Sentences with phrase «xenophobia made»

Speaking with Bloomberg, Y Combinator co-founder Paul Graham said Silicon Valley would be «the first to suffer if it got harder to come to America or if increasing xenophobia made fewer people want to.»

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«Although we do not aim to make any political endorsements with this letter, we do express our unequivocal stance against the xenophobia, sexism, racism, and other forms of bigotry that you have actively and implicitly endorsed in your campaign.»
Our nation's strong overtones of racism, sexism, xenophobia and misinformation are already unsettling, made more so by
Our nation's strong overtones of racism, sexism, xenophobia and misinformation are already unsettling, made more so by The Handmaid's Tale.
I've made some new friends (and maybe a few enemies) along the way, and had my thoughts on soccer (or football, depending on your level of xenophobia) read by a much larger audience than I ever could have imagined.
Many people have made good points both for and against the stable futures of Pakistan and India, but increasingly the comments have moved away from political analysis and towards what could be considered to be xenophobia, which is a form of debate that Politics In Spires can not support.
«If we are going to make New York a bulwark against Trumpism, Democratic State Senators must unite to show their unequivocal opposition to the racism, misogyny, xenophobia, and sharp departure from democratic norms that Trump is set to unleash.
Above all, increasing populist politics, intolerance and xenophobia in some member states must not make the EU become indifferent or less generous towards the world's victims of conflict and persecution.
«We know, for example, that some Labour activists worry that engaging with Englishness means making concessions to racism and xenophobia.
All of them are committed to the same general principles - to make a bold nationwide rejection of racism and xenophobia and counter the ongoing hostility towards immigration that has transformed words like migrant and immigrant into pejorative terms.
«His xenophobia and lack of foresight has even made him willing to kill his own initiative, the Education Investment Tax Credit, a measure that would benefit his own constituents.
And here, as in last year's I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry, Sandler interestingly attempts to blend genuine social commentary with copious gross - out humor in much the same way that Mel Brooks did in Blazing Saddles (a movie that, beyond the beans - around - the - campfire gags, wore its heart so firmly on its sleeve in favor of racial brotherhood that it stopped just short of singing «Kumbaya» to its audience); Sandler, who's admirably never been shy about proudly proclaiming his Jewishness, takes on xenophobia, suggests that Israelis and Palestinians CAN get along and — most controversially of all, perhaps — makes a case that disco music CAN be enjoyable in the right time and place.
There are a lot of heavy - handed lip service about terrorism, xenophobia, and democracy tossed around, but Snyder lacks the nuance to make it add up to anything.
Mary: Even when the legislative environment is inclusive and extends educational opportunities to refugee learners, as we see in the Kenyan context, national security threats can roll back any progress made by refugee students in gaining access to national schools, as fear and xenophobia trigger government crackdowns on relocating urban refugees back to the camps or their countries of origin under the guise of «voluntary repatriation.»
Trump has made no secret of his xenophobia.
Currently, racism and xenophobia limits the immigration that has made this country great, endangers immigrants and makes the path to citizenship inaccessible.
The recurrent occupation of Adrian Piper with the racism, xenophobia, and misogyny is more than ever present on the global scale, which makes the whole retrospective rather politically engaged and actual.
The artists, among which are Kara Walker, Simon Denny, Wolfgang Hillmans, Lynette Yiadom - Boakye, Paul Chan, Andrea Bowers, Samuel Fosso, Jonathas de Andrade, and Villar Rojas, either adopt indirect and subtle methods to weigh on certain historic milestones from the history of mankind, or make fierce and uncompromising comments on the grave impacts of racism, xenophobia, economic unjust or prejudice that impact countless individuals.
Piper, too, would later make work that continued to deal with ethics more broadly, expanding the concerns at the heart of her earlier work which often confronted xenophobia, no longer taking her race or gender as the subject of her work.
Made in 1995 while he was intoxicated, the speech, in Fraser's words, was laden with homophobia, misogyny and xenophobia — viewpoints she suggests that Kippenberger affected as a caricature of the German art scene at that time, her re-enactment becoming an institutional critique of Kippenberger's own critique.
Moreover, the European Union's Framework Decision on Racism and Xenophobia provides that denying or grossly trivialising «crimes of genocide» should be made «punishable in all EU Member States».
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