Sentences with phrase «wrong group»

This kind of scenario happens all too often and leaves the dog trainer in an unsafe situation with the potential for a lawsuit if something goes wrong a group class with other students.
Mostly from live people into dead people when you say the wrong one in front of the wrong group.
Is it possible that Motrin just pissed off the wrong group of moms?
I think what it really gets down to is that you're hanging out with the wrong groups of moms.
HAMBURG, N.Y. — In Michelle Schoeneman's eyes, Rep. Chris Collins is giving to the wrong group this holiday season.
In Michelle Schoeneman's eyes, Rep. Chris Collins is giving to the wrong group this holiday season.
Without knowing the classifications of a disease, a drug could be tested on the wrong group of patients and seem ineffective, when it could actually work for different patients.
You may be excluded from searches or included in the wrong groups if your basic information is missing or lacking.
If you do not feel accepted in groups, search within, you may be looking at the wrong groups.
With the recently released «Harry Brown,» Mortimer plays Detective Inspector Alice Frampton, an empathetic police officer investigating the murder of Leonard Attwell, an elderly man that may have provoked the wrong group of hooligans.
Pressing the wrong button, not performing a guardian - boosting battlecry quickly enough, not saving an Anima orb to cast a battlecry, sending the wrong group to do the wrong thing, or not dodging in time can all have grave consequences.
[15] For this report, we extended the analysis to Florida high schools where a similar number, 33 to 45 percent, would be in the wrong group without tracks.
Let's be clear here, I'm not saying the Parthenon Group is the wrong group for providing data to RESET a conversation (well, I guess I am), but at the very least there is enough here that surely warrants a little digging by the local paper.
We are always told we need a critique group, but sometimes the wrong group could be detrimental to our work.
But, if you are surrounded by writers who just love to write; who really don't care if their work gets publishing, you are in the wrong group.
Posting promo posts in the wrong group (not your niche) will cause alienation of a whole group of readers, and possibly even some publishing industry professionals you didn't even know were watching.
They say this, because they have used the wrong strategies for the wrong group, and have held the wrong expectations for the wrong type of lists.
Make sure you are aware of biases and don't trust the wrong group of people.
If they can't even take the time to read your comments explaining why your lack of yard should not disqualify you, then you are probably looking for a dog in the wrong place / from the wrong group.
You can't always get what you want... ooops, wrong group.
Choosing the wrong groups.
Now that you know who your audience is, what marketing you spend on, which group you are spending more money on and what your budget is, ask yourself if you're spending too much money on the wrong group, or if you are spending enough money on the right group.
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