Sentences with phrase «wrong predictions»

Many of them who made wrong predictions then are confident enough to continue with their market timing forecasts.
Following your advice and consistently wrong predictions to the bank would make anyone bankrupt.
What appears utterly extraordinary at first — sending someone correct predictions of the winners of six races — seems very ordinary as soon as you understand that thousands of people got wrong predictions.
Lastly even an individual who is very knowledgeable about technical analysis, and they also follow the street very closely, might make some very wrong predictions.
Here are some of the hilarious, spectacularly wrong predictions made on the occasion of Earth Day 1970.
Hunter, Who cares about idiotically wrong predictions about peak oil?
This was a fun exercise for me because I got to watch lots of film in the offseason trying to find the right guy to pick and because as the season played out I actually got to see how right or wrong my predictions ended up being.
Thus began a long string of spectacularly wrong predictions regarding the capacity of various technologies to revolutionize education.
This was meant to prevent situations like the one created by COMPAS, which made wrong predictions about black and white defendants at different rates.
For instance, here are 18 examples of the spectacularly wrong predictions made around 1970 when the «green holy day» (aka Earth Day) started:
That end 1799 The Time Of The End started 1874 Jesus Christ invisibly returns 1914 The World Will Come to an End Then, The World Will Come to an End was pushed forward to 1915 Then, 1918 World Will Come to an End But in 1916 Charles Russell dies and at his graveside stands a pyramid a direct slap in the face of this totally wrong predictions and information.
It's an embarrassing advent, and so we leave it to those embarrassing Christians who have turned apocalyptic speculation into a billion - dollar industry — prophecy buffs with their computer charts and wrong predictions that are then folded back into new predictions in the kind of prophetic improvisation that Paula Frederickson calls «apocalyptic jazz.»
Even with this case, the only reason the wrong predictions are being brought up is because Barkley has been consistently wrong about the Celtics and the context is his bias against the Celtics rather than him just being wrong.
Unfavorable odds may repel players while incorrect line and wrong predictions may leave bookmaking company with a loss.
While a prediction can always go wrong, it's not so much the wrong prediction that makes the article ludicrous, rather the manner in which the article was written.
A lower than expected turnout in the inner cities, combined with less lopsided margins for Clinton there can easily lead to a wrong prediction of the result of an entire State.
Humans crave certainty and a hundred wrong predictions will be quickly forgotten in the face of one correct one.
Few experts would predict that general relativity would make the wrong prediction.
Because a wrong prediction could lead to insufficient protection for the plants, the inspector general's office opened an investigation, Mulley said.
Performance of them increases, but sometimes they make mistakes like false alarms, misdetections, or wrong predictions.
A 2016 ProPublica investigation found that COMPAS, a tool used by many courtrooms to predict whether a criminal will break the law again, wrongly predicted that black defendants would reoffend nearly twice as often as it made that wrong prediction for whites.
Generally it is really attractive for new traders who are fascinated by 80 % profit offer; make wrong predictions and lose the real capital itself, thus this requires a vast experience and observation skills.
We would all be better off if we reinstituted the Middle Ages practice of burning the fortune tellers (forecasters) at the stake for wrong predictions.
I would point out that that argument based on «who cares about wrong predictions» is faulty.
Last week, University of Michigan professor of economics Mark J. Perry penned an essay enumerating «18 spectacularly wrong predictions» made around the time of the first Earth Day in 1970.
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