Sentences with phrase «x-ray pulses»

It outruns radiation damage by using femtosecond X-ray pulses allowing damage and chemistry to be separated.
These opportunities include the use of short - pulsed X-ray sources for extracting time - dependent structural information from proteins; and the revolutionary new possibilities created by X-ray Free Electron Lasers, which combine ultrafast X-ray pulses with high brilliance focussing capabilities to create an entirely new regime of pre-damage time - resolved serial femtosecond crystallography on unprecedented time - scales.
New synchrotron facilities, such as the Advanced Photon Source, offered bright, short X-ray pulses, which could capture the microseconds or less timescales of many excited states.
S. Huang, Y. Ding, Y. Feng, E. Hemsing, Z. Huang, J. Krzywinksi, A. A. Lutman, A. Marinelli, T. J. Maxwell, and D. Zhu, «Generating single - spike hard x-ray pulses with nonlinear bunch compression in free - electron lasers,» Phys.
«I can remember the exact spot on the Backs [the riverside in Cambridge] where the idea suddenly leapt into my mind that Laue's spots were due to the reflection of X-ray pulses by sheets of atoms in the crystal,» Lawrence later wrote.
In 1996, Berkeley Lab also logged the first demonstration of X-ray pulses lasting just quadrillionths of a second with a technique known as «inverse Compton scattering,» the report notes.
Henry Chapman, who worked at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) from 1996 to 2007, will be presented on Jan. 26 with an honorary doctorate by Sweden's Uppsala University for his work on developing techniques for imaging and crystallography with intense X-ray pulses.
Henry Chapman, who worked at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory from 1996 to 2007, will be presented with an honorary doctorate by Uppsala University for his work on developing techniques for imaging and crystallography with intense X-ray pulses.
«Here, we point out that relativistic plasma mirrors can be accelerated drastically and stopped abruptly by impinging intense x-ray pulses on solid plasma targets with a density gradient.»
The combination of high - energy optical lasers at MEC with LCLS's bright X-ray pulses allowed the scientists for the first time to directly measure the species separation at ultra-fast time scales and free from the impact of materials that hold the sample.
«I've also continued with efforts toward single - molecule imaging (to avoid the need for crystallization) and other ways to utilize intense X-ray pulses to gain structural information from biological samples.»
Berkeley Lab scientists are developing key components for LCLS - II, a major X-ray laser upgrade and expansion project that will enable new atomic - scale explorations with up to 1 million ultrabright X-ray pulses per second.
They varied the arrival time of the X-ray pulses to pinpoint the speed of the material's transformation.
They used brilliant, ultrashort X-ray pulses produced by LCLS to explore the resulting shock effects on a timescale of femtoseconds and from an atom's - eye view.
The Japanese team led by Toru Hara of the RIKEN SPring - 8 Center, reports today in the journal Nature Communications that they have succeeded in creating double X-ray pulses with tunable wavelengths that can be relatively separated by more than 30 %.
To break this limit in crystal size, an extremely bright X-ray beam was needed, which was obtained using a so - called free - electron laser (FEL), in which a beam of high - speed electrons is guided through a magnetic undulator causing them to emit laser - like X-ray pulses.
If a sample is radiation - sensitive, it can be difficult to do the experiment at a synchrotron, where X-ray pulses tend to be longer and samples may be damaged during the measurement.
The current findings may also explain why in recent experiments using intense X-ray pulses, high charge states up to Xe26 + were observed in clusters, although a large number of recombination processes is expected to take place.
Using SLAC's Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS), a DOE Office of Science User Facility, the researchers hit nearly 500,000 cocoons with X-ray pulses, creating diffraction patterns in a detector that were compiled to form an image of the cocoon's structure with a resolution of 0.2 nanometers.
Physicists have found a way to bombard materials with extremely fast x-ray pulses — a technique that may provide a new method of studying transitions from solid to liquid at a very detailed level.
The high - energy optical lasers at MEC combined with LCLS's X-ray pulses — which last just femtoseconds, or quadrillionths of a second — allowed the scientists to directly measure the chemical reaction.
«Ultrasmall atom motions recorded with ultrashort x-ray pulses
Electron motions induced by a strong electric field are mapped in space and time with the help of femtosecond x-ray pulses.
This approach, known as fluctuation X-ray scattering, is based on analyzing the angular correlations of ultrashort, intense X-ray pulses scattered from non-crystalline biomolecules.
Ultrashort x-ray pulses measure the x-ray absorption change at different times.
To take a picture of a broken bone, it is enough to create a continuous flux of X-ray photons, but in order to study time - dependent phenomena on very short timescales, short X-ray pulses are required.
For these investigations, a holographic measurement setup using short and highly energetic X-ray pulses was used.
One possibility to create short hard X-ray pulses is hitting a metal target with laser pulses.
The X-ray pulses produced by the LCLS last just 50 millionths of a billionth of a second (50 femtoseconds), allowing them to capture even the fastest movements.
Working at the Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS) X-ray laser at the Department of Energy's (DOE's) SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, the scientists then used a newly designed injection system, engineered by a team from Arizona State University, to stream the gel into the path of the X-ray pulses, which hit the crystals and produced patterns used to reconstruct a high - resolution, 3 - D model of the receptor.
When LCLS opened six years ago as a DOE Office of Science User Facility, it was the first light source of its kind — a unique X-ray microscope that uses the brightest and fastest X-ray pulses ever made to provide unprecedented details of the atomic world.
These X-ray pulses have such a short wavelength that they can make even atomic dimensions visible.
«X-ray pulses create «molecular black hole»: The strongest ionisation of a molecule yet is providing important insights for analyzing biomolecules with X-ray lasers.»
As part of the potential XCOM demonstration, NavCube will drive the electronics for a device called the Modulated X-ray Source, or MXS, which generates rapid - fire X-ray pulses, turning on and off many times per second.
«The X-ray pulse initially strips the iodine atom of five or six of its electrons.
Within a few hundred attoseconds — billionths of a billionth of a second — of being hit by an X-ray pulse, they are already back where they were, sitting calmly in a low - energy state.
The improved properties of the X-ray source will also allow the development of new imaging modalities, potentially reaching sub-micron spatial resolution with a single X-ray pulse
Then, a 100 fs long x-ray pulse is scattered from the «excited» crystal and images the momentary electron distribution.
The scientists used the free - electron laser LCLS at the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory in the U.S., and employed optics to focus each X-ray pulse to a similar size as one of the virus particles.
The FEL dose was certainly lethal for the viruses too — each was completely vaporised by a single X-ray pulse.
A femtosecond X-ray pulse from an X-ray free electron laser intersecting a droplet that contains photosystem II crystals, the protein extracted and crystallized from cyanobacteria.

Not exact matches

K - alpha and bremsstrahlung x-ray radiation backlighter sources from short pulse laser driven silver targets as a function of laser pre-pulse energy
Characterization of x-ray framing cameras for the National Ignition Facility using single photon pulse height analysis
Observation of Betatron X-Ray Radiation in a Self - Modulated Laser Wakefield Accelerator Driven with Picosecond Laser Pulses
While this was happening, researchers probed the state of the metal with X-ray laser pulses.
Ideally, the electron gains so much energy in the laser field that upon impact with the atom, a much shorter flash of light with very high energy is emitted — an attosecond laser pulse, with a frequency in the ultraviolet - or x-ray regime.
Kim et al. used femtosecond x-ray laser pulses to probe micrometer - sized water droplets cooled to 227 K (see the Perspective by Gallo and Stanley).
The X-ray signals appear to pulse because the beam sweeps across the sky as the star rotates, and only periodically falls on Earth.
«Extremely fast femtosecond (one - quadrillionth of a second) laser pulses record snapshots of the PSII crystals before they explode in the X-ray beam, a principle called «diffraction before destruction.»»
In the study published in Nature Physics, they were able to carefully follow, one x-ray at a time, the decay of nuclei in a perfect crystal after excitation with a flash of x-rays from the world's strongest pulsed source, the SACLA x-ray free electron laser in Harima, Japan.
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