Sentences with phrase «wrong grade»

«It is misleading to imply that schools who appeal wrong grades are actually a cause of the problem.
Staff ** Hanks and Fisk make a charming couple in this tale of a class president fighting to get into Stanford after his school sends the wrong grades.
Caroline Jordan, president of GSA and headmistress of Headington School, said: «Schools have suspected for months that last summer's Cambridge IGCSE English Language candidates received the wrong grade and now this rigorous statistical analysis has proven it.»
Thousands of GCSE students are set to receive the wrong grades this week under a confusing new marking system that experts warn could cause pupils to lose out on jobs.
If the parent / guardian applies for the wrong grade, the parent must cancel the original enrollment application and apply again for the correct grade and be given a new submission date and waitlist number.
I also received one report from a middle Tennessee district that said students in middle grades (5 - 8) were receiving the wrong grade level tests.
I thought I did enough research and brought a different brand of oil than was offered there but had the wrong grade.
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