Sentences with phrase «wrought by prayer»

Several things are wrought by prayer even in this day and age with all these statistics, technology and science you will be surprised to see how the sincere prayers were heard.
Well authenticated cures of even such a dread disease as cancer in our own day remind us that «more things are wrought by prayer than this world dreams of.»

Not exact matches

By 8:30 a.m. (the time I usually ended up rolling out of bed), I had read several chapters of a good business book, listened to part of a podcast, spent time in prayer, done some P90X Yoga, and worked on a side - project that I'd been «too busy» to work on for years.
Tarr and other students like Emma Gonzalez (the senior with the shaved head) and David Hogg (targeted by conspiracy theorists because his father once worked for the FBI) have, virtually on their own, turned what could have become another impotent «thoughts and prayers» response to a massacre into a national movement to transform the nation's gun laws.
The text by Michael Downey is an invitation to understand how people today are still finding their lives by losing their lives in prayer, work, and the contemplation of the mystery of God.
Jesus also promised that prayer would work, He would be back in the 1st Century and did not deny the fact that the earth is flat, when tempted by Satan.
I think you will see quite a few posts by believers on here that claim that prayer works, that they have had dozens of prayers answered personally by a deity.
So impressed was he by the beauty of these laws that he wrote this prayer in his treatise Harmonices Mundi (The harmonies of the world): «I thank thee, Lord God our Creator, that thou hast allowed me to see the beauty in thy work of creation.»
A Prayer Journal by Flannery O'Connor — I go through swings with Flannery O'Connor's work — I won't read her for years and then all of a sudden, I can't stop for a month.
You come to understand that God always answers your prayers by everything working out for the good for those who love him.
Some of those involved in the Movement make the formal commitment of Membership, which consists in an agreement to uphold its Aims and Ideals, to abide by its Constitution, and to support its activities through prayer, work and financial assistance.
So we do not judge prayer by whether it «works».
While working, he said he was followed by supervisors and watched when he went to pray in a storage room, and so began to complete his daily prayers outdoors near a trash dumpster.
Personally i think those specific prayers are a distraction most of the times we pray these prayers because its what we think we need and often thats not the case.The better way is to just trust the holy spirit let him lead i think we miss the awesomeness of doing it Gods way its easy not difficult.The struggle is difficult when we are walking by the flesh and trying to do it our way.When i got to the point where i said to the God i am not going to do it my way anymore and i submit to you because know whats best for me.Change me and when i feel the wrong desires or temptation to walk by the flesh i just say Lord you know i am weak and i can not live a christian life without you help me.As soon as i do that it is effortless theres no struggle thats how we should grow.I am excited with what God is doing in my life he has opened his word i am seeing the fruit of his life impacting mine and i am changing day by day.I am walking by faith and not slipping back into my old desires i know what it means to be an overcomer sin does not have dominion over me anymore.In myself i can not boast because it is the power of God at work in my life and i give all the praise back to God.brentnz
At the Easter Vigil after the first reading from Genesis chapter 1, describing the creation of the universe by God, the prayer that follows says: «Almighty ever - living God, who are wonderful in the ordering of all your works, may those you have redeemed understand that there exists nothing more marvellous than the world's creation in the beginning except that, at the end of the ages, Christ our Passover has been sacrificed.»
In his final prayer to the Father, Jesus said, «I have brought you glory on earth by completing the work you gave me to do» (John 17:4).
... When God saves people in this life by working through his Spirit to bring them to faith and by leading them to follow Jesus in discipleship, prayer, holiness, hope, and love, such people are designed... to be a sign and foretaste of what God wants to do for the entire cosmos.
Colin has mentioned this before and new - man promised but then backed off — you could prove that prayer works by nominating an amputee then blog the quantity of prayer along with regular photographs to show the amount of growth.
It affirmed that the ministry is a gift of God through Christ to his church, and is essential to the being and well - being of the church, that men gifted for the work of the ministry, called by the Spirit and accepted by the church, are commissioned through an act of ordination by prayer and the laying on of hands.
Now it is likely that they worked harder and longer as I prayed (outloud) for God to guide them and give them strength and wisdom... or was it answered prayer... would the results have been the same - clearly not because the situation was altered either by God, prayer or simply the hearing of a plea by the surgens and staff.
I am sure that by this time next year, when the man gets up to teach all the amateur fisherman who have never caught a fish about the miracle - working wonders of this prayer, he will have some stories to tell them about me, and how I prayed five times a day, and as a result, caught the biggest fish the world and the most fish all in one day.
The two methods by which we are allowed to produce events may be called work and prayer.
Below is a classic essay by C. S. Lewis on the relationship between work and prayer.
but fortunately there are psychologists, mental health practitioners and others who do and I have benefitted greatly from their work, personal testimonies and the various articles / publications which they have produced --(for example, The Journal of Transpersonal Psychology; The Religious & Spiritual Problems category in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th Edition (DSM - IV) published by the American Psychiatric Association; The US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health database of healthcare and scientific literature)-- about the adverse psychological effects which can arise when persons engage in intense / deep spiritual practices such as intense / deep prayer, fasting and meditation which alter their state of consciousness.
theological work does not merely begin with prayer and is not merely accompanied by it; in its totality it is peculiar and characteristic of theology that it can be performed only in the act of prayer.
Psychosis / most psychiatric illnesses often arise in adolescence or in early adult life however 75 per cent of children with mental health disorders / issues do not get the help they need — I fell into that 75 per cent, I was misdiagnosed by a doctor and then the self - induced trance - like altered state of consciousness induced by intense / deep meditation and prayer coupled with the theology about how prayer and God work in a Christian's life (more on this below) just pushed me right over the edge.
The work done by psychologists / mental health practitioners / neuroscientists indicate that intense / deep prayer and meditation trigger different responses in people as per the various references which I provided in my previous comments.
I wish it (Christianity) were more productive of good works... I mean real good works... not holy day keeping, sermon - hearing... or making long prayers, filled with flatteries and compliments despised by wise men, and much less capable of pleasing the Deity.
Failure of rain could work havoc as indicated by the special prayers offered for rain at Solomon's dedication of the Temple (cf. I Kings 8:35 - 36) or Elijah on Mt. Carmel (I Kings 17 - 18).
(1) self - renunciation — to work for others by giving up personal claims to happiness; (2) intercessory prayer; and (3) «the mutual granting of forgiveness of sins in God's name.
... even if we are prevented from clarifying our minds by talking things over, we can still pray, and it is only in the spirit of prayer that any such work (intellectual discussion with the world and risk saying controversial things) can be begun and carried through.37
Today, in his reading, Baptists are the phonies when they vote — as Southern Baptist Convention majorities did — to have government do their spiritual work for them by supporting, for instance, a school prayer amendment.
He begins by remembering his diocesan work with evangelical members of the Lausanne Movement, particularly how they «shared the Word and prayer» (the notable absence of «sacrament» highlights the dilemmas that arise in ecumenical interactions).
Man was created for the glory of God, and he glorifies God by doing the work for which he was created and sent.23 We have been taught in the Lord's prayer to pray not «That will be glory for me», but «Thine is the glory for ever».
Before beginning their work, icon painters would first purify themselves by fasting and prayer, confession and communion.
Almsgiving is a duty of charity, a commendable spiritual practice along with prayer and fasting, and a means for us to win friends in eternity, whether by giving money to organisations or individuals who carry out the corporal works of mercy — saving the lives of pre-born babies by supporting pro-life work, feeding the hungry by the alleviation of famine, sheltering the homeless, welcoming the stranger, or the spiritual works of mercy, such as having Masses offered for people who are sick or in particular need, or those who have died and the souls in purgatory.
The programs taught me about (1) admitting I was beat, (2) coming to believe in something greater than myself (eventually a higher power)(many evolutions and concepts of HP, all of these at one time or another: nature, the 12 steps, creator, Love, spiritual principles)(Step 3) applying my low self worth and gigantic Ego to these spiritual principles (4) write down my liabilities and assets (5) share them with another and my higher power (6 & 7) ask for the liabilites to be removed and be patient with the process (8) Make a list of all that were harmed by me (9) make amends to such folks except whn to do so would injure them or myself (10) take a daily inventory of my day, checking for snafus, mean temperment, arrogance etc (11) meditation and prayer to communicate to my higher power and quiet reflection to listen for the Truth (12) after having a spiritual awakening as a result of working these steps, help others if they wish for help because now I am in the position to assist.
And the last refuge is to regard even this confession of sin, this penitential prayer, as a good work, as a means by which to insure God's grace.
Dr. DuBose said that God will not work in spite of us, but in us and through us; and often enough our problems about prayer are really caused by our assumption that prayer is answered by some bolt from the blue which contradicts everything that we have ever done, ever known, ever thought.
If by prayer «working» you mean that God grants every prayer request, then you are right, prayer does not «work» at least not all the time.
The connection between me today and the eternal God which has been made in prayer and fastened by tradition waits to be worked out in thousands of ways on the ordinary plain.
Also, the Lord's Prayer probably was not composed by Jesus at all, but was more likely the work of early Christians who wrote it after the crucifixion.
The military could avoid this easily, by either not having a benediction at graduation or not ordering a prayer stance during the benediction, attention or parade rest for everyone might work.
As well as sharing in God's work of creating people, husbands and wives also have a share in God's work of bringing them to salvation, bringing them into union with Christ in the Church by getting them baptised, bringing them to be fed by Christ in the Eucharist and to be cared for by him in the other sacraments; bringing them to know and love God through teaching, prayer, bible reading and example.
And God has provided two means by which we can accomplish these God - given tasks: work and prayer.
Perhaps one of the most enlightening things is that the author gives a clear and succinct understanding of the Benedictine phrase ora et labora (prayer and work) and the context by which both can be lived out and flow one in to the other.
In a newly decorated hall engage with a new angle on the Catholic Faith that seems to work, a new angle on West End passers - by, a pizza and a prayer — and afterwards for the hearty or the hardened New Synthesisers, we gather in the Leicester Arms.
It said: «May they, too, respond to the promptings of the Holy Spirit who is at work in their lives through the prayers of His people by drawing them with cords of God's unfailing and everlasting love.»
And it is most folk religion and natural religion which knows that there is suffering and cross in life, which we may escape by appeasing the right god, wearing the right amulet, incanting the right spell or prayer, changing states of consciousness through pleasure or pain or other things... It does not usually work out.
The Church then said that a Christian who had received the sacrament of penance, could by various good works, the saying of particular prayers or doing such pious works as assisting in the building of churches (by a cash payment) achieve release from some part of, sometimes all of, whatever «temporal punishment» he might still be due to undergo after death.
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