Sentences with phrase «wrote posted about»

I recently wrote a post about how some VCs meddle in operating company decisions.
If you find yourself bored, research a possible blog topic and write a post about it.
So head over to Google and search for the keyword you've decided to write your post about.
Last April I wrote a post about the specific trading style that has made guys like Stan Druckenmiller, Jim Rogers and George Soros so successful.
Seeing that this blog is solely about links, I don't think I'll be writing a post about on - site ecommerce SEO, but I can point you to a few great resources by Adam Audette:
Last night I wrote a post about how the fall in the stock market over a 3 - day period may affect the venture capital markets.
The tips in here were great, and it was one of the most well written posts about this subject I've seen!
I recently wrote a post about a book I really liked called America's Bank, by Roger Lowenstein.
When I decided to write a post about Lee I made a conscious choice not to spend much time writing about her creation of the term «unicorn.»
I couldn't really explain the whole strategy here so I wrote a post about it.
You could also write posts about your industry for websites that are slightly related to your niche.
The answer: write a post about someone who has recently passed, or is rumored to have passed.
btw - they said they're hoping to have a solution for the close variants problem, possibly within a week, and they will write a post about it when it happens.
I wrote a post about that and the concept: don't follow your passion, bring it with you for success,
Gawker took down the video, but not the commentary, and wrote a post about the ruling.
Maybe i'll write a post about this!
About 2 years ago I wrote a post about fake accounts on social media where I addressed this concept of accounts following you on Instagram and Twitter and, if you decide to hook up with them, instantly dropping you after the fact.
I wrote a post about reinvested dividends a couple of days ago but your graphs are much clearer.
I've written a post about it here:
It seems there is always good reason to write a post about revenue recognition.
Writing a post about small business financial analysis and added many pictures using contrasting concepts.
If you already wrote a post about this, please let me know!
Never begin a blog entry with «So - and - so has written a post about X.» This is like starting a news article «So - and - so held a press conference today.»
I've written posts about moving from absolutism to openness, from eschatological escapism to kingdom - building, from propositions as fundamental to love as fundamental.
Some of the contributors have written posts about this book as well.
I agree, and have written some posts about the word «heresy» with your point exactly.
I'll choose my favorite questions, do my best to pose them at the conference, and next week write a post about the responses.
This will make Obama's re-election a lot easier,» then «Shoot; now I have to disrupt the rally to write a post about this (#restoreunity),» then «Wait — what does this really mean to me as a follower of Jesus?»
After I wrote my post about we human commit evil and then blame God for it, I found this image online.
But there's a part of me that wants to write a post about Tony Jones just to see if I can make one of his lists.
I am writing a post about this for tomorrow, when I start to focus on the positive things Scripture says about prayer.
I am going to have to write some posts about OT violence sometime... I have a slightly different take on it.
Brad wrote a post about my blog.
(I wrote a post about this a while back.)
A short while back I wrote a post about a few things Christians can learn from Pagans.
Jeremy, I find it rather humorous, in a sad sort of way, that you can write posts about changing (or stopping) baptism and communion (which were good and valid posts), and not hear one peep out of the «plain reading of Scripture» crowd.
As an example, that was a big reason why I wrote the post about «biblical marriage» last week.
Last week I wrote a post about the inspiration of Scripture and the inspiration of other religious books which struck a cord with a lot of people.
Here is a scene from Samson, which I wrote a post about yesterday.
It is ironic and telling that within a few days of writing a post about how young people seem to be gravitating toward either neo-Reformed theology or the emerging church, I should come across a piece by Dan Kimball in which he speaks of the emerging / emergent phenomenon in the past tense.
So for me, when I wrote that article, originally simply to explain the emerging church to people in my denomination, published in my denominational press, I was encouraged that I might have been close to my objective when Andrew Jones wrote his post about it.
And now I am wasting more time writing a post about all the writing projects I have on the back burning and why I am not getting any writing done... Ha!
I occasionally write posts about what I'm learning about grace here —
Submit a question in the sidebar area on the right, and I might try to write a post about it.
Jake wrote a post about this last week.
Over at Cato, Julian Sanchez has written a post about how the aftermath of healthcare reform could reveal faultlines in existing political coalitions and trigger realignment: There's no intrinsic commonality between, say, «left» positions on taxation, foreign policy, and reproductive....
I had a conversation last week about this sort of thing with Chuck McKnight, and now you are writing a post about it, and it seems that everywhere I turn people are having similar ideas and thoughts.
A while back I wrote a post about three different types of people: wave makers, wave riders, and sand sitters.
I was going to write a post about all the changes you can expect to see and what plans I have for the future, but then I realized that I simply don't know what is going to happen to me or this blog next week, let alone next year.
If I wrote a post about gay marriage, women preachers, abortion, evolution or any of those sorts of things, we'd be getting lots of comments.
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