Sentences with phrase «wrong understanding of»

A completely wrong understanding of the QM related to vibrational spectra; electronic spectra are in the UV, the IR involved in CO2 absorption / emission is due to vibrational / rotational motion of the atoms not the electrons.
You did not paraphrase — you substituted what he said with a wrong understanding of what he said.
He characterizes this as an «inadequate presentation of Christian anthropology [that] gave rise to a wrong understanding of the relationship between human beings and the world.»
# 288 & # 289 have shown me quite how wrong my understanding of the mechanisms (see my # 233) was.
This is wrong understanding of yoga.
When the US FDA told Kind Bars they could not use the term «healthy» due to their fat content Kind Bars told the FDA they had the wrong understanding of «healthy».
In my own research, I found time and again that I had the wrong understanding of what some of the parables meant.
you like many other half educated person use the wrong understanding of the difference between what is religion and what is culture / tradition.
Antinomianism is a wrong understanding of what the bible teaches about the law of God, but it is not heresy.
And it all starts by a wrong understanding of what took place in the beginning in the Garden.

Not exact matches

As Donald Trump assumes the mantle of 45th president of the United States, much of the mainstream press is going through a soul - searching process, trying to understand how it got the outcome of the election so thoroughly wrong — and also how to survive under what is likely to be one of the most media - hostile administrations in recent memory.
These companies understand that the cost of hiring the wrong person is a significant waste of money and time.
But according to new research out of Yale and recently published in American Psychologist, this common intuition just might be wrong when it comes to understanding what others are really feeling.
«I can not understand why Canadians think there is something wrong with being successful and earning a lot of money,» wrote one.
Remember, we are checking all of these because we need to understand what your competitors are doing well, and what they are doing wrong, so you can learn from their mistakes.
Reading these won't guarantee excellence in ethical decision - making, but they will help you understand what is fundamentally at stake in our ongoing exploration of what behaviour is right, and what behaviour is wrong, in the world of business.
If making you ethical was the aim, then ethics education would be either redundant or hopeless: critics are probably right to think that a basic understanding of right and wrong is either there by the time kids enter university or it isn't.
After Tuesday's Senate hearing, it has become clear that with an easy - to - understand issue, a political firestorm, and missteps by the bank that exemplify Americans» worst notions of Wall Street, everything that could go wrong for Wells Fargo did.
Your leader understands the importance of giving the glory to others, but the first to take blame when things go wrong.
They then conducted a series of experiments that measured how open to being wrong the volunteers were and how it affected their estimation of people with opposing views, as well as how accurately they'd understood the arguments they'd been presented with.
«They're full of ideas and ready to make a new plan for their businesses, especially when they have an understanding of where things are going wrong in the first place.»
At the same time, he's not wrong: Between all of its apps — Facebook, Messenger, WhatsApp, Instagram, even its nascent virtual reality chat technology — the Silicon Valley titan has a pretty firm understanding on the ways that people communicate with each other online.
The system collapse could result in TSB paying fines and compensation, while the Bank of England's watchdog the Financial Conduct Authority said it plans to talk to the firm to understand what went wrong.
These are probably easier to evaluate and the understanding is that if it is a solid team playing in a good market, even if they get the product wrong a couple of times, they can always pivot and build on what they have.
Sometimes I get it really right and sometimes I got it really wrong, but I always have a deeper understanding of the topic when I've finished writing about it.
In a letter to irate classmates, Zuckerberg gives his first apology to make the news: «I hope you understand, this is not how I meant for things to go, and I apologize for any harm done as a result of my neglect to consider how quickly the site would spread and its consequences thereafter... I definitely see how my intentions could be seen in the wrong light.»
Our mission is to help people fully understand the franchise industry and all aspects of franchise ownership and not buy a franchise for the wrong reasons.
In other words, spend time understanding the company's ability to survive until the eventual turnaround and what the downside (margin of safety) is if your analysis proves wrong.
The author of The Happiness Advantage and CEO of Good Think Inc., a research and consulting firm, points out that the common understanding that happiness as the last thing to happen after success achieved by working hard has the order all wrong.
The purpose of these conversations was to explore what, if anything, is unique and measurable about the governance of family firms, and to understand what the BSCI gets right and wrong.
Right, but my understanding (may be wrong) is that they look at your current and last 5 years of resources to pay for a nursing home.
Therefore, since I have such justification for my standard of authority, there is nothing wrong with referring to it when it comes to understanding heaven and hell.
The real problem is how people live them in a wrong way and we instead of learning the religion from their holy books try to understand from the people who claim they are doing it for one religion.
Muslims understand that Halloween has Pagan roots and in several fashions is a celebration of things we believe is wrong or bad such as fear of this world, death, and mythical false things.
Resistance to wrong doing must be done with a spirit of nobility, of patience, of understanding, in addition to refusal to back down.
When you decide to engage someone who's firmly on the wrong side of the facts, be as loving as possible: «I totally understand why that frustrates you!
preacherlady: you are a wise woman trey: listen to what she says & stop trying to get everyone to accept you Reality check 1: not everyone has to like or love you for you to be happy Reality check 2: as long as it is true for me I am going to say what I believe so I am going to have to let the rest of you do that too, even if I think you are wrong Questions: what part of «love one another» don't you guys understand?
And no surprise, since if we believe that Jesus is God, then that means Jesus» theology would be His study, theory, and opinion of Himself, which I don't think is really what anyone meant... But anyways, maybe I'm wrong there, but it made it awfully hard to understand what people actually meant.
Don't get me wrong, I understand that like Sunni and Shia, you feel you must defend your subjective understanding of the one true faith.
As wrong as we view it today, with our understanding of betrayal, we may not be able to comprehend the magnitude of what was required in order to bring about the miracle of Easter.
To hold the position that any debate you have you win because you have a divine operative that can never be wrong even when he is you just stand up and say «Our understanding of that is flawed so however the bible said it may not be what it meant but it's never ever wrong, someone go back to translating and interpreting it till we figure out a way around it's errors, er, i mean, misunderstood or mistranslated passages...»
The idea that a huge portion of the world that believes in things that can not be proven nor seen nor understood by reason, is affecting the life and death of the rest of the world that doesn't find those things based in truth or reality... IS WRONG, AND IS RUINING LIVES AND DESTROYING OUR PLANET...
We should continue to share the word of the wisdom of the Lord to every man of this world till the end.for in the word is the understanding of everything created by the almigthy, the word comes with understanding of the existance of the holyspirit which drives us into love, peace and harmony and great things will always be with us forever we will never be caugth on the wrong side.
That's OK as long as you're being honest about it, but lots of Christians actually claim that the Jews were wrong concerning the god they themselves invented, which makes as much sense as an American legal expert telling the British experts that they don't understand their own law.
If not I understand missing more of them since multiple guess jogs the memory and limits possible wrong answers.
Trying convert someone to «your» belief system is simply wrong, it demonstrates a lack of tolerance and understanding for those who are different from you.
On a related note: Even if my understanding of the cartoon is wrong, there is indeed nothing wrong at all for hating a being which is:»...» is arguably the most unpleasant character in all fiction: jealous and proud of it; a petty, unjust, unforgiving control - freak; a vindictive, bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser; a misogynistic, homophobic, racist, infanticidal, genocidal, filicidal, pestilential, megalomaniacal, sadomasochistic, capriciously malevolent bully.»
One claims to have a better understanding of the matter, while the other is arguably wrong.
From the moment I could understand what murder meant, I was taught that it was «wrong» — a relative consensus that seemed to be universal; that came from people of different philosophical backgrounds.
Likewise when God says «Let there be light,» that is much more understandable by saying it means the «Light of Understanding,» like invention of language and tools, and the knowledge of right and wrong.
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