Sentences with phrase «written settlement»

However, if the two sides can reach an agreement (settlement) the best mediators always require a signed written Settlement Agreement.
I received your letter dated [date of written settlement offer].
An insurance adjuster will meet with you and may even write you a settlement check on the spot.
When there is consensus, the lawyers write a settlement agreement that is reviewed and edited by both parties until both are satisfied.
The mediation conference begins and the discussion and negotiation is guided and structured to cover all essential points to achieve a final written settlement agreement.
Every time your lawyer picks up the phone, or reads an email, or writes a settlement proposal, you pay for his / her time.
In this situation, a formal written settlement agreement is signed by the parties, and an courtroom trial battle is avoided.
However, most well - written settlement agreements contain language to cover such events, so violations may be addressed by contempt.
Which is a protected class, get a lawyer and write a settlement check.
Wrote settlement letters in litigation lawsuits and carried out various office duties.
Your lawyers will then prepare written settlement proposals and counter-proposals until an agreement is made.
If the arbitrator awards you damages that are greater than Provider's last written settlement offer communicated before commencement of the arbitration, Provider will pay you the greater of $ 1,000 or the amount of the award.
If the spouses can resolve their own divorce issues and write a settlement agreement cooperatively, they can avoid a divorce trial in state court.
If they have decided that there is no other way but to settle they will send you a written settlement offer via the debt relief agency.
Third party offered a written settlement (on papaer) Of $ 38, 000..
Even though the divorce will be uncontested if your spouse doesn't answer, it's better if the two of you sign a written settlement agreement detailing how you want your property and debts divided and what your arrangement will be for custody and visitation for your children.
You may need to refute specific points that the claims adjuster makes in his or her written settlement offer.
If parties settle, they may present their written settlement agreement to a judge who rules on its fairness and grants a divorce.
When everything is ironed out and the parties agree to all of the terms, their attorneys will draft a written settlement agreement.
At the end of the case the written settlement agreement is prepared by me and circulated for all parties and lawyers to sign.
Depending on the extent to which you agree or disagree on a settlement, you have the option to present a written settlement to the court, undergo mediation, or continue to a full trial.
The written settlement agreement along with the Judgment of Divorce make up your divorce documents which need to be retained by you forever.
You know the biggest hurdle keeping you from getting an uncontested divorce is negotiating and writing a settlement agreement.
However, for whatever reason, their written settlement agreement made no mention of who would be able to claim the children as tax exemptions each year.
The parties sign a mediation agreement in which they voluntarily submit to the mediation process, acknowledge that they have the authority to enter into and sign any written settlement agreement that may be produced by the mediation and agree that they will be bound by any such written settlement.
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