Sentences with phrase «wrong audience»

Those are all the wrong questions because none of those things matter if you're putting the wrong message in front of the wrong audience!
You can run the most visually stunning, well - written ad ever crafted, but if it's aimed at the wrong audience, it's not a good ad.
Businesses that do not have a system in place for targeting specific customer personas as well as marketing to existing customers will continue to spend excessively targeting the wrong audience.
Without well - built personas, you may tell stories that engage the wrong audiences or no one at all.
Great feedback from the wrong audience can take you in the complete wrong direction.
While I'm a huge proponent of the importance of messaging, a great message to the wrong audience will fail, while an average message to a great list will do reasonably well.
By ignoring the context and intent around which a user might be looking for a tool, you might end up paying to have the wrong messaging served up to the wrong audience members.
But today I got the «premium carved turkey» sandwich from subway looking at me... Wrong audience... LOL
They do look delicious but probably the wrong audience.
Clooney's presence opened the door for its marketing to the multiplex masses, but that was completely the wrong audience for it.
Tatsunoko vs. Capcom wasn't a massive seller on Wii, but maybe it was just aimed at the wrong audience.
Kimberly Peirce's take on Stephen King's classic novel of the same name tries much to hard to please the wrong audience and ends up being a missed opportunity.
Kimberly Peirce's take on Stephen King's classic novel of the same name tries much to hard to please the wrong audience and ends up being a missed -LSB-...]
Solutions exist, but the sad truth is the only reason we care about Corfixen's life at all is that it's being directed by Refn, so perhaps she's picked the wrong audience to whom to complain.
But following the logic of the first two paragraphs, the deduction becomes that if you brand your publisher imprint, and you have no intention of opening a side business to publish other authors as well, your marketing efforts are wasted on the wrong audience: other authors, who won't be looking at the book, but the «shop» behind it and what that shop could potentially do for them.
Since those yoga readers aren't going to buy your fiction book when it goes back up to full price, all you're doing is actively suppressing your own work (eventually, Amazon will stop recommending books that don't sell, and if your book is being recommended to the wrong audience it can actually be damaging).
You're Marketing to the Wrong Audience — If you have a book written to grandparents, perhaps social media isn't an appropriate marketing strategy... Lots of authors focus on the quantity of marketing efforts.
Of course, Amazon did take a stand against erotica that was marketed to children in its Kindle store, so the company obviously does have some kind of conscience towards inappropriate or suggestive material when it's aimed at the wrong audience.
I believe the reviews are due to offering it to the wrong audience, the free / $ 2.99 only audience who want 3 rapes, two murders and several hundred rounds of ammo used up on the first page, or they trash it for being boring.
A cover is ineffective when it attracts the wrong audience.
Maybe the cover or blurb are attracting the wrong audience.
If the cover attracts the wrong audience, nobody will purchase the book.
If you can't advertise profitably, your Amazon page doesn't convert well enough yet — or you're targeting the wrong audience.
So he is, as you noted, targeting the wrong audience.
If we target the wrong audience all we have left is the output of the puppy mill.
They're so targeting the wrong audience for this.
I don't dislike Twilight Princess, but I do think it pandered a bit to the wrong audience, which held it back from its full potential.
Picking the wrong audience also means dilapidating your marketing budget.
You can expose the flaws in the science in the paper until you see green in the face — and I expect, based on my reading of the paper, that there will be lots of green faces — but in the end it matters but little, being aimed at the wrong audience.
The report, based on a national poll of more than 1,000 hiring managers, human resources professionals and candidates, also revealed that half of employers lack recruitment strategies and jobs are often marketed to the wrong audience.
According to the first - ever Where People Are Guide from national recruitment company Hays Canada, half of employers lack recruitment strategies and jobs are often marketed to the wrong audience.
For example, a great promotional offer for a new steak house sent to a list of local vegetarians would flop... not because the offer is necessarily bad, but because it was sent to the wrong audience, so it was bad for them.
Second, if your message is spoken to the wrong audience, it's as good as not having been communicated at all.
I think I did the presentation in front of the wrong audience and I was not very professional.
If you choose the wrong audience, it can lead to less than desirable results and could keep you from getting the most bang for your buck.
At a time when Whole Foods is losing shoppers to the likes of Kroger, Trader Joe's and Wal - Mart — as those chains crowd into the organic - food business Whole Foods helped create — the concern that Mushkin and others on Wall Street have is that by trying to expand into hundreds of new neighborhoods, the company is targeting the wrong audience.
Are you placing your marketing in front of the wrong audience?
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