Sentences with phrase «wrong opinion on climate change»

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John P. Holdren, the head of Harvard's Program on Science, Technology and Public Policy and a longtime advocate of prompt curbs in greenhouse gases, sent me a note about the reaction he received after the Boston Globe and International Herald Tribune published his opinion piece earlier this month asserting that «climate change skeptics are dangerously wrong
Posted in Advocacy, Development and Climate Change, Global Warming, Green House Gas Emissions, Information and Communication, International Agencies, Lessons, News, Opinion, Publication, UNFCCC, Vulnerability Comments Off on Nicholas Stern: «I Got It Wrong On Climate Change - It's Far, Far Worse&raquon Nicholas Stern: «I Got It Wrong On Climate Change - It's Far, Far Worse&raquOn Climate Change - It's Far, Far Worse»
For example, the constant refrain about how «the consensus» was wrong about plate tectonics is useful for «skeptics» to exploit - and then argue that the existence of a «consensus» on climate change isn't meaningful - when they don't also consider just how pervasively we all trust the product of scientists» work, and by extension the power of shared opinion among experts, as we live our daily lives.
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