Sentences with phrase «wrote a post for christianity»

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Responding to a piece I wrote for the Washington Post about my journey from young earth creationism to evolutionary creationism, Mohler told readers that my «glib and superficial endorsement of evolution and its reconciliation with Christianity is all too common and all to irresponsible.»
In addition to writing for Relevant, The Washington Post, Christianity Today, and a few other places, Matthew blogs at Mere Orthodoxy.
Friendly Atheist: On Tuesday I wrote a post for Relevant Online about Christianity and evolution that generated a lively discussion, particularly over at Friendly Atheist, where Hemant Mehta argues that it's not enough to say that the evidence supports evolution; one must concede that the evidence rules God out completely.
According to a Patheos post she wrote on Monday, entitled «This is my last post for the Patheos Atheist Portal,» she began to see parts of Christianity and Catholicism that fit her moral system.
He is the author of Gray Matters: Navigating the Space Between Legalism and Liberty (Baker, 2013), Hipster Christianity (Baker, 2010) and has written for The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post,, The Princeton Theological Review, Mediascape, Books & Culture, Christianity Today, RELEVANT magazine, IMAGE Journal, Q Ideas and
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