into your pitch letter, literary agents will assume you put just as much thought into the actual writing of your book.
The writing of a book, for instance, must be motivated by a desire to share what you have to say, not in search of fame or fortune.
She said she adores her the laptop that she uses to write all of her books and papers.
By creating a China version to complement my existing book, I would not only gain exposure to China CMOs during the writing of the book, but the project would also introduce me to a wider audience of China CMOs and other marketers after it was published.
And it should be on November the 2nd the day Theodoor «Theo» van Gogh was stabbed and killed by a Muslim for his writing of a book that challenged the beliefs of Islam.
What follows are a few pieces of a review I wrote of the book (for PPS):
So let's say this movie is about a woman whose life was shaped by love of her father; the making of the film Mary Poppins (as well as the writing of the book) is about her coming to terms with the truth about personal love and death and all that.
The movement of events is the instrument through which truth is conveyed — the movement of events, and the movement of thought; for the movement of thought also is history, and the writing of the Book of Job or the Epistle to the Romans is an event, and part of the succession of events through which the unity of revelation is given.
It was a tradition that appears to have continued through the writing of the book of Judges.
Richard L. Eslinger, at the writing of this book, was pastor of Wallingford United Methodist Church in Seattle.
If it is questionable whether mental activity such as the planning and writing of a book can be fully explained by the sciences of physics and chemistry, it may not be so doubtful that life is also resistant to exhaustive explanation in terms of atomic and molecular analysis.
I hope it does not seem presumptuous on my part to state that the writing of this book has involved what is usually called «mental» activity.
The method used in the writing of this book is the same as that used in the preparation of the two previous volumes — The Religion of the Hindus and The Path of the Buddha — which I have edited in an attempt to present to Western readers the major religions of the world from the point of view of the followers of those faiths.
The writing of these books was made possible by grants from The Edward W. Hazen Foundation.
I hope the readers have not forgotten Emily Darwin's loyal and clearly capable assistance to her husband in the writing of his books.
All these features are characteristic of the writing of books of revelation and do not require explaining by means of theories of various sources or even of various documents.
More than 14 years» labor went into the writing of the book, and the author tells us that his preoccupation with Feuerbach goes back further still — to the time when he first encountered him in a graduate seminar at Yale Divinity School and found himself «strangely disturbed.»
Indeed, the wealth of references and large bibliography illustrate the huge amount of research, and the amount of thought, that went into the writing of the book.
We come then to the basic reason for the writing of this book.
Even in the writing of a book one can not escape these everpresent biblical injunctions.
The same legend prompted the writing of a book entitled «The Ascension of Moses», which was probably familiar, to the author of Jude25 and was known to Clement of Alexandria and Origen.
Hence, the writing of this book.
Also, and much to my disappointment, the book does a poor job of footnoting resources which the author obviously relied heavily upon in the writing of this book.
While it certainly appears that a lot of personal study went into the writing of this book, I remain unconvinced.
While you will get some strong scholary debate about the sequence and dates of the writing of the books of the New Testament — those dates are for the writing of the original documents.
David Ray Griffin writes, «Because of the nonoverridable creativity of the creatures, God can not unilaterally determine the utterances of any voice, the writing of any book, the thought processes of any mind» (VPT 50, italics added).
Language is further humiliated by intellectuals, especially certain structuralists, whose attacks on language that communicates meaning and whose preference for the «pure» language of the insane appear to have triggered the writing of this book.
Be cautious of being misled through the writing of any book, even the bible.
In the writing of this book I have been greatly indebted to my wife for her never - failing encouragement.
I can connect the discovery of my American theological self more or less with the writing of my book The Parables, published in early 1967.
Jim contrary to what people think we do have writings of the eary church fathers and the do colaborate what is in the Bible, we also have the writing of the the books in the Bible which at times quote each other so they self colaborate for age and usage
Finally, I must salute my family: my children who, so one daughter tells me tolerated the writing of the book and provided some inspiration, and my wife who has, in a manner of speaking, lived bravely with Luther for twenty years, after only a brief sojourn with John Wesley.
As with the writing of this book, learning how to break the association was a gradual, thoughtful process that required self - examination.
, I can't recall any boundary issues arising around the writing of the book.
As Coleton began to sleep better, I was deeply involved in the research and writing of this book, so naturally, I continued to apply what I was learning.
Frank Bruni: «One of the best and one of the worst bits of news last week were the same: Hillary Clinton is deep into the writing of another book
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