Sentences with phrase «wrong about his belief»

«I for one would rather be wrong about my belief in Jesus, rather than my disbelief in Him.»
I do recognize that I could be wrong about my beliefs» accuracy, but they are still my beliefs until something causes me to change my opinions.
Which makes them neither right nor wrong about their belief.
It may also have helped to convince our manager that he was wrong about his belief in the strength and depth of the current squad.
So while I see great potential for good things in PlayStation Home and I'd love to be wrong about my beliefs on the issue, we can always count on general immaturity to put a damper on the fun.
Given the risk inherent in betting everything on C02 control, it seems the worse scenario is that we will be right about the risk of C02, wrong about the belief that global action will be taken, and ill prepared to handle the consequences.
I both hope to be around in 20 years and to be proven wrong about my belief that «this is our global food supply on climate change.»

Not exact matches

People high on authoritarianism tend to have blind allegiance to conventional beliefs about right and wrong and have high respect for acknowledged authorities.
If you are losing money consistently, it's probably safe to say that you are thinking about the market all wrong and that you need to totally change your beliefs about what Forex trading success is all about and how to achieve it.
The primary mistake that those who were bearish on profit margins made in earlier phases of the current market cycle — and I would have to include myself in that group, at least for a time — was not the mistake of having «wrong» beliefs about the subject, but rather the mistake of assigning too much confidence to those beliefs.
Even if you despise the particular religion afterwards or you think the Baptists are just plain wrong or the Mormons are wrong — maybe you should learn about them, tolerate their beliefs and believe whatever you want to believe, but do it with some respect.
You can believe it but why do all the other religions think you are wrong about your specific beliefs?
Jesus foreshadowed the emotional pain of a loss even though you may «know» someone is in Heaven with the story about Lazarus and his sisters; being the one who set the ball in motion for Jesus» crucifixion wore heavily on Judas (if their beliefs were correct, he still had to do with the physical loss of Jesus; had they been wrong about the «divinity» of Jesus, he helped get his friend killed).
anyway, if you heard an atheist ask you a question about any type of belief and really try to make your answer seem wrong then they are wrong, they can not nor will not ever be able to discuss any type of belief due to what they know.
I actually agree that its pretty stupid to troll a blog dedicated to religious belief, but you couldn't be more wrong about upsetting atheists (or anyone for that matter) over evolution.
*********************************** One would hope that voters were casting their ballots on the basis of what they conclude is best for a civil society and a pluralistic population, not on the more egocentric opinions they may have about right or wrong that are derived from their religious beliefs.
You a-people (a-theists, a-gnostics, etc.) are all really good at telling people what you don't believe or why other peoples» beliefs are wrong, but I don't really get to hear what you DO believe about things.
Without consent, there's no practical yardstick for what is right or wrong, so all we have left is a set of tangled - up beliefs about women being sex objects who are wholly responsible for what happens to them.
The movie served to give me a different platform to discuss faith from, not to argue that my belief system is right and someone else's is wrong, but instead to point out that the world is hungry for questions about the soul and what we don't see right in front of us.
Before we can talk to others about our faith, before we can dialogue about what is theologically «right or wrong» with someone else, we must first understand how our beliefs about God have been informed by these four areas.
The belief that there are no gods says nothing about what is right or wrong.
There are many leaders with wrong beliefs about authority who are simply repeating what they have learned.
Their problem is that they don't like what they know about God and believe that they can rebel against God and win (this is where their beliefs are wrong).
Have you ever made assumptions about how someone arrived at their beliefs only to be proven wrong?
Our new understanding has reformed and reshaped our beliefs about what is wrong and right.
Thank you for giving me the chance to express out but still I am hurt and a nice word will cool it of and guide me if wrong and about quitting I would because what I am doing now at CNN is taking almost my whole time since the Quran burnning issue and would out doubt I will go back to it and that's why I mentioned earlier that we back here worry about our daily bread and water for family support but needed from you in the free world to notice us out there and have your say on behalf of all heavenly beliefs that what is happening is wrong, One Nation Calamities to other nations benefit, profit?!
a set of values, beliefs, and structure in a person's life in order to give them direction and a sense of right and wrong is fine, but organized religions are no more than large corporations, and like any large corporation are only focused on their bottom line... trying to control the public and extract as much money as they can from them by any means necessary... promoting fear, uncertainty, hate and a sense that they alone can offer salvation... for a price (although they are very cleaver about getting to this hidden and unspoken cost... after all these hundreds of years they have perfected their craft well!)
Am not anti-Christ nor Anti-Jewish just like all Muslims am a monotheist so must be rather Anti-Polytheists & Disbelievers... but believe me it is not hatred but rather pityness for the innocents and hardness towards the wicked transgressors... Guess that is all about it unless few of our brother got the message wrong!?! Since we learned from the Quran verses that there will be in paradise from the Jews, Christian and others from other beliefs... and since God forgives any thing else other than to assign for him partners as polytheists do, then that means many of Christians and Jews are monotheist towards God although might show otherwise of fears from dominant doctrine... As it seems few Christians have realized some how they were wrong some where, then had to introduce that Trinity to correct it to show as if monotheist but made another mistake by having God the One Divided into Three then and remained Divided as Three as now and for eternity...!?
I'm ready to see the same type of article written about Romney & Mormonism... if you are going to question if a candidate is «the right or wrong» kind of Christian, I believe a great number of the Christian Right would be stunned at some of the practices & beliefs of the Mormon faith.
And, if we know anything about human nature, we know we have a desire for certainty, a fear of being wrong, a tendency to difine ourselves by our beliefs and to identify those like - minded, the «us» of the them / us divide.
James — «Labelling people makes it easier to dismiss them... when we are afraid we might be wrong about our own beliefs... simple laziness.»
Having an academic discussion about religious views and theological beliefs is fine enough, but there is certainly no reason to go into a discussion of who is right an wrong because frankly, you do not know.
For the great majority of Americans, moral discourse — beliefs about right and wrong, good and evil — is shaped and carried by the biblical tradition.
However, if you consider that when your brain stops functioning, your thought life ceases to exist, then there will be no way to know that you were wrong about your god belief.
Physics - lite @ CN77 & Andrew Andrew's Quote «It's not all that pointless, see while you would never be convinced that your bronze age mythological beliefs about the creation of the universe are wrong, since I can rebut (with peer reviewed journal articles no less) any claim you make, in rather stunning detail, those who are not so well versed on the subject who read the dialogue could be swayed to the side of science.
I think we do it mainly when we are afraid we might be wrong about our own beliefs, even if we won't admit it to ourselves.
People refusing medical treatment because they think they can pray disease away, The demoralizing way religion makes you feel about yourself (I am a wretch, a sinner, a bad person by nature), the religious wars that have been fought for millenia, the self righteous passing laws based on THEIR beliefs (change to the pledge of allegience which now excludes anyone who does not believe in a fairy godfather, the change to the national motto that turned it into the lie «in god we trust», the bigotry that «my religion is the right one and you are wrong so I'll pray for you» kind of crap... don't you realize that it is insulting to me when someone says they will pray for me... its the same as saying I'm going to do something for you but there won't be any effect, so it is just a waste of time.
Regardless of where you are on the belief spectrum, if you are thinking about such things, you aren't doing what needs to be done, or are doing it for the wrong reasons.
By reading it, you will learn that many of the common beliefs about prayer are simply wrong.
About that dogma you've been reposting, if a belief of mine would be that humans are poop left behind by the flying spaghetti monster as it was flying through, who are you to say that such belief is wrong, and who are you to stigmatize me for such belief and for the expression thereof?
Regardless of our personal beliefs about god and divinity, if these actions bring comfort to people at times like these then such actions are not wrong.
I gave him the benefit of the doubt early on, even though every single person I have encountered, who is of the Reformed persuasion, has proven to be extremely capable of pointing out to everyone else where everyone else is wrong, and can do it in such a way as to give you the impression that, not only do they want to correct your erroneous beliefs, but also want to make sure you feel very, very bad about being completely wrong.
Many Christians see Cod as the guardian of the moral law, but some thinkers recognize the autonomy of morals and hold that people can discern what is right and wrong independently of their basic beliefs about the universe.
I'm not saying you're wrong — just trying to sustain conversation (I call it converse action, my idiocy) on how we talk about ultimate matters on the one hand, practical matters on the other hand, rationality and irrationality, logic, analogic and illogic, belief (bias), faith (by virtue of the absurd).
My right and wrong may not be the same as yours, but my right and wrong is not too concerned about what you believe as long as you aren't forcing me to live according to your beliefs.
What is notable about them is that they lead us to acknowledge that scientific work is energized throughout by a faith or trust that truth is worth pursuing, by a faith that it is worthwhile joining with others in an effort to uncover the facts about the world, and by the belief that it is wrong to deviate from a method that brings us to the truth.
The trouble about revealed «Truth» is that it is liable to be wrong, and even if it is right other people require a good reason to share the recipients» belief.
I think if anything this country would be a mormon country since it was founded here... but since mythology is all myths lets all be happy we live in a country where people can believe what they wish and be open about it yet those beliefs based on nothing more then each persons personal «experiences» which are questionable at best have little impact on the government which dictates the laws we live by... WRONG!
IMO that religious ignorance stems from Christian belief that their faith is the only «correct» religion and all others are wrong, so why bother learning anything about them.
I am definitely open to being wrong here... and maybe I'm missing something, but... I don't think the Consti tution says anything about people can't vote their (religious) beliefs.
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