Sentences with phrase «written thousands of years»

In fact, those books have been written and were first written thousands of years ago.
The telltale signs of inflammation were even noted in the Roman encyclopedia of medicine and other historical texts written thousands of years ago:
Fitzgerald's first - rate mind, of course, eventually stopped retaining the ability to function, and watching Lisle try to reconcile the cutting edge of modern planetary physics with the offhand assertions of a religious tract written thousands of years ago by an unknown assortment of bearded semi — cave dwellers, I found myself wondering how long the poor chap has.
a book written thousands of years ago, translated hundreds of times over, and all this by men...
You consider stuff written thousands of years ago the inerrant truth and you call others stuck in the mud?
Not according to what has been written thousands of years ago in that old book you so detest.
People should meditate for answers, not look in a book written thousands of years ago.
Instead of wasting your life to meditate for answers maybe you should crack open that book written a thousands of years ago that has all the anwsers!
All of this Bible nonsense was written thousands of years ago by a host of different people who did not have a clue how to explain the physical world.
That is what you are trying to do by a book that was written thousands of years ago by various men who gave you their version of the truth, doesn't make it the ABSOLUTE truth and since we can debate it today and show different interpretations means YOU don't know the actual truth anymore than the next guy.
Simply assuming that some book written thousands of years when people believed that everything was made of earth, fire, air, and water; When people believed that people with mental disorders sinned and should condemned, and when people believed that it is all right to enslave people; is a complete joke.
It's just old archaic myths, written thousands of years ago by ignorant, primitive people!
Its only a mystery to those who either from genuine ignorance or cynical pandering want to equate actually looking at the world and doing research based on evidence with what a book written thousands of years ago by pastoral tribes that claims to be divinely inspired despite being contradictory and getting numerous things wrong.
We will get into more details about this later, as McKnight talks more specifically about how we apply words written thousands of years ago to today.]
Remember, these documents that comprise the OT were not written to us, they were written thousands of years ago, to different recipients, with a different purpose, in a different culture, in a different historical setting, and the recipients has a different set of knowledge.
People should learn to think for themselves and not rely on a text that was written thousands of years ago to govern their lives and consequently the lives of others.
ALL religions are nothing but ancient mythology, written thousands of years ago by primitive people in order to try and explain existence, comfort people in the face of their mortality and keep people in line.
A book written thousands of years ago?
Quoting scripture doesn't prove anymore than quoting a Greek myth, these are books and tales written thousands of years ago, where plenty of their corresponding stories have been dis proven, and no tangible proof, what we would consider modern - day scientific proof still exists.
The books of the Bible, written thousands of years ago, by men with such limited knowledge, be so far ahead?
Let's talk about today not something that was written thousands of years ago.
And laws were written thousands of years before your bible said you do not kill or do not commit adu «ltery.
The only «proof» you have for your morality is a religious book written thousands of years ago.
2 books written thousands of years ago and translated so many times that the original text is totally different versus thousands of books based on scientific, empirical work.
You have to admit it is interesting that The Bible, written thousands of years ago, predicted a «begging» to the universe which many who think their science is the «gospel» would have disputed by that very same science is gospel logic not too long ago.
The Bible was written thousands of years ago.
I believe visible evidence trumps a book written thousands of years ago and interpreted / translated multiple times.
The Bible was written thousands of years ago by men that did not have the knowledge to understand what we know today.
JDJ, «Smart» isn't learning science from your preacher, or from a book written thousands of years ago by men who know relatively little about the natural world.
The bible, a «book» written thousands of years ago lends no credence to the existence of god, particularly when you associate yourself with but one of the innumerable religions man can choose from.
Besides the obvious creation narrative of «6 days» of creation even when adjusted for the «thousand years is as a day» still leaves wildly inaccurate time frames, coupled with the Adam lineage down to Abraham all written thousands of years after the supposed events took place by Moses, set's a definate time frame for how old the earth and most bible scholars proclaim this to be between 6,000 to 9,000 years old.
LMAO Your god certainly isn't a moral authority, since it doesn't exist and the book you are going by was written thousands of years ago.
There is a supreme arrogance in our assertions that taking texts written thousands of years ago can be taken completely literally outside of the context and climate in which they were written.
They all want to tell us how to live our lives based on books written thousands of years ago by humans!
Atheists are void of believing so they tend to go with the reason and logic of a given situation, not bound by texts written thousands of years ago.
That's just a sick interpretation of books written thousands of years ago.
Written thousands of years ago by a member of a primitive society.
All religions are nothing but ancient mythology, written thousands of years ago by members of primitive cultures.
Written thousands of years ago by members of a primitive culture.
Hmmmm, believe the former Lucasian Professor of Mathematics or an old fairy tale written thousands of years ago?

Not exact matches

It's tough to know what happened on Earth thousands of years before anyone started writing anything down.
For thousands of years, writing was a specific job, very different from thinking.
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But there's really no other feeling I've experienced like standing on stage in front of thousands of people who are there to see you, who seem so genuinely thrilled, singing lyrics you wrote in your bedroom years before.
In 1981 Jay began writing a subscription newsletter that has earned his subscribers countless thousands of dollars over the years.
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